Repro :: Silas' Lost Skunk - Exodus Cheese x UGORG Blues

Dope @Zanzibar !
I’m stoked to see this, as I just got a 10 pack of Lost Skunk F2s with my purchase of @JAWS seeds!


Hey so glad you found this and hope it was illuminating :smiley:

@HeadyBearAdventures Yes, we decided to crack open an oldie at the same time. Kismet and zeitgeist collide. I hope you grow them out and post some pics. A new chapter in Cheese has begun. Over Cheese the world!


Thank you for the response Santero. I am waiting for some of your beans to arrive from Seedheaven so I definitely will consider you an authority on the subject!

I suppose he does say something about preferring the sativa types too, and it makes more sense if it was a vigour hunt of sorts. I’m still kinda dubious that they could actually choose the best 10. It seems a bit like picking the winners in a marathon after the first few miles.


The icmag cheese threads get contentious lol. Everyone’s got “the real story”. Haha it’s a LOT to sift through a 900+page thread that’s 50% nonsense and bickering. I too have been fascinated by Euro weed in past few years, UK especially. I find it funny that in Europe they all want modern Cali weed, and now all I want to grow is old time European weed here in USA.

I feel like cheese in UK is like sour diesel in USA. 20 different cuts, 50 different stories. That,and any old thing gets called cheese or sour or whatever is popular to move product.


I suppose the hype around the US weed (selling for a premium in places like the Dam) helps. Personally it’s a struggle to keep up with US weed. Unless you are well connected and willing to receive cuts in the post, you end up with about a million different cookie crosses to choose from.

The whole who had the cut first and who had the real cut is a pissing contest repeated for lots of stuff. If no one made any decent (or even better) version in seed form then it’s kinda like provenance without the art for me. The lack of categories (or conversely the sheer variety) in weed help cuts make hype too. Like a primitivo red wine or NEIPA beer would be difficult to hype to 10x the usual price.

PS. I’m just jealous I cannot get the fancy exclusive cuts :laughing:


Yeah. Nah. Modern weed is the result of breeders thinking these aren’t nutrient issues causing heritable transcript deletes.

“Where’s all the good weed go” Oh its all yellow and crinkled, but it’ll grow out of it, when the terps become vanilla dough muffin

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50%, you’re being gentle in your estimation :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::

I too am looking to the uk scene. With the borders US seems so unaccessible, and too fast to follow right now (plus you know, … cookies :rofl: ). I’m reading uk420 when it works for me. I’ve come to want to try oldtimer1’s things, smile or celia in particular. Anyone tried that?: VerdantGreen is on my sight too.

Nice journey @Zanzibar, won’t disgress on your nice repro much more I swear.

Actually I’m planning to run blue chem f2 next year. :smiley:


Hi, I’m Ham the Meat man. I’m applying for the full time OG troll position

Oh, thanks for your interest, but we have a troll here who we already like.


This is really cool @Zanzibar :slightly_smiling_face: These type of genetics 100% need to be saved, and I guarantee that future generations will be thanking you for the kind of work that’s being done here. Much respect for all the time and effort you put into these preservation projects. Awesome job, bro! :+1:

Oh, and it just so happens that I know a guy who would love to run a few of these lost sunk and do my…I mean his part to “over cheese the world”. lol


As far as cheese stories go…This is the one that I choose to believe, as it’s straight from the horses mouth:

Here is the true story of the origins of Cheese - by Wing Commander Blue (the guy who first grew it) and as printed in issue 65 of Weed World magazine.

The true origin of UK Cheese​

I recently went on holiday to the Canary Islands, a friend of mine gave me a copy of Weed World magazine to read while I was there (issue 56). To my surprise, was the article by Big Buddha Cheese? On reading this I decide to tell the story from the beginning.

Back in the late 80’s early 90’s, a friend-of-a-friend of mine came back from the Sensi Seed Bank in Amsterdam with some seeds.

Most of the plants were males but 4 of them were girls – 3 of the 4 were wankers and one was kind of OK. This plant was cloned and passed on to 3 or 4 different people who grew it alongside some Northern Lights and Silver Pearl plants in their well built grow rooms.

I am 45 years old now and have been growing my own weed for about 25 years, 10 of them outside in the wild.

My best friend and I decided that we would build ourselves our own grow rooms but didn’t see the need for getting too technical so, we made them out of anything we could lay our hands on – we called them “orange crates” coz that’s what they looked like.

As for lighting, we went on a commando raid to a local disused cement factory and helped ourselves to some Sodium and Metal Halide 400’s. We made our own shades from some aluminium sheeting from a local scrap yard.

Now all we needed was some nice cuttings. I managed to get some N/L and S/P plants and also one of the Skunks. Most of the other growers concentrated on the N/L and S/P because they are good all rounders.

I think one of the Skunks went to Crewe and another to Cornwall. I quite liked the Skunk so I kept it going. Now over the next 7 or 8 years of constant cloning, the Skunk started changing – don’t know why – it just did. It started to get really smelly – I mean really stink. The smell would get everywhere and I was often creosoting the fence to try and mask the smell (a little tip there for Cheese farmers, creosote or burnt toast). Cropping was a nightmare and I wouldn’t even go out because people would often say “you stink”.

I was giving some of this weed to my close friends and they all loved it and, as the taste was changing it seemed the strength was too. This weed had become so strong and so smelly that it reminded me of something I had smelt before, but I couldn’t think what it was. Then one day the penny dropped.

