ReikoX's Workshop 2022

Can’t say my yields went up or anything specific but it feels way better. I love being in the rooms when they are slowly brightening or dimming. I’m confident the ladies prefer it also.
I would compare it to sex with no fore play😉


That’s exactly what the Bluefish controller does for me. I don’t notice a change in yield, but a slightly smaller electric bill.


Interesting as I was thinking of you when I had the thought because you have a dialed in setup. :grinning:


Killer trying to set a shop up out of a whole basement now . Takes time. Lot of work you did there nice n clean too. Glad I’ll be able to catch this thread from the beginning.


i would have imagined smaller yield because of the less total PAR, but its interesting that it actually maintains yield.

I got my soil test back from the lab today. Looks like I was able to bring B, Fe, MN, Cu, and Zn back in line. This time I went ahead and ordered some Co and Mo so I can bring those in line as well. In addition I need more calcium and phosphorus. So I will ammend the beds with:

370 grams CalPhos
480 grams Gypsum
4.75 grams Cobalt Sulfate
0.50 grams Sodium Molybdate


Beautiful grow areas & controls. You have given me something to aspire to @ReikoX !!! Designing my new lab right now, construction to commence in February. Will be watching this thread!


While I wait on some micronutrients to arrive before amending the beds, I am trying to plan my next run. It’s going to be an auto run.

The first decision is how many plants to run. Technically, I’m only allowed six plants, but with autos, I think I will be wasting a lot of potential only planting two per bed. Three per bed was my next thought. It doesn’t go too far above my plant count, but my moisture meters are sort of in the way. I’m leaning toward eight per bed, one between each drip emitter. This would give me the most variety. Something like this (green squares):

The next question is what varieties to run. I need to dig through my seed stash tonight. I have a bunch of stuff I bought a couple of years ago. I know a couple are calling my name such as, Grapey Walter by Mephisto, SAD by Sweet Seeds, and Delicious Candy by Delicious Seeds to name a few.


@ReikoX looking at his seed vault after checking his grow space’s numbers:

The seeds in the vault:


8 per bed all the way! Would love to see how that went. Personally I have been trying to figure out how many autos I would cram into a Earthbox lol.


If memory serves, the earthbox is 7.5 gallons. I wouldn’t do more than two, that’s 3.75 gallons each. These beds are 30 gal each and, ironically, that’s 3.75 gallons each!


Interesting coincidence indeed. I have been nervous about starting more autos since my last attempt was a waste of my time. I think I would have better luck now though. Cant wait to see what you decide to do bud :+1:


Your setup is inspiring @ReikoX, top notch stuff you do and everything is so clean and organized. May I ask how long it took you to get to this final setup you’ve made? Definitely got me dreaming of my next house with more grow space…

Also if you need autos let me know, I’ve got enough Dosi Walker to send a pack and maybe some others… Supposed Slurricane F4 auto if you wanted to try it, I haven’t gotten to yet.


I think I spent a lot of time planning and designing the room in 2019, but didn’t start the project officially until January of 2020. I finalized my design and began demolition in January. I finished construction and began growing in October 2020. So it took about 9-10 months, I thought it was going to take me three.

Last year, I added CO2 and the Tropf Blumat auto watering system. That’s also when I began the soil testing based approach.

So kind of you to offer. I have a TON of seeds, I’m growing these so they don’t go bad. Going to be tempting to spill some pollen on them though. :wink:


“ReikoX Grow Room Design Services”


I’ll stick to my day job. :wink: I spent many hours contemplating the grow setup.

I’m still slowly dialing things. For example I just got a new NIWA grow hub controller for my lung room that will let me have different night/day setpoints. This let’s me keep the room warmer and drier at night, yet cooler and wetter during the day.


It is something to aspire to. Our last two years winter grows were in wood floor sheds with under floor heating, the barn dropped to 55 some nights but they loved it. All Octopots and they did awesome. averaged 3/4 lb per.plant. Can’t wait to build outdoors this year. Going to make a giant blumat type system for field.


My vote is to stay legal and do 2 per bed. Modern auto genetics and your setup, I’m wagering you’ll fill the canopy regardless… prove me wrong :wink:


I have been curious how low of humidity levels are acceptable at night. I have started getting my grow room automations lined out through Home Assistant on a raspberry pi 3 and I have been trying to figure out how low I should go on the humidity at night (or try to at least).

VPD is pretty much out of the picture, but I am sure they don’t want to get too dry.


I set my lung room to be dryer at night to help deal with the extra humidity when the lights are off. Ideally, I keep the plants at 1.2 milipascals in veg and 1.5 in flower

These are actually some older quto genetics, about 2-3 years old at this point. Really doing more simply for variety. :+1::seedling:

Okay, I think I have decided on seeds:
4x Forgotten Cookies (Mephisto)
4x Grapey Walter (Mephisto)
2x Grapey Walker Kush (Mephisto)
2 x Ghost Toof (Mephisto)
2x 24 Carat (Mephisto)
2x Crystal Candy (Sweet Seeds)
4x SAD (Sweet Seeds)
4x Delicious Candy (Delicious Seeds)