RANCID & FOUL - the ’STANKIEST’ flower - Corpse Flower f2 Hunt - 2024 SoilTech Swamp Run

Looking good, that’s along trench to dig man lol, but it sounds like it did what it was suppose to do. You definitely are putting your time into this grow and wish you the best of luck!! Thanks for the update!


Off the chart determination and dedication to make this work. Well done man. Thanks for the update. :+1::v:


Thank you both for the kind words - I might just like to punish myself - today I dug the trench much deeper and through the bull rushes right up to the small hoop house.

The swamp will likely drain very close to empty with this latest effort.

I’ve had to also bush whack an alternate trail from my house to the swamp as my original path has some new tenants - I was scaring the mother off the nest, it appears to be some kind of rare ground nesting bird.

So until these little guys hatch and leave the nest I’ll be taking a bit more of a trek around for the tarp pulls - the current daily schedule is off at 7:30 am and back on at 7:30 pm. Tonight will be their second night of flower - I’ll snap a pic of the hoops tarped up soon.



Salute to U @Soiltech :muscle::muscle::muscle:…LuV what U got going on…Man Ur like Macgyver out there…Moose Poop Suppositories :flushed::flushed::flushed:…Seen Reference to the ABC during my short time here on OG, first time getting a good Look at her …I Thank U​:muscle::muscle::muscle:…And the Corpse sounds Dope…


Eggs don’t match up for the Nightengale - this is some kind of ground nesting bird - I did see it. It’s got long legs - it’s some kind of spotted sandpiper potentially - a plover maybe or even some sort of Killdeer. Either way I’ve been giving them their space - will prob take a closer look in a week or so and maybe see the babies.


I have a similar nest in the field. The bird acts wounded and tries to draw you away every time you get close.

I’m talking to them half the time I’m tending the plants, reassuring them I’m not going to hurt the eggs :rofl::rofl:


Ahh, we have those on the farm. They lay eggs in the gravel road, and are always running around there.


It does kind of look like Kill deer eggs.


Had the time to cover up the soil on the plants - the big flower hoop house got hay.

The smaller flower tent recieved the Cadillac of top dress - wild harvested horse tail - it is chock full of silica and I’m hoping there will be some added benefit of slow release perhaps.


How the new boots working out for you? Nice healthy looking plants!


Plants look super happy and healthy!


So cool to see your set up @Soiltech ! Brings me back to my time in the bush and all the things we use to rig up, guerilla style. I hope your feet stay dry and you find some rancid corpse terps back in the swamp this year!


Good morning OG!

Here is a snap of a little snake soaking up the morning rays this morning.

@Sailorboy Boots are trucking along - solid after hours of metal spade use.

On that note - swamp is drained - only wet in the spots I frequently was walking… such as the walkway in each hoop house. It’s all deep muddy guck in those places - where there is grasses still growing it’s walkable without boots.

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@Funkwizard333 thanks - I am showing off the happy ones for sure - I do have some with a soil mix that was heavy in 4x4 sunshine mix and they don’t look as primed. But beside the moose poop - quality soil and diluted swamp water - no one’s has any additional feed. I have some eggshell extract and bone extract I may use in the coming weeks as we kick into flower.

:facepunch: @Budderton guerilla was the way. (Hey! Did you send me some packs? I may have a few crosses going in this hoop - magnum opus outcrosses?)


I can’t remember (old stoner brain) and I don’t keep list but the magnum opus is not something I have worked with.
Pulling tarps on a regular schedule is a bitch eh? I used to pull the tarp at 7 pm and open it back up at 7 am before I went to work. Takes dedication to be there at the same time, daily. Good on you. Do you stop the light dep once you’re past the solstice?


@budderton I got to the bottom of this.

I know there was some seeds I was running from a pack with your OG profile on it.

How did these test? Worth an f2 ? I have only 2 plants but they worked out to be a male and female. Here is a shot of each.

@JustANobody reminded me after a post to another thread of some packs he sent my way. One of which I’ve got crosses going in the swamp. (The chocolate diesel x magnum O)


The f1s where good. Folks are finding good stuff in the f1 and 2s. We just took the off shoot dwarf Affie 11 line to f3.
The Affie 9s are at f2 but the will be progressed as well.
Here’s a link to the thread that lays out the project,


Nice, thank you for linking me up. Maybe will use these in an outcross or two rather than an increase. Will def leave some untouched branches in anticipation for some nice Afghani smoke.

If I remember correctly these came in another trade not direct from @Budderton


Alright - males came up quick here. I’ve been making a trip to the male shed with each tarp pull twice a day since Friday.

I see the affie male I mentioned earlier has already released some pollen - the first I’ve noticed. Luckily he’s already quarantined. Just in time.

Will go through their labels soon and decide which males I won’t need at all.

At least half of the Corpse Flower if not more are males. Def the happiest group of plants as they had some extra attention when I mixed their soil.

I will get some pictures of the Corpse males I landed on. I have only culled one male so far - I thought maybe he was just having a tough start. But he’d gotten more twisty than I liked to see.

Will have an interesting update around the corner - I’m moving all the females into one hoop house and some new ‘tenants’ for the room made in the second one. :wink:


Sand Piper’s have hatched and are living their best swamp life. :call_me_hand: