Repro :: Silas' Lost Skunk - Exodus Cheese x UGORG Blues

Say Cheese :crazy_face:


@VRG is on here?? Never noticed that. Haha. Cool to see.


Lost Skunks are still happy :green_heart:


Looking awesome @CalleMinogue


Thank you Zanzibar :slight_smile:

I found only one male within my first pack but it’s a really really danky one!


Hey there, been running the Lost Skunk for the first time. Popped 3 seeds and got 2 females. Both look very similar, strong horizontal growth, pretty branchy. One smells a little bit more funky, the other a little bit more sweet. The sweeter one could be mistaken for a Blue Cheese smellwise. Sweet, berry, grapey, lavender, perfume cheese. So far both are „the loudest“ plants this run. Resin has a wet feel to it. Will report back with a smoke report.

Here is a pic from day 48. Plan to take them down around day 60. Please be lenient with me, since this is an exploratory run with six new strains and „one size fits all“ use of fertilizer, so nothing is dialed in and tips get burned in the process.


Ah, that’s almost all my grows for years now… She looks real nice from here!


Hello folk’s, its been a while I’ve been busy gardening so I’m just catching up, I hope you’re all well?

I harvested 9 lost skunk about a month ago ± I can tell you it’s a damn good smoke you won’t be disappointed with it if it’s the cheesey, sour milky, musty, burnt rubber vein you’re after?

I got another crop started with some other cheese strains, I’ve two from London city genetics, bluchi v3 from seed and I’ve cheese dipz (and exodus) growing from clones.

Cheese dipz

Bluchi v3

Tbh had I known I was going get 9 fems I’d have sown half the amount but I wasn’t to know and I couldn’t bring myself to cull a female.
9 females makes picking the best a difficult task, hmm tbf i’ve had bigger problems to deal with :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I’m flowering some off and re cloning a new mum from my favourites.

*Eta…Updated pic

Take it easy folk’s.


I‘m in love with my Lost Jungle, sorry for posting so frequently…

Left, right, from above…

In front view you can’t see Lost Skunks but 1-2 other green Bodyguards :star_struck:

Behind the greens the LS has its place :wink:


As long as you keep posting these stunning plants; I forgive you.


@Tupperware - the aromas you talk about are spot-on. The Blue Cheese was most prominent in the #4 plant. It was a little sweeter/perfume-ier.

Congrats @Star_Dog on your awesome run, and current one, too. I’d love to hear about the keeper you choose, as well as whatever notes you make on the other cheeses you have going. Really cool

@CalleMinogue Beautiful garden you have there. Very lush and verdant green


the actual funny thing is …

from the very start i tried to make sure people understand the “lost skunk”
may have the same formula as “ugorg #1”, but has a different story, a dif-
ferent maker and different results …

what’s all that “ugorg #1” talk in the “lost skunk” thread in first place? :thinking:


anyways i guess what triggered the “hate” was my assumption that silas inspired
the growers at underground genetics, which may be a mistake. i just assumed that,
since “lost skunk” was created first
, so that may be a mistake, my apologies :pray:

but who cares, really …
“lost skunk” and “ugorg #1” are different lines anyways,
and both are great in their own right :wink: the results will
be similar, due to the parentage, but they are different.

so, please let’s make sure we don’t confuse these two lines any longer :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Hey Folks,

LS with hints of Berry…

In the background you can see my really last Nepali IBL female… popped last 4 beans and all fingers and toes are crossed for a Repro :wink:
It’s the old stock… before this amazing Repro was done and shared via SH :heart:
3 males are just taking of few km away…

Back to the topic…

Beside my Outdoor activities I accelerated a little bit indoor and all of the sudden I needed some gap filler… luckily I had this kind of Lost Skunk female overdose :grin: it’s a tough task for the LS but they are stretching now…

Peace with Cheese


So I have a friend that says he has a very unique cheese. he says it’s in week 6 of flower and smells of wierd cheese with some sweet blueberry? Is that how it’s supposed to smell? Can anyone let me know what cheese smells like I never had it and would really want to try some authentic cheese strain. I thought it’s supposed to smell like toe jam cheese lol. Any info would help.


Hey OG‘s,
I had…as you know…
3 Lost Skunks F2 Girls as OD Leftovers and I decide to let them attend as side bitches in my indoor run… the whole tent consist of OD Plants because of lack of space and weed :sweat_smile:

All plants got a special Wellness treatment before I took them into the tent… Seems like I was able to transfer them Bug free… slowly the LS is getting serious. Today I pollinated a bit for F3.

Watered a bit after the dust - looks tasty :star_struck:

And the complete tent…

OD Plants are preparing for the flip as well


While the OD plants are taking off now and I gave them a little bloom feeding the 3x LS indoors showing signs of successful pollination :rofl: F3 Check!

Happy Weekend


Love the roof-top garden. -Stealth grow?

Careful, I think I can smell those trich-covered fan-leaves from here through the screen! :wink:

Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:


Yeah it’s not the intention to be stealth but I try to keep it kind of camouflage style in the garden.

May you want to have a look at my OD journal :wink:

The indoor LS are really resinous :star_struck: and pregnant …


Flat horizontal growth on a 5 week old cut in 5 gallons, topped once, no further training:


beautiful garden, bro