Repro :: Silas' Lost Skunk - Exodus Cheese x UGORG Blues

Not seen that yet :thinking: She’s still claimed to be alive and well.

Trying to reverse the cut you have might tell you if it’s real deal or not. If reversal fails, likely real but if it works fine then it’s an S1 or cross.


hahaha there in is the issues one of many. i knew as soon as i started openly asking Question i was going to get hit from all sides, my job now is who do i believe and how do i move forward and still keep my reputation.

the last cut i had was from a seed exodus plant, it reversed just fine but i was unable to get it to drop and usable pollen. so was it real or fake, even though we know it was from a seed plant. if seed plant then it was an s1 how ever she’s not suppose to be reverse able. kind of like a snake eating its own tail.

going to be a fun summer for-sure …


Well I mispoke on the S1 possibility :joy: Would have to be a cross then. Maybe closer to the real deal pheno the harder it gets to reverse :thinking:


If oldtimer1 wasn’t part of UGORG, I have no problem believing they still would have been in contact and exchanging genetics given oldtimer1 proeminent role in the UK scene.

Deciphering all this UK cuts and finding the real one, that’s a bold quest lol
Wish you’ll get where you want. But sounds like you still got yours hands on some great cuts, so that should help. I’m sure your reputation won’t suffer from this mess anyway, you can only work with what you’re given.

If you need testers, I’m in :wink:

Oh, and I think I can help: I have some cheese beans from… dinafem lol


I have a bunch of these, plus psychotropic and some unreleased bits from kez at kgbeans (psycho diesel, psycho ghash, smelly nelly) I got a load of the bx2 over to zanzibar recently for repro. I hope he won’t mind me saying. He hasn’t started them yet but i have germ tested them and they are between 80% and 100% viable for me. The bx2 were supposedly closer to the cut than the bx3 due to male selections (so I heard/read). Mine were bx2 but have plenty backups incase they are needed later.


she is very branchy and im guessing that’s a good sign for this cut.

exodus cheese cut.

peace …


Id do anything for a cut of that


I’d have a close look for the double serations as shown by @j0ebob here @jaws. Pre flowering that can give you a good idea but San knows this line as well as anyone I would say. Hard to see from your picture.


Yes, @Even sent me some Psychosis BX2s to play with. We should do a large repro, but also I want to use them with the Lost Skunks. I also recently sourced a Stilton Cheese, which I still have to flower out.
Lots of action on the Cheese front. This is very awesome


Nice, im also running Psychotropic x Yeti OG this round it looks like so we will see if those are any good. Psychotropic was a great combo from kez with Sonics Kalischnapple (Tropicana cut) x Psychosis bx.

Smelly Nelly is Sicko (cut) x UGORG Blues male hit to the lesser spoken about UK Nelly Cut (exodus cheese x NL) I believe

Mixing Lost Skunk and Psychosis bx2 will be a great move :+1: probably better than reproing them, honestly. Not sure what is happening with Kez, his site is offline now but he might return to his work later.

Eskobars original chocolate cheese was super duper in my book.1


Neatly summed up :laughing: So glad all these get some traction

Raving around the idea of what would come out of such crosses, UK Skunk x american OG! So much could come out of that


Maybe. We’ll see its one of my own hacks so who knows, should have an answer in a couple months. Never know how these things will combine.


who said she is dead?
she’s defintely around.

it is :slight_smile: :wink: i got my fingers crossed for you … the more people
have her, the more variations come up, the better for all of us.
hopefully it’s the real deal and you can share it on to everyone.
she’d be kinda useless in only one stable …

she’s a “common good”, after all this time :slight_smile:


That’s great news about the Psycho BX2! The more people that repro these old lines = the better, imo. (Same as what you and @Jaws have already done with the lost skunk). :slightly_smiling_face:

I think a lot of us OGer’s have the same goals when it comes to the skunky/cheezy stuff… It’s definitely going to be interesting to see all the different things that will be popping up over the next few years. Very exciting times indeed! :grin:


I wish I could like this post more than once, haha :smile:


2 Lost Skunk Girls in the first construction tube :wink:

And here another one on the right…

I am definitely kind of overflown with females this season :upside_down_face:



Ask on UK420 brother. One of the guys responsible for spreading cheese around is active over there.

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Correct Oldtimer1 was not part of UGORG he just gave VRG some genetics and did a release of his own via them at one point, If I am remembering correctly. I Stopped going to UK420 after OT1 became unwell and passed away. While I have respect for VRG and his breeding skills, On a personal level he is an utter c**t to deal with due to his huge huge ego. I watched good growers get burnt out/banned/leave the forum due to VRG.


UK420 has changed for sure. UGORG is a thing of the past anyway, don’t know what VRG is doing today :smiley: