Ras-T cheap little box

Heya @SamwellBB
Spitting cobra and Mac f2 first to sprout


End UP with 12 seedlings
3 Mac f2
2 Spitting Cobra
4 (Ak47 x G13) x Rosetta Stone f2
3 Green Manalishi f2

Autos are good
trichomes begin to appear


A bit strong with fertilisation
TapWater only

Seedlings are cool
Second set of leaves


13 days from sowing so far so good

Little defoliation for better air flow it’s good
53 days now


looks good, Ras-T…nice variety

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Heya saxo how are you?
Thanks for visiting
Do you have a plantation at the moment?

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Autos look good! Not gonna lie…I’m jealous of your seedling survival rate…lol.

So you wet the pellets, put the seeds in and then sprinkled some EWC over them? Earthworm castings seem to be a popular way to pop seeds these days.

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Thanx,i´m fine…hope,You too
no,not myself atm…but i´m lookin forward to see some GM in your tent

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Hi bro
Yep just wet the pellets not too wet of course,
Made a a little hole in it, put EWC , Sow your seeds and cover with EWC that’s it
The survival rate could be much better but i messed up with some seeds

When i was gardenning
I sowed my vegetebles seeds direct in compost manure or EWC with excellent result

WE Can Do the same with cannabis its just a seed


With pleasure my Friend :pray:

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That aint little. During winter I grow in an ice chest (drink cooler). Ha ha ha. :joy:

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The forbidden runtz slowly thicken

and the seedlings grow quickly and quite well


20 days from sowing
Fourth node appear
First fertilisation 1,5 gram of grow each

automatics are getting bigger every day
At this stage I try not to water too much so as not to trigger botrytis.


Heya @santero Bromingo
Look up what’s in the mailbox today

Thanks again for your generosity and your help
You are the man :muscle::v::boom::fire::pray::pray:


ow, nyce … they arrived :slight_smile:
hope you find something that you like in there.

and yo, thank you too, ey … i’m gonna pop some of
your rosetta stone x green manalishi in march *woot *
these will be great meds ! :yum:


Yo i think i will do this too
And Rosetta in pure form
i will try to made a seedrun if i find a male
I Hope i Can return some to you and @Griot_FlyingFishFarm
i will do all i Can for this Projekt :v:


23 days for the little plants
Do not know if it’s the led but they grow
Short stout and compact
Bush’n’tuff style , i love it


they look happy :+1:

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27 days of veg in 42 CL cup (0.11 Gal)
Only TapWater with just one feed
They have reached sixth nodes
I’m going to sex them afterwards i will top and let 2 or 3 nodes and take the apex for some cuttings

The 2 autos are soon ready
I will let them 1 week and harvest
The Bud are quite dense
The smell are intense fuel and fruit like citrus detergent