Real Chem 91

No fair dude, no fair šŸ„¹

I donā€™t think i need to tell you to have a good day, but have a good day haha :grin:

Edit: chem 91 was the first strain I smoked that had that electric tickle that makes makes your beard hair stand up. Pie eyed and positive. Helps you sleep, helps you wake up. Fixes some pain, and is totally fun even if you donā€™t require the pain relief. Terps and smoke flavor for days, but not oppressive or off-putting.

Itā€™s a really special plant, today is a great day to smoke one :partying_face:


Store bought? Itā€™s been a bit since I was in a store donā€™t really miss the sub par bud and high prices.


This one here is from a trade I grew 10 out but two males and this is the female that I ended up with. I think she looks pretty darn good and has nice structure.

I just topped her today so weā€™ll see how see responds


The montana locale seems legit :+1:


Store bought yesā€¦

From the gifted hands of SkunkVA personally!

My BIL will be in Bozeman this October, Iā€™m hoping he will stop in for me.


That tickle you mentionā€¦

I was 13 the first time I indulged. Had the hair standing on arms sensationā€¦ I had chased that buzz for years. Only once did I get it with some Hawaiian I bought for an upcoming few weeks being groundedā€¦ back when parents used to do that!

It wasnā€™t again till I started growing my own did it happen again. My daughter laughs at meā€¦ thinks Iā€™m an insane old man. Iv never met anyone who also had the sensation.



No that tickle is real! Itā€™s a personal thing, Iā€™ve had it with sours, and thatā€™s amazing as well, but more like a wham bam thank you maā€™am kind of thing, and some sativas that boom straight to the moon, see you in four hours, but Chem settles me right into a very productive armchair, lol

Itā€™s not couchlock, itā€™s sort of like smooth spinning office chair lock. Lol

Naturally ymmv

Also, some types do it once or twice, but Chem seemed to do it over and over, subtle but huge plus


Successā€¦ so far.


Woah Dude sweet.Iā€™ll be flipping The tent Of BOG Sour Bluetooth Twins perhaps a seed trade in the future?Looking very nice Keep that shit up


Where would one buy clones of Chem 91 or other chem lines?


FarmerJoe420 on ig was my source. Fully tested, highly regarded.

That said, if your in/near Massā€¦ follow Chemdog_Glass on ig. His employer and he have the 91 on their clone release schedule.

For beans, canā€™t do any better than Lucky Dog for legit Chemdog genetics. Heā€™s got quite a selection.


I got mine from Farmer Joe. It is real.


Humboldt CSI


I keep meaning to catch one of the drops at Canna, I could take the bus over there to get it which would be very funny, I almost did that this weekend to get a cut of something rare that was offered to me but found a ride. If I get one Iā€™ll have to do a snips giveaway or something, seems like the authenticated cut is still in high demand. Theyā€™ve dropped a few other interesting things from the Chem Family as well, this winter was the Chem 4 besides the 91 that comes around more often there.


FarmerJoe420 IG account is marked private. I sent a follow request Tuesday. Some of the Lucky Dog Seeds looks good. Guerilla Fume, Sunshine Biscuit and Dog Patch are three that caught my eye.


Iā€™ve only seen the chem 4 offered


Everybody should try the Fumeā€™, great smoke. It was my choice looking for something closest to the desirable skva cut.

I hold the Dog Patch also but yet to run it. I was gifted the CSI Humbolt version called Big Bad Wolf 2.0ā€¦ it was nice powerful buds. I donā€™t think you can go wrong with anything he offers.

@Dirt_Wizard Iā€™m picturing you on a bus holding a box full of clones open and viewable. You might make a few new friends before your stopā€¦ lol


I just grew the Guerilla Fume out and made f2s. Probably got like 5000 seeds.

Also crossed it with Chem De La Chem


Sounds like some great crosses!
How long does the chem 91 usually flower for

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Iā€™ve never grown chem 91, so I canā€™t speak from experience.

Iā€™ve always heard around 70 days of flower. Thatā€™s about how long I took Guerilla Fume