Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

OMG! This past summer was brutal! It wasn’t all that how most of the time. In fact, I thought the temperature was mild compared to summers of years past.

But OMG! The humidity this year wasa brutal! We didn’t get much rain over the summer, even though you needed knife to cut through the humidity. Now that the summer is over, it’s been raining almost non-stop.

It rained 7 days, then we got a break for about half- 3/4 a day, then it rained for 6 more days. We got a break for a few days, but it just rained 3 days, again.

I’ve done what I can to prevent moold, but with this much rain falling on buds as thinck as a can of soda, it’s n hard to prevent mold from forming on the inside.

Thanks for the advice!

For some reasdos’ve had trouble getting feedback on thisd particular plant. I have a post in reddit with no comments after 2 days.


I took plants down because of rot, I didn’t want to lose anymore than I did. We had the same late summer early fall rain. It’s been raining for the past week. Hope you get your crops in, those shots are nice looking.:scissors:


I’m taking a chance snd leaving it for now. After i took a closer look with a jewelers lense it see some clear trichomes, which I don’t want.

I cut all the dead and or dying leaves off. Threw a Tarp over it for the night since they’re calling for rain.

My main fear is bud rot. On the other plant the Rot looked to be cause by a part of the but dying. Like as if the hairs on the bud turned brown in coloy then died.

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That tarp might do more harm than good with the additional humidity. Get it of as soon as you can.
Or just forgo the tramp and hit that girl with a leaf blower after the rain stops.


Wow nice tip, never crossed my mind to use a leaf blower. Most of my plants were in pots so I moved them inside the barn until the bad weather passed. Still lost a little bit.:peace_symbol:


The leaf blower is a great idea!

I put Tarp on around 11pm, took it off at 6 am.

There was little rain. Keeping fingers crossed.


I have no clear Trichs. Been all cloudy for WELL over 1 week. Just not much amber, but some, under 5% easily. I can cut tomorrow morning, then Friday but in mid day time. Then next chance is 1 week away due to out of town.
If I wait until Friday mid day I loose smoothness I hear. Do I cut tomorrow early or wait 2 days for some amber? Cant wait 1 week as some smaller buds are getting bad, like 3 buds.


I decided to harvest ASAP. I made it almost 2 weeks with little to no additional bud rot.

I was out there everyday removing yellow and dying leaves. It’s now to the point where so many leaves coming out of the buds are dying that I can’t prolong harvesting it any longer.
Thanks for the advice!


Saturday I’m pulling the plug no matter what seems like they’re just starting to turn Amber me with my old ass eyes it’s hard to tell.


Dam , Some good Mouth watering Bud

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Blueberry Diesel day 56. may need some more time, not quite sure? what’s your guess? closing down for the year after this harvest, hoping for a good one for everyone and myself as well. don’t forget to let me know your thoughts, please.



Depends what u want in terms of effects?
Me I would leave 5-7 days more…
But if u have to cut them down, it’ll still be good

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Lots of clear still is what he is saying I think. Id go at least a week unless overnight you get a lot of cloudy. Just my opinion.

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I agree in a little more time, that it looks like a decent amount of clear heads in there. I’d check again in 3-4 days and make a decision to chop or give it a few more and check again

Providing better pictures of multiple calyx sacks “resin glands” and not sugar leafs would be a better approach !

That’s great advice I never understood the flush if you don’t flush vegetables or fruit why cannabis

sorry, the 5 olive lite images are from inside after cutting the buds top off and spreading it open, should have mentioned that.

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All three are around 9 weeks flower.


Bubblehead x violeta (hard to get a good photo of this one)

Ghost of nyc

Thinking of chopping them in the upcoming days


Your ghost of ny still has clear trichomes, give it another week and check.


What would you say?