ReikoX's Workshop 2021

Oh you should all be very relieved to know I’m not eligible this week! :smile:

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Too bad you couldn’t see who’s reading a thread on this forum lol… probably 40 lurkers watching and they’re just keeping quiet

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This is good! I have already seen you win $364.23 worth of beans yesterday alone. What? You didnt think anyone was keeping tabs?


Yeah, to bad I couldn’t get the image to show up. But I was just saying that exact same thing about my self.


good gods, how? and congrats @Slick1

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And then today 2 packs arrived in the mail. I have a problem!

I gave out 5 packs to kind of balance it out but I need to amass some to spread. Wait until Daddy’s Thumbtack or whatever the hell I call my cross is ready :laughing:


Fastest dibbing fingers this side of the Mississippi river download (1)

I actually won 2 and passed on them too. I was on a roll!


I always laugh when I see that pic


lool. thats great man. very kind of you!

that image tho…jeesh

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Just messin with you.

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Well to be fair I passed on them because I had already won both strains :laughing:

I’m no hero :wink:

If this site was the real world yesterday would have been like if everyone you saw during the day tried to hand you seeds :laughing:


lol, no worries. still the act is generous. no idea on how/where/what this prize was. was it a giweaway or smth?

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It was pretty astounding to watch.

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Yes, one of many lately. Soon to be many more…:grinning:

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i see what you did there. I like it.

life interfered yesterday.

Can’t let anything come between me and seeds. Anything! :joy:


3 were from Doug in the free clones and seeds thread and 2 of those are the ones I passed on, just played to stay sharp. Also in that thread I ended up with a 5 pack I didn’t even realize I was playing for because loving horror movies paid off and BigMike is a cool mofo. Then Jinglepot did one and I won that.

Also the 10 person sign up thread I wandered into first earlier in the day.

There may or may not be another instance too :grimacing:


I’m surprised my keyboard didn’t melt!

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hot damn. that must have been exciting. very happy for you. congrats!

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