Puzzling Strain Name

imo yes it would still be skunk1


This is also my understanding of it.
It had to be called shit to distinguish his work from other skunk #1 ,because of a falling out or something that Mr Nice had with others they were working with.
I can’t recall the whole story atm but know it is out there on the interwebs. I think I may of read the story on the Mr nice forums years ago.


This is the entry about Shit in the Big book of buds.


The old breeders (and to an extent the new) took a lot of liberty with what they called what, and the lineage behind it…big grain of salt required. It’s almost all based on a few inbred lines and specific clones that get passed around Holland. Stuff got renamed between seed companies, renamed when grown elsewhere, renamed by dealers, etc. More myth than truth. Story sells and all that.

Afghan, Skunk, NL, Haze C…pretty much everything we know today, all variations thereof.

Example…look at Soma gear…I’m supposed to believe there’s Korean landrace in there? No way.


Well as skunk isn’t the most stable genetic you could get all sorts of phenotypes. Then it might not even be skunk but some kind of of random X. Petigree is vital.

So I work dark ghost train (grape ape X ghost train S1). So basically an S1 chuck to selected cuts, not so chucky due to selection of cuts. I cross to my g13hp I’ve had for years to introduce good stability to the polyhybrid. I call it 13 ghosts cause of the cross and cause there are ruins from the early 1800’s nearby. It’s now f2.

I need at least 3 more generations of breeding to take to f5. Then I’ll femme the cross. It’s still not a cultivar and it’s a polyhybrid. There are international standards for cultivars vs hybrids. As for name, when you actually do work not just chuck call it what you will. Even a pollen chuck F1 or S1 is still a strain and can be named whatever you want.


Most Dutch genetics came out the USA, haze, skunk, NL etc. At one point Sam the skunkman was flooding Holland with seeds. Every strain was crossed with skunk like Durban poison. Dutch DP has skunk genetics mixed in.

That’s why I prefered travelling to places and collecting in country vs buying a pack of ace seeds. Not that covid makes that convenient or cheap anymore. That or friends travelling. Kazak, Tanzanian etc.

Basically its just people finding phenotypes and renaming it so they can stake claim to the real breeders work without actually doing the work and spending the time.

The Big Book of Buds… great reference book :vulcan_salute:


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I have had both 1 and 2 since they first came out. Back then it was my only strain reference. Spent a ridiculous amount of time reading and re reading them. Always felt like a potheads version of the Sears wishbook lol


Pretty sure Sensi and Seedsman are already battling it out in court over who gets to call their strains “Unicorn Poop” - the sprinkles might add a bit of flavor, but you’ll still get sued. :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: boy, this was one hell of a necro. Sorry about that! However, it doesn’t make “Unicorn Poop” any less proprietary intellectual property…

lol I was being facetious… Names which inherit parents names make it easy to figure lineage. WTF was unicorn poop? Some of the names I have seen just crack me up. Guess it keeps it interesting…

Facetious too. I don’t think there’s actually a strain called unicorn poop, at least not yet… the big companies in Europe definitely are battling it out over who gets naming rights to particular legendary strains, though. Mr. Nice’s Black Widow springs to mind; I think Sensi and Seedsman are actually battling it out over the naming rights to Durban Poison, or perhaps that’s been settled now since one of them is simply using the name Durban instead; Sannie’s Shop had to rename their Jack Herer. There’s probably plenty of other examples I don’t know about.

Now that I think about it though, I might have to name my first breeding experiment unicorn poop, if you haven’t already patented it. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m thinking Alien Glue Invador (sic) x Thunderfuck Mountain, cause why not?

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I’ll take my royalties in the form of seeds please :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ThugPug beat you to it


Curses, foiled again! And I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it hadn’t been for those meddling kids…


Thug pug unicorn poop bx1 and f3


Your correct some nice plants in that strain

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It is indeed some very “nice shit.” But not from a unicorn! Unicorns, other than being more polite, are just like everybody else; they poop too.