Pure colombian gold (peru)

Super cool stuff dude! Got a question. If you find the terps you’re looking for but the flower is really sparse, can you genetically “insert” the terp profile into something else? If so, what cut would you use to breed with it? Curious if you chose something with a similiar profile or something known to bland like the white.

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Good eye…few things…

If these were grown in a hot dry place no seeds they would be much denser

They are quite big.

A wet Oct combined with longer flowering pure sativas is not the best season this year.

All I care about right now is crossing her with my skunkiest pre soviet Afghanis…original island pink…tuna kush (loudest, densist bud ive ever seen) and an old skinky ghani I call “81”

In the future I will be inbreeding all the best phenos within themselves. And will be test running how she turns out with the f1 donors.

I have little experience with this landrace so who knows what the future has in store?



Thanks for the insight! I’m still learning about the art of breeding so anytime I can peek inside the work of a seasoned fellow I’m grateful.
I noticed some late 70’s/early 80’s heirloom skunks available at the moment from a Florida breeder that may be of interest to you. Sunshine State Seed Co I believe.

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Cool :sunglasses: dude

Thanks for sharing. I will check them out.

I honestly trust guys that grew skunk and have old seeds vs people selling stuff. Hard to tell who is who when profit is involved you know?

Thanks for sharing and tuning g in


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Just a little update;

The “og kush” pheno was given an extra week of sun. The tops had to be harvested early due to threat of rot.

Well. Took a big fresh wiff this a.m. and got a real loud skunk pheno. I wished all the plants had an extra 4 weeks to finish properly



I think your theories have some truth to them. Just don’t get too attched to them being the law

Here is the definition for a landrace strain for those that are interested:

Landrace Cannabis Strains are strains ( varieties ) of cannabis plant that have developed over time for at least 100 years in their natural environment and have not been crossed to other varieties, Over a large number of generations this reduces the genetic variation of the plants and often makes the plants from a landrace stain very uniform in appearance and growing characteristics. Each unique cannabis cultivar has adapted to a very specific location and climate.

Over time, these strains will have developed unique characteristics to better survive in their distinct climate. Said another way, landrace strains are indigenous cannabis plants.

Some are cultivated to make unique types of hashish, charas, fiber of for flower, others grow wild in their respective countries.

*with that being said. If plants have been growing in colombia since the 1500’s…it makes them landraces.

If these Colombians were sourced in peru…and only been there since the 70s or 80s…it’s safe to close the debate that colombian gold (peru) is quite accurate.

While we are at it…I’m sure everyone would love to see the jungle bud you sourced from deep in the heart of the Amazon basin



I thought that was a well understood definition of landrace. I don’t know if anyone that speaks of landraces as if they are the first of the species aside from those in East Asia. Seems equally well known that some really cool ancient dudes found it and took that shit wherever they went. I could be wrong, but the varieties that developed an isolated reproducing population with adapted genetic expressions to be the most fit their environment, are phenotypes of the species. We call them landraces, and I think there’s a few of them down there, in India, Korea, Siberia, hell there’s a breeder in New England making an American.
I’m not really sure what to make of the purple runtz comment he made. In any event, my faith is in you dude. Keep dropping the knowledge on us.

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Newbies man.

I was there too once. :grinning:

Thanks growmie


P.s. and ya.

Sadley the English/Spanish “history” is all most people think is the truth

Lots of evidence of African and Polynesian travel long before Columbus:)

But that common knowledge really ain’t too common to most unfortunatly


Found a pick of the original flower I got the seeds from

Man would be nice to get back there



Beautiful work man! Amazing strains as always!


This was actually the bud from the jungle! Where I sourced the seeds from!



Damn man the trips and stories to source some of your seeds must be epic. Saw your sketched plane landing :nauseated_face:.
To even obtain the seeds to grow these rare lines are amazing let alone actually growing and sharing these with the world.:+1: Still love to watch your grows.


It’s wasn’t the objective of the trip. But def added value!



I’m waaay outa Likes, morning @medmanbrand. Good Luck with your Adventures!!!


LIKE Like like lol, what a beauty lil’ purple bud


Here is the rks pheno before processing seeds



Those are long ass tric stems, and so many on the underside of a blueish sliver looking leaf!:ok_hand:




Cool, man. I have been a fan of your work, and when you were taking a break, when I was running your gear. It is strange to see you work here in this thread like me. It’s nice, high quality pictures and fun to see.