Random west coast dispo vs your finest

you can consider yourself a brave one, i didnt see any of the people who talk trash about the dispo show up, thats all i mean. the horde is just going to ignore it, because thats what you can do online, but that doesnt really make the bud better. just makes their tolerance lower.

man i just think about it like “they need to know the shit theyre going up against has been completely dried out in order to compete??” :rofl:


So, this isn’t a real thing. Just a thread for @RainToday to show their nuts.

I have black walnuts we harvested this fall.


It’s not like Cali packs haven’t been flooding the market for years.


ya, i mean if people want to go up against something thats been vac seeled and stuffed inside a barrel they can.

when i first came to portland there was this dude took a shine to me, used to rant about politics and whatever but said his “buddy” grew some dank. it was obviously him. he begged me to try it, i looked at it and knew it was probably grown ok but everything after was bad. that bud legitimately probably had 1% thc, tasted like nothing, and it would get him blazed eyes red as hell, he didnt want to hear any advice about it or even admit it was his. i see a lot of that, im not saying “everyone online is scared” but ya most of the people who stroke themselves clearly are.

Isn’t this thread just an ego stroking? Very RIU like.


i honestly thought more people like jetdro would show up and say “this is my shit, its better than the dispo”… do you want to put your buds up or do you want to tell me that my thread is pointless and i should shut up and show you pictures of plants?

Lol I’m good, I post plenty.


have you ever tried smoking a live plant? i cant get high off pictures of plants man.

Honestly if you can’t grow better weed than what’s in the dispo there’s a problem. A personal or even small commercial is what 2-20 pounds. Those dispo grows can hit 100-1000 pound weights. Very different handling procedure.


I’ve had countless strains and brands here from dispensaries and they almost always disappoint. Except this Chocolate Diesel I had a few months ago. This is like comparing a home cooked meal by your grandma to a McDonalds happy meal for dinner.


yea man. what im trying and failing to communicate is that there is not really any difference in quality. and without someone objectively comparing them its sort of pointless to talk about. dispo quality fluctuates widly, run to run there are huge differences in end product that they have been running for years and years and clearly havent dialed in. i really dont see any bud at a store thats been dialed in fully.

Yes, yes it is. There is a degree of subjectivity in what weed is “the best”, for myself personally I look for consistency on each run and getting the best out of the genetics. I don’t think this agro dick measuring contest has much place on OG.


Than talk about this. It’s two different industries. The other point to dispensary weed that no one talks about is It’s NOT headstash quality! Most people who want that quality level are already growing there own or know someone. The vast majority of people buying from the dispensary are looking for a reasonable good product


i will grow my own from now on, but i have seen no evidence that black market bud is in any way higher quality. the small timers smell cool when they walk by you in the store but the bud is not better. of course there is someone out there putting out good product, legal or not, but the “standards” we hold are not the same as they used to be regardless.

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I used to grow for dispos in the 215 era, also was friends with lotsa buyers. and i can say with confidence that the quality standard back then was infinitely higher than today. nowadays i see rookie growers with better bud than at dispos. last times ive had dispo weed it was worse than 300 dollar lbs floating around.


it actually smokes good? im willing to be wrong. i gave some ethos seedlings to a guy here, stuff looked amazing and i swear it must have not even had a single drop of THC in it. and im not sure who came up with the idea that commercial legal grows harvest everything at 8-9 weeks because ive been in many and those plants are grown to maturity. the homegrown i see not so much. GMO is a perfect example, everyone was growing that here a few years back and the only batches i have ever seen that werent early were from a dispo.

I’ll throw my nugs up against ANY dispo ANY day.


I would happily compete if I weren’t in the midwest.


I’d enter just for the fun of it, but im.nowhere near the west coast. Once recreational passed here a couple years ago, I picked up some dispensary bud. In my opinion it was just a waste of money.
Nothing really about it stood out and every time I did get dispensary bud, i smoked it with my friend so there would be another person to give feedback. She would say the same thing and ask if I brought any of mine. Now, I’m no way claiming to be a master or the best, I’m just a simple guy that likes growing and havent found anything from a dispensary I would ever choose over my own even if it was free.

this was harvested last week