Random west coast dispo vs your finest

It isn’t like this everywhere. There are places in SF that are mom and pop and choose to only sell the best growers from Humboldt and locally. Craft cannabis isn’t huge right now but it will be. That’s what we are. Once legal farms are able to ship and or deliver directly to customers in state, then it will get back to the best stuff again in a legal atmosphere.


My thoughts exactly, the craft cannabis market will survive just like Budweiser vs smaller local craft breweries and such…


there is absolutely no difference between the $40/g rosin in oregon and the $80 stuff. the “6 star” rating is absolutely horseshit. theres a company here that sells the exact crap youre talking about for maybe $25 a gram. but they label it as six star and it reminds me of the old co2 crumble shit. tastes like it too.

@CocoaCoir here these are pretty much all scams. people label stuff as small batch when its not, or they label everything else as “bulk flower” so you are left to assume its small batch. it never is, its sad. the only “small batch” stuff that gets sold is purely medical and it never even reaches a store, its all sold pre-order privately.


here ya go
on the left is some decent commercial indoor i got in paso robels for ~$100/zip (with tax). decent nose, shit trim

on the right is my homegrown. much more floral complex flavors / terps


I dont go some place blind i always do a lot of research ahead of time. Weedmaps/reddit/leafly give me all I need to know. I order from FlowerCO and they have test results on everything. I can look up provider online and usually get good information and reviews of nearly any strain by a company before I get it. I tried nearly every vape cart company and most of them are horrible. I like flowerco/variety drugs then connected, west coast cure and lolo live resin carts are ok but not as clean feeling after as the variety drugs/flower co ones.


Its all a PARODY!


left looks exactly like what the one outfit that dares to grow OG cuts here puts out. its cool seeing them side by side like that.

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:joy: I don’t have man-parts either, it’s why I posted those nuts. Mostly I just ignore pronouns because I’m here to enjoy my weed growing hobby, and I wouldn’t prefer to be called a dudette, :wink: so…

Being pretty new here its taken me a while to notice, but I’m realizing OG has the highest percentage of female growers I’ve seen online. That’s incredibly awesome.


:pray: high fives and welcome.

There are some phenomenal women on OG. The menfolk are alright too.


Here is some of my Rainbow Belts rosin all different grades.
My buddy runs the living soil room at a large Cali/Colorado/Florida/Michigan company that I’m sure you’ve all heard of, and he has given me the seal of approval for my Rainbow Belts rosin vs theirs. I’m hitting the commercial numbers for yields but achieving better rosin stability than them.


I more meant the proverbial dick, but I apologise for my sexist analogy.


No apologies needed. I didnt perceive it as sexist, it’s a well worn phrase. I appreciate every opportunity I get to make my clap-back tiddy jokes, and I met RainToday. So thank YOU for setting that up for me.


awww. some terpenes are water soluble.


Sacrifices must be made in my home, upon the alter of sensitive lungs :supervillain: evil laugh
(I did a side-by-side trial, half of two plants rinsed under the shower, half not. Rinsing produced a much smoother smoke & increased frosty sparkle without other noticeable effect. I expect if I didn’t grow in soil it wouldn’t matter so much. )


terpenes are irritating to the lungs…especially lemonene. makes sense.


Yeah I trimmed for a grower a couple of years back 90% of the weed sucked ass. I think the problem with the commercial growers today is the are just trying to put out as much bud as they can for small investment. And don’t really care about quality.


I apologize if this came off wrong. Oddly my thought was “if there ever was a time to compare the homegrown to the state sanctioned product it’s now.”

They want to strip home growers of the right to grow their own on the basis of health and safety, but I kind of have no choice for my health to go without now, that last batch of dispo did a number on my lungs. Maybe mine will be worse than dispo but I’m sure as hell going to compare them, get mine tested, etc.

I hope someone figures out how to leverage that, before they just start telling us all weed is unsafe because “even the legal cannabis contains x,y,z so surely the homegrown must as well”.

Anyways I’ll go take my over aggressive male dominance t-break crap somewhere else, I’m not dealing with it well this go round lol. Best wishes and again from the start I wanted to show how shit the dispo was, not bash anyone’s homegrown.


To be fair, it’s not the dispos fault New York State screwed it up ROYALLY and they still have to work through 2022 vintage outdoor hahaha.


I’m intimately familiar with the NY trainwreck.
My thread is sharing my experience with the ny market


There is one operator out here who clearly figured it out vs the others. They are straight to hash though, if their flower is available I’ve never seen it. All the real hash heads here will tell you the same thing, don’t bother with anyone else, and they are consistently the cheapest rosin as well for years now. And yes often it is of higher quality. They don’t run from seed, they pheno hunt through 100 plants, basically they do not take short cuts ever. I don’t know the guy who runs it but he seems like a good dude, if there was anyone who could help you in that regard to stay ahead of the spiral it’s him. I can give you his instagram if you want, just not going to blast it everywhere.