Repro :: Silas' Lost Skunk - Exodus Cheese x UGORG Blues

Daaaaamnnn this is some nice stuff!

If you are interested, I am also in Canada and currently growing out a seed run of Rockster’s Cheese and Kaliman Exodus Cheese.
If I can get these old things to pop and make pollen, I’d happily share some seeds to get more Cheese up here in the great white north! :grin:

Also keeping my eyes peeled for when Jaws drops some ugorg crosses in future. That stuff is going to be killer!



And those sound awesome. I’ve heard really good things about the Kaliman stuff. Are those from the stuff that was available on Strainly for Manchester Genetics awhile ago? I intended to get some but flaked out.

I would love to get some seeds if you make them. I have plenty to trade!

Good luck with getting them popped :grin:


Yes those are the ones! :grin:
I picked them up in early 2023, back before Manchester acquired the rest of the stock. The person was going by just Kaliman at the time.

Jaws says there is some good cheese to be found in these.
So yes, I’ll keep you posted, and let the cheese hunt continue! :cheese::skunk:


@santero wrote this informative response to @JAWS questioin. I thought I’d preserve it here, too:

(Cheese question? - #127 by santero)

“UGORG#1” is a exodus cheese x blues bx2- mating, made by underground originals in UK.
(it was inspired by silas’ mating with he same formula, but a different male = different results.
they made two versions over time, both same as good.)

“Blues” is a clone only from UK = cheese x blueberry.
even tho, today people claim it to be a pure skunk, it’s not.
(and there’s also a seedline called that which is underground
originals bx2 of that bridged via blueberry.)

“exodus” is the collective the skunk #1-cut was shared from.
hence the name “exodus cheese”, the exodus is the one and
only original clone, but genetic drift made her pale out against
many of the bx’s and crosses that are around today.

“lost skunk” is a seedline made by silas in UK, which was the inspiration
for underground originals to re-make it and sell it … (which means: calling
a “ugorg#1” → “lost skunk” would be not correct!! :wink: )


those early pics look quite nice, but there’s no way in hell anyone could
seriously tell one or both or none are the original, lol … growing them out
and checking for the common markers would be the only way, imho.

the dark green i see and the thin leafs and mini-plant for her age = all great
markers already (but many of the bx’s and crosses also show the same, so
it’s a gamble at this point.)

please pool your wealth and cooperate, everyone !!
(b-cuz competition is just commercial bs/boring :wink: )


That’s a nice story but simply not true.

Blues is a clone only from the north of England and was known as both blues and livers. There is no blueberry in blues. I can confirm this 100% having worked with her for more than 20 years now.

The seed line I released, and called blues in 2010 does contain blueberry but, I selected away from it in every gen. As a result, there is very little blueberry influence in any of the blues seeds i’ve ever released; Blues, Blues#2 and Blues IBL. The latter 2 were both extremely limited releases.

Also, it’s another really nice story but I can assure you, Silas was never a source of inspiration for me. He is a nice guy (I met him once, long before he released any seeds) but UGORG#1 most certainly was not created as a tribute to lost skunk, I can assure you of that.

Maybe he released those seeds before I released UGORG#1 but, I was working on that particular hybrid for some years. The male I used came from un-released(at that time) IBL stock, exactly the same dad as psychosister.

The main reason, from my perspective atleast, that the original clones were often thrown out or given up on was a combination of their lack of vigour and a lack of foresight by 99% of growers. This is why so many of them kick themselves today.

Seeds were available that produced stronger, better growing plants that could still be passed off to dealers as the originals, the clones were redundant from a commercial perspective and that’s why they were let go of. Then we got the UK ‘dawg hype’ followed by the ‘cali hype’ and that no doubt killed a few more off along the way.

UGORG#1 is a stand alone work imo, it represents a perfect combination of both parents and is the culmination of over five years of my life’s work, with both input and guidance from Ot1.

I have six combinations of F3’s to look through, which will take time but I plan to one day release it as an IBL, apocalypse permitting.

I’m currently making Oldtimes F2. I started to select the male for this before Ot1 passed away and I’m finally ready to make the seeds now. He has spent two whole years in a stable vegetative state, along with his potential suitors, in a less than ideal environment. I don’t see many people working like this but it’s quite literally the only way I know, patience most certainly is a virtue.

