ReikoX's Workshop

More compost extract. If you increase the amount of good nematodes in the soil they’ll take care of the eggs and larva


I haven’t gotten into the ACT yet. Just got me a bag of Maliboo compost and need setup a brewer.


Those 3 look awesome, are they in a coco slab?

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You can do extracts with that. Just add a couple cups of compost in a burlap bag or filer bag. Then mead it like dough. I normally do it for about 3-5 min in a gallon of water then squeeze the excess water out and add the compost back into the main bag. Use the water.

I really only make ACT if I plan on spraying the plants with it. But with a soil drench you don’t need the glues that stick the biology to the leafs just the biology itself


@GumbyBuds, it’s a no-till (peat based) bed with a rice hull mulch layer.

@DavesNotHere, interesting technique. Does it work with castings too?

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Yep. Elaine Ingram teaches to use compost extracts for soil drenches and ACT only for foliar feeding. Most people are using ACT wrong but I never correct anybody in it cause ACT are great for drenches but you’re mainly causing bacterial with slight fungal growth but not a lot.
You get more benefit from meading a couple bags all in the same water to make a super concentrate that has higher numbers of upper level food web biology


Shame I already watered today, I’ll have to give that a go next watering!

Yesterday was IPM Monday, I know it was Tuesday :grin: I think I have the thrips gone again. I have seen no damage on the new clones that went in there a week ago. There is no new damage on the Skywalker or Adonis. The Zak Haze, however, have been eaten alive. Almost every leaf has some thrip damage. I added a step to my IPM routine. I now clean out the area thoroughly each week. Wipe everything down and spray it down with that week’s brew. A peek into the flowering chamber.

The veg chamber is doing well. I have the Jilly Bean 2 girls going. They have another week or two to train to the screen before flowering. The Durban Poison seedlings are doing ok, but the soil mix may be a little hot for them. Two are showing a mild nutrient burn on them. I hope to transplant them to a little larger container in another week or two, then force them to flower. After they show sex, I’ll move them back to veg and take clones.

You may notice the cloner is covered up with that corrugated plastic now. I read on the Build a Soil blog about their cloning method and there was an interesting comment made about light level for clones. Basically, they stated that if a clone has too much light, it will try and grow instead of growing roots. They will turn yellow as they try and pull nutrients to grow. Interestingly, this is exactly what was happening to mine. They would root, but be very weak and yellow by the time roots have shown. With this plastic cover, my cuttings are nice and green still. I’m pretty happy so far with the results. I’ll get a picture of the clones later.


Love it ReilkoX! Flower chamber is filling out nicely…

I really wanna give that verticle light and scrog style a go after seeing everything you do in your spaces

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I finally have a good soil mix in these pots and the flowers are responding accordingly. The Zak Haze would be better if I was more on top of my IPM game. They were ravaged by thrips.


you can always topdress compost too! i dont make compost teas at all anymore.

Funny you mentioned that. I was thinking, wouldn’t it just be easier to top dress? I think 50/50 EWC and compost watered in with kelp would slow down the slightly early fade.

Sounds like a good plan. Topdressing is how I feed my pots. Just don’t topdress in flower with buildasoil’s chicken compost. It is way too hot.


I have to read closer I thought I saw topless chicks too hot


It a been a long time since I’ve seen a live topless girl. Even longer since I’ve seen a hot one!


That simply won’t do lol

:laughing: I have a deal with my daughter, she doesn’t date and I don’t date. She’s eight and not interested in dating yet.

I’ve got all the ladies I need in my garden.


I need to make that deal with my daughter! Lol


Its great i tease her about it a lot. Ill say sonething like, “dont tell my girlfriend”. And she gets all upset :angry:

@DavesNotHere and @lotus710,
I combined 2 cups Malibu compost, 2 cups EWC, and 1 TBSP each of shrimp meal, kelp meal, neem meal, and malted barley. Moved the mulch and top dressed the three plants (15 gallons total). Watered it in with the normal silica, aloe,and fulvics. Ser how they respond in 72 hours or so.