ReikoX's Workshop 2022

Opening bay doors…

What the Helios! This JLo is showing the highest Midichlorian count I’ve ever seen!

It’s like… nothing ever seen before.

I better send simian 420 for a closer look.


That’s one hell of an update @Heliosphear !


That looks, remarkably, like my older brother. lol


Dominion Diesel have filled in the beds despite not hitting the first screen yet. :grin:

This round is looking quite a bit better than the last round. I have made several changes this round. The first, and most significant, change was adding in some nitrogen to my amendments. I was previously adding very little nitrogen, thinking that my high organic matter would add enough. In addition to this, I’ve also been giving them a feed every 7-10 days following the Build-a-Soil schedule.

The next change I’ve made is to the supplemental lighting. When looking at Rapid LED’s description of my boards I noticed they suggested running the Emerson boards during flower, and the Exotic boards (UV) should be ran the last couple weeks of flower. So, neither board has been on during veg. Another change is adding a week of pre-bloom phase where the lights are on for 16 hours instead of 18, and the intensity is increased to 85% from 70%.


i go to 12/12 directly, but have seen many grows switching to a pre-bloom phase like this. Are you doing it to induce flowering earlier or what is the objective?


I’m doing it because I decided to follow the “Build-a-Soil way” and that’s what they suggest. Since it is still over 14 hours of daylight, they shouldn’t start flowering at all.

My hope was the change in lighting would cause them to stretch a bit more vertically.


So a couple weeks back I decided to help my buddy dry and cure his little outdoor plant. I noticed some caterpillar and thrips damage on them, so decided to dry them in the QT tent. About a week later, I noticed some thrips damage in both my veg and flower rooms. I treated them with Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew (spinosad) twice about a week a part. This morning while feeding, I was looking for any more thirps damage and couldn’t find any. I did, however, find a few spots that look like spider mite damage.

If I do indeed have spider mites, it’s very earl on in the process. I’ll spray the plants with neem oil this evening. I will then rotate between the neem, Captain Jack’s, and Method 1 PPS every three days for a week or two. I am going to flip to flower this weekend, so that gives me a couple weeks before flowers form to spray. If that doesn’t solve my problem I’ll look into getting some predatory mites.

Next year my buddy will have to dry and cure his own harvest.


Sorry to heat that man, I hope you are mistaken and it’s something easier to deal with.


It shouldn’t be a very big deal. Maybe two to three dots on a dozen or so leaves.


Well fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: for you it’s not a big deal. The first time I had them I caught them early and they were gone in 2 weeks. Maybe why I was a little complacent the next time thinking it would be just as easy. I was half expecting them to re appear after 8 months of not growing. I have mite PTSD now :cold_sweat:


i hate the lil fuckers…Neem, Spinosad in rotation should work, exactly what im doing. Even bought an electric “mister” to spray them with.


Sprayed Spinosad six days ago, will go with neem next. Then Method 1 PPS, it is horticulture oil and essential oils.


i only have the 2…but this electrostatic sprayer is the Tit’s!!! Gets every inch of the plant and only takes seconds, doesnt make any mess. Should have had one years ago .

From now on 1 time per week throughout full veg cycle plants are getting soaked in Neem.


The Chapin sprayer works great as well. Definitely got my money’s worth on that. :+1:


I like my airless paint sprayer you can adjust it so it just mists the plants.


I like these for thrips and mites: amblyseius-cucumeris

They’re really more preventative than curative though. Get them started early but remember- any other IPM you use may impact them as well and they consume pollen as a secondary food source.


Definitely have mites.

Not sure if I’ll be able to get rid of them on these big bushy plants.


I hate those little bastards. :grimacing: :frowning:


TBH, my first time dealing with them. I’ve had to deal with thrips several tines though. Feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment.


Option 1)
horticultural oil would be my suggestion. Since they are not in flower should do. At least 2x before the flip. And then order the predator mites. If you want to finish…or…

Toss it all and start over.

edit - the method 1 you posted about seemed a good version