Random west coast dispo vs your finest

i would for sure smoke that.

one thing the newer legal producers cant grow at all are the OGs and chems. i have not seen a quality end product of either since leaving california. there is for sure some nuance to it. id bet lots of overgrow folks could win with their OG cut theyve done a few cycles with over any OG from a dispo here, no matter how it was handled post-harvest.


when i say rookie growers, i should say im referring to young dudes i knew that learned on the commercial scene with less than a year of cropping. cuz i totally agree, a lotta newer growers take stuff down way too early. but on the flip side ive known soooo many warehouse grows that chop on week 8 or 9 no matter what, and just do stuff no justice lol


man up here i dont really see any of it. but yea dont think youre lying either. there must still be a market for flower in cali though? here there isnt, and that probably is a huge factor. everyone is selecting/growing for hash now, we really have no idea how the flower would turn out because its never even dried lol. we are sitting at like $100 a lb for warehouse indoor now, and that stuff is probably harvested better than the $50 an eighth half the time. its weird. like why does everyone hate kimbo kush? there is a producer here that keeps growing piles of it and cant sell it. fresh its pretty good but it sits around for 2 years before people smoke it. and yet they dont stop growing it lol. some really weird dynamics.


A lot of what your talking about is a direct result of IG pretty pictures. It’s become more about the picture than the effects. I believe this is the big difference between now and 10-15 years ago.


man i heard people say this about that ethos gear then i smoked it and what youre talking about could not be more clear to me now. the thing that is painful for the consumer is that when they dare to venture away from the “top shelf” which can read as “cookies” most of the time, and explore different genetics, it ends up being worse quality most of the time. not talking about the effect just i hear from SO MANY people out here in WA/OR that store bought flower just gives them a sore throat/etc and they tend to universally say “i just go for the cookie stuff its smoother”… someone needs to solve that because they cant all grow their own and you guys are super generous here thats awesome but out there people are hiding off in their corners and not sharing.


I once got an eighth from my buddy on my lunch break while at an office job. I brought it back in and the whole entire floor of the large office stunk up.So I had to quickly take it out to the roof and hide it some place til I got off work. I have never had bud that smelled that much from any dispensary ever.

Also ETHOS isn’t “top shelf” and dude has a real bad rep.



Plenty of non-cookie top shelf grown by folks here on OG.

Plus not everyone feels the need to compete at all or act like their herb and techniques they like to use are superior and perfect…


Is everyone sure that there personal grow would pass testing? Different rules there also. Forget the term but water levels in the bud need to be in a specific range.
Oregon and Washington are also incredibly overstocked with flower, which I believe is why everyone is doing hash/oil. It stores better.


Shit I’d deff put my nugs up …
Hell I think I’d even go in using outdoor

Nothing special just whats on the menu for lunch


I’d pepsi challenge anything from the dispo here.


I came here to say


Also wizards.


dude prices are so low here that they priced out the black market lol. they send all their stuff out of state now, basically high school kids are the only ones smoking commercial underground. and i dont hang out with them but its probably just some backyard outdoor. that always bugs me when legal producers say “we cant compete with the black market” - they completely ruined it in oregon at least.


theyre doing oil cuz u can pull all the pesticides outta em! i know how to do it! so they grow a field of the ugliest plants uve ever seen. WPFF that bitch with a t5/b81/AC/DE filter stack. harvested 10 days early. and sell it at dipos for 80 a g to idiots lol


That also is a good reason, but it definitely lasts longer on the shelf. Plus edibles make insane money
All that surplus getting shipped out of state has ruined most markets.


And to inexperienced med patients here in FL lol :joy:

Our hash is so expensive I’ve never bought any myself usually $45-$90 a gram or more even…

I’ve only had bubble from friends or my own work while living here.

I mean. We are all here to see pictures of plants. It’s like tiddies, you can look at them all day and it never gets old.

I agree. Not only because I don’t have a dick. It doesn’t matter how you grow your weed. If it works for you at your house, under your care, in your climate, rolled up in your joint, that’s what matters.

This got me :rofl:
When I walk into a store and notice it smells like weed I smell myself.
Once, I trimmed a shit load of super sticky, rank Jilly Bean cross. The next day at work I had to take my hoodie to my car because it smelled too delicious for the elementary school I work in.
Last week I was in the Dollar General, as one from the mountains does. I kept smelling a smell, so I poked into an empty isle to smell myself. I thought I was discreet but my spouse says “it’s not you”. :rofl:


totally! its all intertwined imo. looks good on a spreadsheet for investors! thats all the legal market is now. can you explain it to a mouth breather VC in 5 minutes? lol

its a curse everywhere! especially cuz at the 215 cups, rosin was $15-30 a gram.


I miss the old events and cups so much lol we didn’t know what we had and how quick it would change !


What really kills me is stuff bought just for packaging. I mean the procurement manager is buying solely on how the package looks on the shelf and tells you that. Your flower is really good, price is great don’t like your packaging