Repro :: Silas' Lost Skunk - Exodus Cheese x UGORG Blues

You just need the psychosis now @JAWS and nelly :wink:


well im open for that cut, you got one/it.

peace …


Let’s not forget the brightside and suicide cuts :wink:


I have lost the Bside clone a couple of years ago,I made some crosses with her but I’m in the process of getting her back.


@Zanzibar are you who I think you are? Hope so :facepunch::heart:


Best of luck with getting the brightside back. These old cheese cuts are not so easy to come by these days.

I have something here called “Skunk in the Trunk” (Brightside BX) that I’m pretty excited about. :grin: I only have a total of 8 seeds to work with, but still I’m confident I will find something special. :crossed_fingers:


def let us know about that please :smiley:


For sure :+1: And if all goes well, there should be plenty of f2’s to share around :wink:

Here’s a few pics of skunk in the trunk that I borrowed from another site…Definitely has that classic skunk/cheese look :eyes:


Thanks to @UKweednerd for letting me share his pictures over here :slightly_smiling_face:


Check out what just showed up @Zanzibar …We now have a second chance at preserving this line :+1: :sunglasses:



wooo awesome! :star_struck:


very nice bc2. have a pack of these over here as well.

sweet have for-sure …


ahhh, very nice score, my friend !!
i’ll have to ask ken for some too vie email :slight_smile:
hopefully he still has some left for me.
the line is quite old (his last release was bx3)

since this was also bx’d via the “blues bx2” from ugorg,
hitting this to your real deal lost skunk = “UK 90’s best of” :wink:

i’ll try to help you, if i can :slight_smile: but be friendly, please (!)
(hopefully no one thinks bad about fuel now, as he is a good egg !!)


so getting some nice what i think is the CHEESE ppl are talking about, i have very little knowledge on any of these cheese strains and what not’s.

right now my LOST GORG f1 and BLUE GORG f1 are smelling funky type cheese on there frames. looking forward to seeing how they mature and how the smell progresses through out the flowering stage.

not having the best luck getting the new ugorg and blues seeds to pop, i have a couple of each so far but was looking for ten of each. ahh ya not sure thats going to happen but i will be working with what ever im given.

we shall see …


looking forward to working with this one soon.

peace …


“ugorg #1” was similar, but different.
(same formula, but a different male).

i am absolutely sure you will find nice cheesy expressions,
since the ugorg and the original lost skunk are both exodus
cheese bx’s, hence the cheesy expressions in the matings
popping out so strong :slight_smile:

= your matings will also KILL, there’s no doubt about it !! :yum:


this is so confusing and i really think im going to be making things even worse for every one, now there is more then just one ugorg # 1 .

the ugorg #1 i used before i was told was from OLDTIMER1 and its how i have them listed in my masters listing.

and now the ones i have going are from UGORG also marked ugorg .

the BLUES last time out i used blues bc2 from SILAS this time im running blues bc1 from ugorg.

all the while i have now what i hope is the legit exodus cheese cut. i want to work with all of these and come out with my own cheese stain.

JAWS CHEESE f1, that is my main goal with all this.

the exodus cheese that i ran last time turned out to be a cut from a mother plant that was found from exodus cheese seed stock, i am not sure if that was an s1. how ever she did have some funky cheese type smell to her so im thinking it was a legit s1 exodus cut.

i grew the uk cheese a bit back and she had really no cheese smell while growing but after the chop and during dry she started putting off some very nice funky cheese smell.

this is going to be a tough one as far as deciding what i want to do and which way do i need to start off at.

fun fun fun …


silas–ugorg and oldtimer were all working with these cheese plants around the same time .

thanks for any info brother{s} …


nobody has ever been able to make real deal s1 as the exodus does not turn.
GHS are the only ones claiming that, and its doubtful if you look at what comes
from those seeds. (CSI has also been debunked by people growing them out.)

not many seem to have noticed that: cheese-crosses sometimes come out
more cheesy that the clone herself, this might be the case with many of the
clones that roam the places and make people happy (enough).

oldtimer1 was part of ugorg, hence the other releases made by OT1 (smile, celia ect).
their line is always the same, with the same parents :wink: = exodus cheese x blues bx2


so the original exodus cut no longer lives and she was impossible to s1, if those things are true then what are these cuts ppl are growing.

whats your thoughts on some one popping SKUNK # 1 seeds and finding the exodus cheese phenol ?.

ahh ok some info just popped up in the last message.

so OT1 & UGORG are one in the same when it comes to the/there cheese works, silas was a stand alone cheese runner.

interesting for-sure …


i will be trying to reverse this cut at some point, not right away i just want to get one of these up and going and do nothing to her at all. no breeding no topping just lots of staking and just see how she goes. the other one i might hit with fresh blues bc2 pollen or some fresh ugorg pollen.

or seeing i have some on hand i could hit her with fresh EXODUS GORG pollen.

peace …