When I was 17 or 18 and living at home with my parents, I would go out a lot with a friend who worked in a food essence factory. Some days I would see him and he would stink of all different kind of things: fish, beef, vanilla etc. He would bring me small test tubes of concentrated liquids home and use them in my fishing bait (the carp loved the vanilla). One day he put one under my nose and said “smell this one, its called blue cheese, and it’s a real minger”.

This was the smell I had been trying to remember. The weed smelt just like it and so she was born. I gave the weed the name “Cheese”.

The only cuttings I let out were to people who were incapable of doing their own cloning and only wanted a plant for their own garden in the summer months.

Another close friend of mine, known as “Of the Hill”, came to me one day and asked me if I would do him 21 cuttings as he was building a big lab for the Exodus people in Luton. I was a bit unsure of this as I didn’t know ay of these people but, I did it for him because he is a good egg and has dug me out of plenty of holes over the years. Anyway, off he went with his cuttings and I didn’t here too much more about it, other than a good harvest festival was had.

“Of the Hill” arranged for a cutting to make it’s way to a coffee shop in Amsterdam in 2003 (Home Grown Fantasy). It was cloned and put on the menu as ‘Cheese’ and went on to claim 3rd place in the cannabis cup in 2004.

I recently met an American at a Hawkwind gig in London who had heard of the Cheese in Washington. He had come to the UK to see Hawkwind and smoke Cheese. His face lit up when I pulled a big fat Cheese straw out of my pocket!

It’s kind of annoying really – I wish I could have put a patent on the word “Cheese” in the context of marijuana but, it’s kind of difficult when things are illegal.

All over the place now I hear people calling all sorts of weed “Cheese” and I say to them “no mate, this is Cheese”.

As for Mr Big Buddha? I have plenty of respect for him, but the Cheese is not yours no matter what you call it and, as for crossing her? She does need help –over the years she has started to show signs of stress.

Growers will notice that some plants get brown spotty leaves during growing & flowering that results I leaf drop. I don’t know what the cause is, it’s not the soil, the water, the food, or the air quality (possibly a virus of some kind), so I suppose a cross of some kind to introduce some new vigour to her would be a good thing so, like I said, respect to Big Buddha for trying.

So for nearly 14 years, the Cheese was living at only a couple of places but now it seems to be everywhere for people to enjoy.

I don’t know what she has become – some sort of mutant freak, but she sure hits the spot and everyone who smokes her loves her to pieces.

So there you have it – the truth about the origin of Cheese. You can all rejoice that I kept her going for all these years and now you all know how it came about its name.

In the grand scheme of things it’s not very much, but I wanted to set the record straight.

Wing Commander Blue


Some uk chick grew a Nevil skunk cross and bam


Looks absolutely amazing!!


Hell yes, @j0ebob !!!
After that this cheese joint needs some Hawkwind

Turn it up to 11!


Rock on, brother! :metal:


all i meant is that i saw that a lot in bb-plants
and it never resulted in much of a problem …

and nope … i am not a breeder :slight_smile:
(and there is nothing wrong with modern weed either, imho.)


I just noticed that I had forgotten to give the homie @santero a shout out in my last post…My doctor has me on some pretty strong painkillers at the moment, so I’ve been trying to remember to double check my posts and make sure I didn’t say anything too crazy. :laughing:

Anyway, big up’s for getting these Lost Skunk beans over to Zanzi to reproduce. It’s great to see you two joining forces once again. :sunglasses::ok_hand: :raised_hands:


awesome thread guys, i to am doing some work with the LOST SKUNK she is a sloppy girl but has an interesting scent and she is decent in the smoke department.

running the blues here as well but sadly i was not lucky and i did not get a male with my only seeds so there is no blues f-gens from my end sorry. i have the exodus and the uk cheese in rout as we speak should be here Friday. should be fun working with those as well, also did some work with the UGORG#1 here are some hybrids on the frames as we speak.


not sure if any of those will give something special but were going to find out over the next couple years.

cheesy/skunky fall/winter for-sure …

@santero always much respect and love brother .


Thank you for stopping by, @JAWS
Your project is very impressive. I’m stoked that you’re focusing on Cheese. The Lost Skunk is such a unique flavor and pairing it out to see where she goes is an adventure. Something amazing awaits and I’m sure there will be lots of gems in your crosses. Stoked to see you on the path.

Right on, @j0ebob. Even without painkillers I’ll post some cringy shit :crazy_face:
Your article… it points at something crucial about Cheese. At the very heart of the Exodus Cheese story is the mutation over time of a Skunk clone (we used to call it genetic drift, but that was the wrong title). He had a skunk cut, and then there was cheese. Kind of the immaculate conception of Cheese… with no rhyme or reason it just fell into being. And this is true with a lot of the best weed - got born through happenstance and mistake

Scientists have known for some time that ‘clonal’ (regenerant) organisms are not always identical. Now researchers believe they have found out why this is the case in plants: the genomes of regenerant plants carry relatively high frequencies of new DNA sequence mutations that were not present in the genome of the donor plant.


I picked up a Lost Skunk freebie from your last freebie release. Anything I should look for pheno wise you would recommend? I’ve never had any kind of skunk, that Im aware of, before.


no not really brother, just made those to insure they were still around. have not yet done any proper hunting with them just got them out for the ppl so far.

excellent …