Quetta '22 Balochistan, Pakistan

These seeds where collected in Quetta Pakistan and were distributed through the Indian Landrace Exchange. They released seeds from 3 selected females. I started growing 4 seeds from each selection in March and I am preparing to harvest in the next couple weeks. I’m going to use this thread to catch everyone up on what the grow has been like so far and any projects i plan to do with the Quetta in the future.


So I believe I popped these march 19th all 12 cracked and broke soil looking great only one out of the bunch was a mutant which I was surprised because I’ve heard people say there is a lot of mutants in landraces. These pics were taken about 14 days after soak. Bare with me I’m going to go through my phone and collect most of the pics I can, so this will be a update/photo bomb for the next few posts

April 10th was date of last 3 photos


Love those wide leaves :kissing_heart:, following along … popcorn

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Had my eye on these previously, glad to be able to watch someone grow them out. Good luck!

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I smoked hash in Quetta back in the 90’s

great stuff ; no munchies !

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Pic taken may 5th all are in one gallons growing fast most are very tall and lanky only a couple short and squats. I was under the impression these would be more indica but after doing some research they seem to be more sativa and flower for 12-14 weeks. I ended up with 5 females 2 from the 1, 2 from the 2, and one from the 3. I ended up chopping the number three it was growing super lanky and way to fast for me I will look for a picture of the 3 from when I chopped it if it’s still on my phone. I kept 3 males outdoors and out 3 females outdoors prob not the best idea in Maine during the summer with the most rain we’ve had in a hundred years haha but they did good considering they are from dry conditions and seeds are forming which was the goal so that’s good. I kept the second number 2 female indoors based off of structure, internode spacing, and stem rub which is honestly something I don’t usually get too excited for but this literally smelled like the description super gassy and fruity like apricots. It was the shortest most squat with biggest side branching outta the bunch, which is what I was hoping I would find. Also the leaves on all the other plants (taller more spaced phenos) had 5 finger maple like leaves super fat while the number 2 had long sawtooth blade leaves with 7 and 9 fingers


Number 2


So this girl honestly got neglected and left in a one gallon until I had space for her to go into flower room I dedicated whole flower room to her first few weeks. she was up potted into a 20 gallon pot on july 17th and vegged for 4 weeks before flip longer than normal but I felt bad she was crammed in a one gallon so long… Ps I didn’t feed her at all the whole time and barely watered because I read that they where use to dry spells, she loved it stayed green the whole time.


August 7th flower is started pics here are from the 17th 10 days in on 12/12 at some point I think 2 weeks in I switched to 10/14 and noticed they loved it

Had to hack off a bunch of the lowers it got way to insane they where going horizontal off the plant and I knew once buds formed in would be a floppy mess so tried to clean her up took more than usual but was expecting 12-14 weeks flower so did want a mess by the end of it


Aug. 25th


Very cool I was eyeballing these and the maruf big time! Nicely done and thanks for sharing, looking forward to hearing and seeing your final results

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Yeah the maruf looked nice too. I was lucky enough to throw down on a couple of packs with a buddy. We snagged some of the afghans from daman village and a few more of the different Balochistan offerings. This has been a great grow so far didn’t know what to expect with the landraces but super easy to grow. I’ve never grown anything that doubled in size and stacked so quick it’s under a 350cmh didn’t do anything special in veg or flower just added some dry amendments to the soil when I flipped less seems to be more with this one also making sure to let it dry back good it doesn’t like to be watered often.


Definitely sounds right for those affie lsndraces, those are exactly what I’d like to explore more. I’m positive there’s absolute fire in there especially for breeding material. Look forward to more .


September 4th 4 weeks into flower


These look very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

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:pray: thanks for stopping by

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September 14th

Some pollen I collected to dust some lowers with


October 8th plant is very floral with some hidden funk can’t really describe it some days it almost has a haze ish smell to it. The camera phone sucks pics don’t really do it justice but it’s very frosty the trichomes are standing up straight off this thing thinking it’s going to make some good hash


This is one of the females out doors seeded up. It seems the females out doors smell way more fruity and exotic than the indoor one not sure if I made a bad selection for the indoor or if these things shine outdoors and show there true potential out under the sun. Still very happy with the indoor girl so far but was expecting more of those smells to pop up in the indoor… Also didn’t try extremely hard but clones did not want to root not sure if landraces are more finniky with that or if I didn’t put in enough energy


That looks really nice for being so young.

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