Ras-T cheap little box

@SamwellBB Spitting Cobra
The vigor of the Roots on the surface


First plant to show sex before i turn to 12/12 for sexing
Spitting Cobra one confirmed female🔥 @SamwellBB

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34 days from sowing i will flip to 12/12 tomorrow
And let them do their thing
I got to repot in one gal

The 2 autos forbidden runtz have been chopped this morning


I want to Say thank you to all of the peeps who use the solo cup tech to start their plant,
for inspiring me to do the same wonderful technique :muscle: :boom: :fire: :v: :pray:


Little update got five confirmed female
Everything looking good

1 Spitting Cobra
1 Mac f2
2 (AK47 x G13) X Rosetta Stone f2
1 Green Manalishi f2


Nice! They are looking very happy.

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Yep just looking at your thread and i’m jealous with your veg Cab !!

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Thank you, it’s a combination of ideas I’ve seen from a few threads on here including yours. @Not-Notjosh @tamimes @LonelyOC there’s another 2x2 thread and a few other folks I can’t recall at the moment.

I like your setup and it’s simplicity. Reminds me of the old OG I would read when I was a kid (early 2000s), lots of super miniature grows.


I like to go from solo cup to 1 gallon to 5 gallon.

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Today i know why
Solo cup make beautiful plant for the start
I will go with it forever​:muscle::v::+1:


Damn @Ras-T, you seem to get some really Dank herb out of that small garden! Amazing work, man :metal:t2::fire:

Pz :v:t2:


Yep it’s how o learn To grow indoor 30 years ago
It reminds me the same thing
Normally i’m used to grow outdoor
Its been a long Time i grew indoor but its cool
So far so good for now i Hope i Can make it till the end


I Hope yeah
many thanks for your visit my Friend


have you sampled any of the autos yet? i generally do that a few days after harvest if i can wait that long. sometimes a bud goes in the microwave during harvest. like a small sacrifice to ensure good smoke and to say thanx for the abundance. sorry, i tend to drift when i smoke in the morning and ramble a bit. i love the small cabinet, reminds me of back in the day.

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Not yet i never do that
i prefer let it slow drying process in the Dark
No curing for me
When it’s dry for me i put it in rice paper in a glass jar Dark stored
Thanks for chimin’

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i can’t help it. it’s the same way with chewing gum for me. i have to swallow it. i cannot chew on something for an hour or more and NOT swallow it. can’t grow a plant for months and not try it as soon as it’s done. just a bowl though, not like i take an oz or whatever.

you’re welcome.


I know what you saying
Back in the day i was like you
The moment when i prefer to taste and test my herb it’s when it’s 15days freshly dry and little crisp
For me it’s the best at this stage


They got their new container today
From 12 seeds, ended up with 9 females and 3 males
All the @SamwellBB beans are fem, i would have like one male on them to made some seeds but i will do it next time

The males are 2 x( G13 X AK47 )x Rosetta Stone
One Green Manalishi i will try to make some seeds

They got some deficiencies due to the smallest pot but they are ok


Little update
Plants growing, buds getting bigger
Put some pollen on little branch for
AK-47 G13 X Rosetta Stone
I’m trying to make f2 i will see in a few days if the pollen take