Real Chem 91

I have done tons of work with all of the Chems (except Chem #3) I LOVE Chem D, it smells like gym socks in flower but the flavor it absolutely amazing and totally different. Massive yielder too. Variegated as well. Chem #4 I never liked. Buds were too airy and the smoke just never quite up to par. It may have been because I may not have had the best grows with her. Chem 91 skva and the JB cut are pretty awesome but only for breeding purposes as they have both lost their luster and I never had a great grow with either one. I did have some decent grows though, enough to make me reverse them and hit them with my male Stardawg pollen.

I obtained cuts of Chem 91 skva from a mutual friend with Bodhi’s blessing. I forget his name. Doc is what I called him, he ran his own seed company too, I also forget what it was called. I also sourced cuts of authentic JB Chem 91 but I forget where. Yes I have absolutely atrocious memory, this is why I write things down, but I lost all my data to a hard drive failure.

I reversed Chem 91’ with Bodhis blessing to my harem of elite clone onlys (I had about 50 elites at the time). I hit a bunch of my chem work as well.

I also have been trying to create a seed line based on the original JB cut of 91 that I call “JB Diesel”. I think I got it from Metadoneth but could be mistaking. But I have worked it for two generations of selections now and I still have both pollen and the two seed lines I originally started with.

I was also blessed to be gifted cuts of the infamous “Bob”, the male Stardawg that my bro Monkey had and also did breeding work with. Bob was so stinky that a rooted 4 inch cutting would stink up a veg room with no issues. Loudest male ever encountered in my life, hands down. I hit about 50-60 of my elite clone onlys, everything from bubba kush, to chem 4, to fire og and blue dream. All the really good old school elites.

I was also a bit of a historian. I started “True Source Genetics” because all of my cuts are true sourced genetics. I get them either directly from the original holder or from a trusted second hand. I always sourced my cuts though to ensure authenticity. But I got to know everyone along the way. I think Ive talked to every single person that has anything to do with Chem, OG, Bubba Kush, and Sour Diesel. Not PBud but just about everyone else though including KloppGlass or whaterver his name is lol.

I also used to do strain reviews. Like really extensive full on reviews that set a standard. Including photography and tips and stuff. And the cuts history. All this stuff is lost to secret forums that dont exist anymore. Maybe I could salvage a few from one or two forums that still may exist. Like the Cabana. Is it still around?

Yes I still have a bunch of my old work, the seeds are still great and germ rates are still high. I do not know if I will be running any anytime soon though. lol
