Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice šŸŒø

Iā€™d harvest that.


I would smoke that. They look great from here.


I chopped this lady today, smells heavenly, kind of creamy dieselish. Canā€™t wait to sample her :drooling_face:


I forgot the pics

I call it tingeltangel Bob (sideshow Bob)


Animal cookies s1 strain that is at day 84-86 and should be a 70-80 day based on Greenpointā€™s info.

This one grew odd and had issues halfway through flower, which likely caused it to take a little longer, so Iā€™m frankly just happy it is nearing the end and came out alright.
It ended up looking nothing like any of the photos of other phenos of this strain, however.

It seems like a lot of trichs are still somewhat clear depending on how I view them, but then I also see a good amount of amber so itā€™s leaving me guessing a bitā€¦
Iā€™m aiming for a good 30-40% amber.

Pics below showing a couple top colas from different areas of the plant. And one photo of a smaller inner bud to show the progress on interior buds (2nd pic).


I would let it go longer. The way I see it, youā€™ve dedicated all the time and effort so farā€¦might as well give it another 2 weeks and be really pleased with the resultsā€¦rather than chop and wish you would have left it a bit longer.

But it looks really good!!


Thatā€™s kind of where my head was atā€¦ my last batch I left a little on the heady/cloudy side with less amber and I need some good stoney smoke between this AC s1 and the grape jelly I have next to her.

Thanks mate :+1:

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gg4 day 54


Day 67 - Redeye Jedi - Lots of clear still but there are some milky and ambers. Calyxes starting to yellow from the tips.

I think itā€™s ready and plan on pulling it tomorrow.


Would you be willing to let that hit 70-72 days?


Thatā€™s one pretty looking plant. Seeing mostly cloudy trichomes. Depends what your expectations are. If you want to get high af take her now. If you wanna get stoned give her 1 more week and let the trichomes amber up. :v:


Iā€™m with @Esrgood4u 100%.


I gotta agree with that assessment


Glad I stumbled upon this thread! Iā€™ll have to take some shots through my loupe tomorrow (day 70) and get some opinions!
First grow and 1 plant Iā€™d say is definitely ready but the other Iā€™m thinking I might let go to 75ish days, surprised to have something that was bag seed go over 10 weeks

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OK, thanks. I think Wednesday is day 70 so Iā€™ll wait until then probably.

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Hereā€™s a good read for ya. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well aware what to look for in general, and when I want to harvest based on personal preference.
Im just surprised to have 1 plant at day 70 that is definitely in the chop range and one looking like sheā€™ll go to atleast 75.
Iā€™m surprised because I know who grows the bud the bagseed was from and they sure as shit wouldnā€™t run anything that was supposed to go past even 9 weeks, but that makes sense because Iā€™ll get a batch once in a while thatā€™s hardly worth smoking at all and now that Iā€™ve learned about growing and also louped a few of his batches, I can see he chops mad early because heā€™s just hustling packs :confused:
Just want to post a couple pics to see if people think itā€™ll go over 75 days. Stopped feeding day 54 (expecting around 70 day finish) and sheā€™s really pulling everything mobile out of her leaves now

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Gotta start a staggered cropping tonight. Probably wonā€™t be taking any of the Neganā€™s Bat just yet, but some of the Doctor Seedsman is definitely in the window for us and considering the weight issues we hit with em, it seems for the best to start on the early side a hair, then pull Cannatrol loads every 8 days through finish.
These shots are Doctor Seedsman this morning, 54 days or so into 12/12.
Doesnā€™t look stupidly early to any of you, does it? Thanks in advance for any input.
Stay up.
:ghost: :raccoon:


Whatā€™s the first pic?

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All of those close ups are the Doc Seedsman. Unless you can make out a bit in the back corner of Neganā€™s Bat in the whole tent shot.

ETA: first shot is the center tent donker, if I remember correctly. Hahaha
:ghost: :raccoon:

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