Randar’s 2024 Grow

Hello to all. This will be a grow diary of my 2024 grow. More details of the setup will be coming along, but for now, I just finished dropping the below into glasses of water in preparation for sowing.

  1. Cap Junky (from @LoveDaAutos)
  2. Gorilla Glue (from @DGCloud)
  3. Frankenstein (from @JohnnyPotseed)
  4. Kosher x G13 x Purple Kush (from @bluelizard)

Let the games begin!


Nice lineup @Randar , best of luck with your grow. :v:


You’re starting an all-star cast with those strains. Hope they all grow well for you.


Popcorn is ready here to watch this show for sure. Happy growing!

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Alright, a little update here. All four of the seeds were cracked and showing signs of life, so they’ve all been placed into their final homes which consist of 5-gallon fabric grow bags and basic, store bought soil. They’re in my 4x4 roof cube grow tent along with my Mars FC-E3000 grow light set at 25% intensity and sitting about 20” above the soil surface.

Nothing much to see at this point, but here’s a look at the tent.

Additionally, I’m contemplating sprouting 5 Bubblegum x Mikado seeds (from @lunchpale) in a few weeks to grow in smaller pots. Weed out the males and use the Blue Moon Rocks pollen (from @DougDawson) to pollinate those smaller plants along with a bud or two from the main four plants. Still deciding on that, though.


We have life! Both the Gorilla Glue and Purple Kush sprouted this morning. The other two have yet to break surface, but should surely do so this weekend.


Today is day 7. All four plants are doing well. Picture of the group is below. Right now they’re still under 50% intensity, though I’ll be cranking that up over the next week. Also will be going from 18/6 to 20/4.


Looking good @Randar . What’s the thinking behind going from 18hrs of light to 20hrs? I’ve seen people veg under 18 or under 24 but not switching like this. Makes me curious.

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No thinking other than I was keeping it at 18/6 for the seedling stage and then 20/4 for veg. Mainly so that I maximize light but still have a decent dark period. Again, nothing I’m basing this off of other than pure preference.

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Here are the ladies at day 12. Lights are at 100% and on a 20/4 schedule. They’re getting watered when dry with a light Mega Crop solution (1/4 tsp in 3 quarts of water).

So far all are doing well. (The Cap Junky, lower right corner, is a bit behind as it came out with a seed helmet and then was a little deformed to start but has recovered well)


Day 18 update. All are still looking good, with the Cap Junky (lower right) still lagging behind. Will be looking to top them in the coming week.

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No picture today, but all four plants have been topped and are growing quite nicely.


No pic needed. Glad to hear all plants are growing nicely :blush:

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Day 26. All have been topped and are showing great growth. Water and nutes are slowly being increased. Leaf tucking is happening every day.

Next week I’m planning on performing the first defol.

Clockwise from upper left we have: Gorilla Glue, Purple Kush, Cap Junky, and Frankenstein.


Day 32 for the ladies. Still a few weeks before I flip to 12/12, so today I gave them all a pretty heavy defol and also tied them down. They’re looking pretty sparse at the moment, but should bounce back nicely in the coming weeks.


Two days later and the plants are already filling in and bouncing back.


Day 39. Everyone is doing well. The back two plants had some rust spots on the new leaves, so they each received a little cal-mag during this morning’s watering. Thinking about 5-10 more days until I flip to 12/12.


Looking good dude. Big plants, you’re going to have some real monsters by the time you flip and make it through the stretch!

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You have very beautiful plants! They all look so happy! I wish you smooth sailing and a bountiful harvest. Your plant choice is steller too.


Thanks all. I’m hoping for some good yields and looking forward to trying all these great strains.