The only cheese hybrid we have in stock is UGORG#1 BX1. This is my keeper selection of UGORG#1(11) which is a stand out specimen x DiscoBiscuit (UGORGCookies x UGORG#1) male, so is predominately UGORG#1.

This one produces really cheesy offspring but with an additional kick in terms of potency, along with a more preferable structure and exceptional vigour.

FromTheUndergroundWithLove, VRG.


Fuck yes :love_you_gesture:


There are a couple of things that seem essential to The Cheese Stories. Mainly, it is clarity (or lack there-of). It is a very muddy subject, as I’m sure you’re aware.

San may have mis-spoke when he said that Blues is a cross of Exodus and Blueberry. It was certainly a clone going around, and if not the “real” Exodus Cheese, then it was most probably a cross to Exodus with something else. What that (father) was is a question. Perhaps a Blueberry. It was, after all, called Blues (as well as Livers). Nevertheless, let’s suffice it to say that it is not known what the exact parentage of the Blues was, except, maybe, that it had Exodus as the mother.

That you worked with the Blues, and knowingly used a Blueberry, makes UGORG Blues line certainly have Blueberry in it. This is now fact from the source.

We know that Silas used the UGORG Blues in his Lost Skunk. He selected a UGORG Blues male, and crossed it with the Exodus Cheese. My guess is that he wanted to get Cheese into seed form, and used the Blues because it probably had Exodus in it, making it a partial back-cross.

I’m also pretty sure that Silas created Lost Skunk before you created UGORG#1. Weather you saw the potential of what he did, or not, is your story. You did know him, and ran in the same circles, and you are aware of this.

We can say for sure that his selection of a male used for Lost Skunk differed from your selection, even tho they were both UGORG Blues males.

You can state your opinion about UGORG#1, but it is obviously biased (in that you created that line and have an commercial interest in saying that it is a perfect representation of this or that).

By my estimation, multiple side-by-sides should occur, and a comparison follow suit on each.

If anyone wants a pack of the Lost Skunk I repro’ed on here, DM me with an address and I"ll get some seeds to you.

I also invite @VRG and @JAWS to make the same offer, so that we can start to look at the similarities and differences, and thus have a real conversation and learn from it. Let them speak for themselves.

There are a lot of companies wanting to capitalize on Cheese - and the preceding name of true authenticity - Exodus (and which was given out freely). This market-driven approach muddies the cheese. It inserts a lot of bias and self-promoting opinion (not really the true intent of it’s originator).

Let’s strip it down.

(PS to add)
I am trying to moderate this thread for clarity and accuracy, as the Cheese Stories get really crazy.
That said, I have a lot of respect for both you @VRG, and @JAWS. You two have done a tremendous amount of work and it has current and historical significance. Your contributions are profound. I want to add this because it’s true, but also so you know where I"m coming from


I’m just gonna leave this here :wink:


Blues is just as old as cheese but from a different part of the country. There is no cheese in blues. Both were found in packets of seeds brought back to the UK from Holland in 90’s.

I wasn’t even aware of lost skunk buddy so when I say it was not an inspiration I am telling you the truth, I have absolutely zero motivation to tell lies about any of this.

I think to speculate as such and post it as a fact, like the post you quoted is bordering on inflammatory for the simple fact that neither you nor the person you quoted knows me. So to make the claim/assumption that I was inspired by something or someone, when it simply isn’t true is wrong, and only further muddies the water.

I’m not here trying to rubbish lost skunk, far from it! I simply don’t know enough about it. You certainly don’t need to defend it towards me. I have no doubt those seeds produce exceptional plants :slight_smile:

All I can do is share what I know. His selection for the male certainly differed from mine(I’m not saying it’s better or worse) simply because, like I stated above, I used the next generation of blues seeds(bx3).

Also, my cheese clone was placed into my hand by Ot1 via cheese_farmer, that I know for a fact. Where his came from I couldn’t say for certain because I wasn’t there but I do know for a fact that it didn’t come from Ot1. So to even speculate that they are both one and the same, or that UGORG#1 is some kind of tribute, without having a single fact to support it, well we’re back in that muddy water.

