Reefer’s Ongoing Auto Growganza

It seems autos are hardy, my first grow was GSC auto from WSE, hadnt got my light sussed yet, knew nothing about vpd, so they got bit cooked, but still grew to harvest, albeit not a good one.


WS: 135g
Amnesia: 112g
WW: 245g
DSD: 98g

Total: 590g

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This is my Edumacated guess.

Barney’s DSD auto: 224
ILGM White Widow auto: 224
Barney’s Watermelon Skittles auto: 224
Seedsman Amnesia auto: 224
Total Grams: 896 Grams Or 2 Pounds…


Hey @Reefer

Are you running the water pump 24/7 ?
Are you using any airstones at all?

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I bid $1 Drew…O wait wrong game.


No airstones, just top fed. :+1:t2: Is that odd? :joy:

Yes, 24/7, lights 24/7 as well

Take that back, the monster amnesia was taken off line, move to solitary aka the 2x4 and only had an airstone. It took up the whole tent… Her a week or so before being taken down

Also, those buds and many others were weighty and every stem and branch has been hollow on the harvested plants so far regardless of genetics.

See how nice I am with the hints! :joy:


How about the roots? Did they completely fill that 6gal bucket?

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All of the contest plants did… Here’s some of the amnesia.


Wow :ok_hand: thats what I assumed the bucks would run outta space lol very nice.

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The white widow had roots extended into the sump/reservoir 3 feet down the drain, then 2 feet long additional in the sump. Making some of the roots about 6.5 feel long. They were wide enough that it never came close to clogging

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@cadman Oddly, the small amnesia did start to back up a little at the end of the grow, so I just gently yanked them out.

Btw, do you own a Cadi?

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No lol I don’t.

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@CADMAN I own one with a manual transmission :joy:

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@CADMAN The roots and the weight of the plant actually cracked one of the 6” baskets… :crazy_face:


I feel like maybe y’all could use a little help… Trimmed up the inner buds I didn’t want to mess with from the WW. This was the only plant of the four that didn’t get lollipopped, supercropped, or defoliate heavily. Super resinous, but not dense… mash them a bit and going to use my butter machine for the first time.

I get the feeling some of y’all might be a little low on your guesses for this one.

2 quarts with and 103g after being checked with the humidity meter


Found some of these photos from the back of the white widow you guys haven’t seen yet… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Some of those buds look kinda big and like they’re struggling to support all that weight…

Just seeing’ if y’all are paying attention :joy:


A pretty bud from her frontside


They’re off to the races! The Lucky Charms IX are the big winners. 3 of 4 looked like tips after 36 hours in water… Cherry Festival and a couple others had already shed their helmets!

27 strains, minus 1 @greenpointseeds GG4 x Monster Cookies that showed no signs of popping and are in a paper towel currently. Hopefully something happens and the rest of the pack isn’t like that. Every other strain had some tails. 75 had nice enough tails to move onto the next round of culling.

Pretty good pop rates.

I think I’ll start a new diary for the seed run and will likely keep this one more grow and show…


Interesting use of the weekly pill pockets.


@Tejas I bought it for storing dry seeds, but then found something I liked better with hundreds of slots and a neoprene case. So I figured what the hell sinceI already have way more than 28 strains. Apparently I’m a seed junkie, who knew… I put it on top of my furnace in the carrying case, I thought it would make my beans happy. It seems to have…

Anyone wanna do some trades? :joy: