Pup’s journey of 2023

@LouDog420 is working with the Violeta right now for the upcoming batch of chucks for St Jude, check out his thread for sure.

@upstate has a good post you should read:


Thank you really much this is so helpful :pray:t3::v:


Purple Malawi is purple haze x malawi, no relation to PCK and the malawi uses the reversed old Killer malawi mom

Malawi x PCK is the old killer malawi x PCK purple pheno reversed

Violeta is the purple pheno of malawi (not purple malawi listed above) x PCK, and has both fem and standard versions. The purple malawi pheno is a heavily recessive pheno that flowers quicker than the old killer malawi and has some color, with a bit less potency and raciness…

Based on the seed pack shown, you have the third variety standard version, which is the same I’m growing out now for selections unless dubi further worked the line since 2016. See the Beans 4 St. Jude thread for some pics in the latest post.

Good vibes,


Damn you really know what you grow :grin:
That’s some interesting background.
I’ll definitely follow along you feed, those are some beautiful plants im looking forward to growing.

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There’s a 100% Chance that Pakistan Chitrall Kush was used in the Ace purple Malawi. The F2 generation does not even look like a sativa. 100% indica look to it… Also the smells and teepanes both are associated with that Pakistani Ace carries. There is no strawberry chewing gum aroma in the Malawi landrace. nor is there a 10 week flowering time.
I think this fact has finally been admitted to by Dubi.

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There is another option and that is that they let some Pakistani pollen get loose and it accidentally nailed their Malawi

This picture of purple Malawi F2 grown by @YoBigdaddy Proves an indica gene input beyond all doubt.
I’m not saying that it isn’t any good, only that it’s not a sativa from Malawi.


Small update:
Violetta seeds went into the soil.

2 days later both came trough the soil

Placed the pot in my tent now lights are dimmed down.


Hi @GrowPup, from spain.

Good grows!..or as someother says Grow and Roll!!!

Thank you @Piter , good growing from germany✌️

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Hii folks, I just came back from my holidays in Italy.

Here are some pictures.

My plants look happy and are growing well.

I will transplant them tomorrow in new soil.


Today I prepare everything for my future transplants.

I got a big compost in the garden and took some of it to sterilise it.

Full of nutrition :drooling_face:

I put that in the oven at 200’C/400F until it’s dry

I feel very bad for the worms I couldn’t save

Hello fellow OG’s,

I finally repotted my plants.
Since I don’t really have ago to method I decided this time I will transplant them first in a mix of coco and home made compost wich I showed above.
I really don’t know if thats good, bad or neither.
I do everything very spontaneous and see what the results looks like, hopefully finding my perfect way to go someday.

While transplant I noticed that one plant has a way stronger stem while the others had twice as much roots maybe even more.

So far I like the variety.

Here is a picture of plant to plant comparison.

Hope yall have a great day


Looking forward to this Grow, and you made a great choice… My Violetta grows this coming Spring!

Best Wishes

Thank you, im very happy to hear that I bought the violetas without any backround info. Since then I have seen some fire pics.


Best Wishes, I’m pulling up a Chair GP.
Pups away!

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