Quick question about Mag Sulfate

Hello OG. So, I would like to add more magnesium to my veg nutes with out adding more nitrogen. My guess would be Epsom salts. My question is, being that Epsom salt is ten% magnesium, and 13% sulfur, would it be antagonistic to add it to a fert that contains only 2% calcium? Not sure if that makes sense, but I assume that would throw off the 2-1 Ca/Mg ratio? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but any help is appreciated.


Are you removing calmag from your feeding in flower and the plants are only getting a little calcium from your base if so you will have to add more calcium to bring it up to at least what was originally
I’m probably at say 3/2
I use canna calcium mono and Epsom salts as my calmag replacement to cut down on my n in flower : )
You really need a spread sheet to do what your wanting to play with now


Hello @ifish. Actually, I want to raise the magnesium in my veg nutes, without raising the N. I’m using dynagro foliage pro as my base, and it’s already at 9% N. I Wanted to add Epsom salts but wasn’t sure if the 10% Mg would antagonize the only 2% calcium it contains.

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Was thinking maybe I would be better off going with GH Calimagic. It has 5% calcium and 2% magnesium and only 1% nitrogen. That would then give me 10% N, 7% Ca, and 2% Mg. Thinking that might be a little better?


If I have 2% calcium and I add 10 ml to Rez I get say 20ppm if I add then 1 mi of 13 mag I get 13 ppm of mag , so overal ratio is 2/1 or very close , % doesn’t come into it really it’s more about final ppm of each element in Rez , the ratio is an afterthought to see how it compares kind off

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I have not used any Cal mag for the past three runs. I have not seen a need for it. Even in coco. I am using Dynagrow mag pro though. That is a 2-15-4 non with 2% magnesium and no calcium.

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That calmag is great : ) n is nice and low

Calcium mono and epsome , n is zero , pushing even harder

I Think I will use the Callimagic then. Keep the N low, and still have a decent ratio of Ca to Mg without anything becoming antagonized.

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You must have nice level of calcium in your tap : ) gradually add the extra epsome I don’t think it will do harm , I think you got enough calcium in your tap to go with the extra mag your adding , and sure you will be on the lookout for any stress and will know exactly why if it does start to slightly show then back of , no worries : )


Yes! My tap is never over 150ppm. I think I was having issues with to much Ca when I was using the cal mag.

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So I was originally thinking of adding around 130 ppm of epsom to 470 ppm of my base nutes to bring up the Mg without adding extra N. That’s when I thought the 10% Mg would antagonize the 2% Ca. @ifish you think I could still do this without worrying about the ratio to much?

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Also what is this Calcium mono you speak of? Not cal nitrate correct?

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I am at 3/2 ( calcium and mag ) total in Rez , I find them mag hungry : )
I say go for it but for this run do in stages 4 days apart and keep close eye , but I don’t see a problem if your on the ball

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Yes it’s canna calcium mono , it’s not calcium nitrate , there’s no n in it : ) good stuff , but you won’t need it as your tap has plenty , my tap is 40ppm , very soft , I must add calcium , mag and iron to every feed


Ok. I feel confident now to add the epsom. I sometimes maybe worry a little to much about ratios :nerd_face:

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That calcium mono sounds like a good thing to have in the arsenal. I could never find stand alone Ca products. Always have Mg in them.

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It’s threw controlled trail and error that we learn want they like in our particular set up : ) just never go overboard at once and only tweek one thing per grow always watching them closely and comparing them to previous pics you’ve taken etc : )

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Canna also do magnesium mono , this helps control the sulfur thu out the grow : )


Thanks for the help as usual @ifish. Don’t know what I’d do with out ya! Will check out The Canna sight. Could do with some of that Mag mono right about now lol!


Maybe if you see @GramTorino about he might help you out with a spreadsheet , hes coco too , might be nice to compare keeping in mind the different taps : )