Yes for sure I most certainly can state my opinion on UGORG#1. Having made it myself and grown out both her parents extensively. I know exactly what both bring to the table and I’m one of very few people who can actually differentiate their subtle nuisances, yeh I know everyone’s an expert.

I’m telling you most of what you copy and pasted as facts above, for reference, is simply not true. This is no slight on you nor the person you quoted.

So to summarise; blues is not cheese or a cheese hybrid. There is absolutely no blueberry in the original blues clone but there is a tiny bit in the seeds I released and I most certainly was not inspired to make UGORG#1 by Silas.

I’m simply speaking my truth from my own personal experience. I can’t tell you anything about OGKush, Sour Diesel, Runtz etc etc but these plants I know, and if there is anyone who claims to know or has more first hand experience with any of them, either individually or collectively, then please send them my way because I would absolutely love to meet them!

Thanks for the kind words it really means a lot! Honestly, thank you! I am not here to argue with anyone or to sell anything. I simply had something I wanted to get off my chest, and now that’s done and I do feel better for it.

I only continued to reply because you quoted a post, for reference, that lacked any real substance so Ive responded to it and tried my best to concisely explain exactly why it’s wrong. All from my own personal experience with these plants. For the benefit of everyone. With all due respect :heart:


Thank you for the clarifications


I’m not sure that @Zanzibar was implying you were doing a tribute of anything.

Sounds like you had your cheese from the same source and had the same awesome idea more or less at the same time.

That means more people choosing the best male they find from a specific line to cross to a good cut. I won’t complain :laughing:


@funkyfunk no he wasn’t buddy but the post he quoted(highlighted above) most certainly was and that was what I was responding too.


My bad, I forgot that part of the discussion. I guess you know better :smiley:


While yer here @VRG … any tips on growing these blues?


They’re very homogenous and most barely double in height during the stretch. They can be quite fussy in certain environments(like the pics at the start of this thread) and are sensitive to both too much light and heat at the canopy. Can be difficult under higher powered HID’s in tents, so check your leaf temps. They don’t respond well to harsh dry backs either. Yeh they can be fussy for some people for sure (just like the original clones are) but definitely worth it when you get them dialled in :slight_smile:


I can totally agree :star_struck:

The optic is special and the stem rub today pulled my hair back.

Left hand M39 plant 1 → oh wow
Right hand M39 plant 2 → niiice
Me rubbing on my pants to eliminate as much terpenes as possible and rubbing the Lost Skunk.

Left hand LS plant 1 - holy shit :exploding_head:

I don’t know you or most of the others but I can say that this thread is really interesting to me and from my perspective you brought a lot value into it.

I hope we are all able to hold on that positive vibe!

There is one thing we sure all have in common :green_heart:

There is one thing im carrying since month I my mind… as I felt in love with the LS i bumped into this thread and made the account. Was totally amazed with that Cheese story and red a lot about it, everything I could find.

Speculations over specs and Silas has passed away or so and then I found something really interesting. Unfortunately I have no screenshot but Silas answered on another forum that he is alive and that he used the DP Blueberry and that the Ugorg was BX2 F4(not 100% sure on the Gen) Anyhow I don’t really care about but it’s kind of legendary:)



I guess I’ll go ahead and share this again since you seem to have missed it the first time :wink:


Much appreciated :+1: Gonna proper babysit this last pack!


How are you my friend @Zanzibar? I hope everything is well with you and your family, I have some seeds already opened in the ground and I would like to update here with you brother

5 lost skunk f2 (5 germinated)
4 gushi mints x lost skunk f1 (3 germinated for now)
4 lime head x lost skunk f1 (2 for now germinated
3 peach sherbert og x lost skunk f1 (2 for now germinated)

Both bluechem and male are still here with a longer photo period of light because they stayed in my laundry room and where I end up using them to complete my Vega


The two male bluechem, I’m collecting pollen from the plant on the left, the largest! The spirit of pollen chucker that Abita in me won’t let me eliminate them! hahaha I’m going to use it to cross with some females from my selection here and see what it can turn into! Only lower branches! Thank you for putting these genetics in my hands friend!