Ras-T cheap little box

I drop my seeds in a little bit of water and hydrogen peroxide. Just a few drops for about 24 hours. And then I put them in a food storage container with a paper towel. I use regular tap water. Try and put them in a dark warm place not too hot and just keep an eye on them. You just lay the seeds on the paper towels. You wanna make sure they’re moist and wet not soaking. Because your seed won’t get any oxygen if it’s too wet. And then you should have some little tales. Some start right away. I have some that popped right away.

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Heya @Hemp
I’m not at all used to autoflower
I still have the impression that it lacks vigor
But oh well…

Usually for my seeds i sowed them
direct in soil / dirt but this Time i wanted to do another thing finally I tell myself that I should have sowed them directly as I usually do
But the @JohnnyPotseed germination tech IS really good to get vigorus taproot

Thanks you for your visit my friend


16 days from germination
23C° just tap water
I will let dry a bit my medium before the first top dress fertilisation

So far so good
I’m going to built another mini cab for veg
Like that i could have a correct flowering cycle


First feed Top dressed with algae/myco and worm casting
Watered with worm casting tea
24 C°
Adjusted the light at 12’
HLG said that


20 days from today

I will let them grow a bit and i will LST them for branching UP
It seems they continue to want to grow


I’m digging the grow cabinet. Looking like you are off to a good start. Keep up the good work!


Heya @Ghost_Rider thank you for visiting man
So far so good first try with auto indoor

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24 days
I gave them the second fertilisation
3gr myco
3gr grow
3gr bloom
Tap water
Fulvic pulverisation


Looking good @Ras-T! Following your progress.

I was gifted some Sour Fro-Yo Auto from @joheimgrohen with a seed giveaway from @OnePassionateGrower. Thanks so much to both of you! Awesome people on OG! Beans arrived today in perfect condition. :pray:

I just began a diary as well with my FDM breeders mix OG seeds.

I just ordered a second 4x4 from Vivosun and will be staffed with DIY autofill Microoctopots, Viparspectra KS 5000, Jacks nutes. I plan to grow these Sour Fro-yo in the second setup since we all know gifted OG beans grow better than any others😁

Any advice, opinion, criticism is welcomed I will post the links to a few above mentioned in a bit. Kinda difficult on the phone…



“Sour Fro-yo” is @OnePassionateGrower’s baby. I just provided the pollen. My wife just called me their baby daddy :flushed:

The Femmed pollen was from G13Labs Auto Fro-yo


Many thanks to the baby daddy :grin:

Hope you don’t mind if I hit you up for advice.



Enjoy bud hope they grow well for you :fire:
I’ll definitely be watching along and we are both the parents :joy::joy: @JOHN1234 @joheimgrohen



The inbox is always open. But, I’ll be the first to tell you “I’m no guru.” But hit me up.

My personal view with Autos is “you’re just here for the ride.” They’re going to do their thing however they can with whatever they can get. Provide as close to ideal conditions as you can consistently and you’ll get the best that particular plant can offer. Not all plants are created equally I’ve had autos throw anywhere from barely an oz to almost 6 oz per plant (5.8 oz on that specific plant) so genetics are a big part.

Autos are not long lived and it is borderline pointless to clone them, it can be done (I’ve done it), but that cuts 2-3 weeks out of their already short lifespan, and you will not get a copy like you do cloning photos.

Yields have tended to be smaller with Autos but that has been changing in the past couple years, photos still yeild heaviest but autos are starting to be “worth it” in that area.

Autos do not respond well to high stress training techniques. Gentle bending and light stress techniques are your best bet. They “can” be topped (any plant can have its Apical growth point lopped off) but I can’t say as I ever have topped an auto. So I don’t know the effect.

Sorry about gunking up your thread @Ras-T, I’m a little stoned and rambling.


My thread IS open
everyone Can post knowledge here
Peace out :v::+1::pray:


Heya @SamwellBB how are you Bromingo
Did you recover well with your :heart:‍:fire:?

Veg Cab in process
I will put some of your creation in when it will set up


Day 33
They seems to want to branching up themselves
Without LST or topping
I let them go

I think the fertilization is a little too strong I’m going to put them on a diet for a few days


Bought some plastified paper solo cup
I’m going to germinate some of my cross and some @SamwellBB beans
I will try to do a 12/12 grow


Direct sowing in coco pellets covered with worm compost :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


@SamwellBB yeah Bromingo :metal:

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A couple of auto suggestions for the highly restricted amongst us.

Twisted trees Pure Michigan and Purple alien moon rocks. Very small plants but good yielders considering.