Reefer’s Ongoing Auto Growganza

I should probably clarify… 2 week Dry Yield for each of the following in grams… Copy and paste below. Remember, these are all autos.

ILGM White Widow (just the big one):
Barney’s Do Si Dos:
Barney’s Watermelon Zkittlez:
Seedsman Amnesia (just the big one):
Combined weight of all 4:

All you have to do to be eligible is to follow my grow and be the closest guess in this thread. You can edit your total up until the day I cut, which I’ll announce here at least a day in advance, but it’s coming quick so get those first guesses in!

And sorry, let’s make it a 5 pack, but I’ll get you 10 seeds if I get more than 20 beans.

One winner per plant, and a bonus pack for whoever guesses total weight correctly. If I don’t get pollen in time I’ll get you packs from my next grow which will be a planned seed run and include Mephisto genetics. Lastly, if you don’t want to wait or are a strictly photo person I’ll probably be able to accommodate something photo, but I do prefer winners to be people who actually grow or want to grow autos.

I will post official pics of each clearly labeled later today so there’s no confusion.