Repro :: Silas' Lost Skunk - Exodus Cheese x UGORG Blues

Hi @Habitt
What I’ve learned about in the Lost Skunk is there’s basically two phenos which can be broken into a shorter one and a taller one.
The double serrated leaves is a desirable trait and runs on both sides (of the taller/shorter). Although the overall differences were few in the end product - close to same nose, good potency across, basically same flavor. The Blues side seems to be a little taller and buds a little more dense, and brigher/floral aromas in flower. The Exo Cheese side is shorter and has somewhat looser buds, but punchier/cheesier aromas in flower.
I selected for both sides to open up the F2 gens, so there’s a good smattering for people to find what they want, and venture out anew.
Also there’s lots of info on this thread to get an idea fro what you’re looking for


Love this. It would be fun if somebody hunted both your f2s and JAWS f2s simultaneously!


Great info! :+1:. I can’t wait to go through these!


Awesome info man thanks for sharing can’t wait to see what comes out of those f2s. Glad to see cheeses and cheese crosses making its way back around. :v:


I have some Silas blues in a bag, I was told they were special.


Love the Cheese crosses… Made my own f1 kinky cheese some years ago… Great yield great taste overall one of my fav indica leaning strains all time :sunglasses: lot of different phenos all good some of them are legendary for sure


… Yes this is ideal. And with the F2s there’ll be some interesting phenos popping out. Open polli them both together and you’ll see so many interesting things showing up in the offspring

Special for sure. F2 those puppies.

There’s basically two things going on here: There’s the search for the core or essence of Exodus Cheese - for some, re-finding something nostalgic and long lost, and for many to find out what it’s all about for the very first time.
And then there’s looking to see where the Exo wants to go (by crossing her to others). I made some crosses this run. @santero has made quite a few very nice crosses to the Exo cut, and @JAWS is definitely on this path as well with his impressive list of crosses.
And, I suppose thirdly - as @HeadyBearAdventures pointed toward - there’s mixing and crossing various Lost Skunk f2s together to open up even more possibilities.


yup should have the uk & Exo cuts in house tomorrow, there inbound so lets hop they show in the post and are in good condition.

peace …

P.S. i have the blues in hand already.


Some notable Exodus Cheese crosses worth mentioning/exploring are ::
Cheeseberry from @eskobar (Exo Cheese x Blueberry = similar to the Sheffield Livers formula used to make The Blues)
eskobar’s Chucky’s Bride (Exo Cheese x C99)
Cheetos from @santero (Exo Cheese x Sour Diesel/Riri cut = same formula Heath Robinson used for Chiesel)
FrootLoops from Santero (Chucky’s Bride x Cheetos)


You’re killing me, bro! :laughing:

I wasn’t ready to say anything just yet…But, I guess I’ll go ahead and let the cat out the bag

F2’s coming later on…:wink:


Love what I’m seeing here. Hunt for the stank is a zealous drive


Uhhh @j0ebob, So awesome you have those. I forgot to mention the Choco Cheese, and oh shit the Boudica! You’ve now got some f2 projects :star_struck:

@JAWS - if you ever want to trade for any of the cheese stuff I still have the three males I used, as well as the three gals, and the crosses. I’d love to play with some of the things you’re doing with the Exo/cheese/LS. If so I’d be totally into it


pull me a list together of what your offering and send it to me in a dm/pm and i will have a look for-sure.

peace …


waitwaitwait … THIS is how really nice things come together, imo (!)
if you two stick your heads together = only good stuff will happen :slight_smile:

that would be so cool to see you two exchange and benefit from each others work :heart_eyes: :star_struck:


thank you brother, much respect always.

peace …


Boudica has some really tasty pheno s for sure… Here some kinky cheese outdoor harvest her last week in week 8 of flower… Best outdoor smoke ever


So for you uk and exodus cheese are not the same cut? I thought they were. I guess you’ll find out :smiley:

On @zanzibar list we could add dead whabbits from @santero too.


ya we shall see, there has been for years all kinds of crap over all the different cheese cut’s. its great to have two different at the same time there will be no doubt if there the same or not. my guy says they are not the same thing, we shall see.

ya been looking at the WHABBITS have a friend who has her running.

onward …


Oh yes! Dead Whabbits ::
[Cheese x (Chem '91 SkVA/ChemD bx2)] X (Cheese / Sour Diesel IBL 2010)
Who’s run her? Please tell
Cheese Chem / Cheese Sour = :crazy_face:

Santero, do you perfer to be called a fromager, a turophile, perhaps cheesemonger???

And yes, the Great Cheese Debate… @JAWS it would be awesome if you - at some point - post some pics of them side by side.


That’s one I don’t have from him. Definitely would have some going if I did. Killer mashup there. Interested to see/hear from those who’ve run them.

Edit: I don’t get why we turned Cheese (Exodus cut) into UK Cheese. Makes me cringe when I see it and I have some in a cross going now. Haha