Repro :: Silas' Lost Skunk - Exodus Cheese x UGORG Blues

You will like the Exodus, haven’t had it in awhile, but was my favorite of the cheese cuts.


I’ve been here lurking and watching for a few weeks now, how is exodus cheese smell and what’s the high from it like ? :slight_smile:


The Exodus just has a funkier dankness to it from what I remember, more cheese, though I’ve never tried them side by side. Was a strong smoke


I ran the dead whabbits. Didn’t get any cheesy phenos myself but was a nice strain. I got rose/fuel/body odour/candy/berry/meaty smells from the ones that I had. I remember one of the phenos reeking up the room like crazy. Smelled so strong.


OMG, of course, Neo!
Totally gorgeous, @neogitus
Which of the many Exodus Cheese crosses from @santero have you run? Esko gear, too. Anything you want to contribute/add here would be so awesome


Surprisingly none so far other than the dead whabbits and lemon chiesel. This thread is making me wanna start looking through some of em though. I have boudica from esko also and cheetos, starship cheetos, double dipped cheetos, froot salad, froot punch, choco chiesel and d livers from san.

Didn’t get anything cheesy for the lemon chiesel either but had some interesting smells lemon/gas/floral/urinal cakes/grape/orange peel/ powdery candy. Had some pretty mixed phenos on that one. Some very “sativa” like and some the opposite.

I’m hoping to eventually find something that has that doritos / cheetos type cheese smell to it. Guess I’ll have to run the cheetos sooner than later. I prob have more than one pack of it too.


You guys sure are making it hard for me to keep my mouth shut over here… I guess it’s time to let one more cat out the bag…:laughing:

Brightside, Exo and Psychosis have now arrived. :sunglasses: :metal: :grinning:

I think @Zanzibar’s plans to “over cheese the world” may be happening much sooner than we all expected. lol


What’s the make-up of your Kinky Cheese? Boudica x ? Bud looks delicious. 8 weeks sounds very Cheesey :cheese:

Hell yes!
And I’ve heard of Doritos/Cheetos phenos in San’s Cheetos… And that Lemon Chiesel cola is fucking rad!

… so cool, man, so cool. Now tell us what they are, please. The Brightside is a Exodus BX1? I think the Psychosis is a cross with NL5 x Haze, which sounds just amazeballs. And where did you find those? I hope you brought enough to share with everyone :smile:


@Zanzibar Kinky cheese is made by Eskobar its Shiva x BBC i only reproduce it… Also made allot of other crosses with it… Mostly 9 week phenos this pheno could take another week but the weather was too bad


“UK cheese” and “exodus cheese” are not the same. only exodus is the original.
the “brightside cut” was known to be a bx for a long while, to an afghan and back
(until someone at some point decided that it’s not, lol. now it is supposed a pure
cheese, same as “suicide cheese”. that’s also a bx, but now people think it’s not.)

“psychosis” and “blues” are the most prominent of
the british “cheese”-crosses selected as clone only.
other famous ones include stuff like blue meanie,
nelly or bbc (which are all crosses or bx’s)


@j0ebob or @JAWS
any chance you can hit zanzibar with those cuts too, please ?
i’d love to see him be able to be free with his options/possibilities
too … he really deserves the opportunity to realize his ideas too.


btw, i saw the description of “boudica” being wrong on seedfinder.
it’s a (chucky’s bride x holy princess)-cross and not pure cheese
to the holy princess, altho that’s something that i actually did, lol.


Is that really a thing? :laughing:

I plan on running dead whabbits next year


hahah ya the brightside came close to getting that one as well but it did not pan out sadly.

suicide cheese yup another one that was thrown in the cheese confusion back then, ppl were losing there minds fighting on the boards as too which were the best and even which were real and just made up. was never ever clear on what cheese were the same and which ones were stand alone great cuts/strains. finally 15 years later i have two almost here so i can see for myself.

fun fun and today is the day they arrive, i have my rooters prep done. so the uk exo should be here soon as well as the 80’s skunk.

we shall see …


:fire::fire::fire: so sick man


So much amazing stuff happening here can’t wait to see some flower shots of all these cheese cuts you guys are talking about and can only imagine the dope crosses y’all are going to make with them. Haven’t had some good cheese in years one of my favorites this really is epic. :grin:


very nice packaging on those very nice indeed.

so what are you plans with that BRIGHTSIDE cut ?. you going to be making any hybrids or perhaps some s1/fem ?.

very nice have …


Sorry I’m a bit late to the party but i grew them recently. I had 2 pheno types, one more cheese leaning the other is rather chem/diesel leaning.

Both are very good yielders and stinkers. The cheese leaner has a tad more relaxed high and slightly better yield. When I look at my jars I can tell that the cheese leaner is almost gone while the other one I still have half a jar.

Definitely worth growing, not finicky at all, can take some abuse, no nanners or anything. And gorgeous plants over all.


woah, nice :slight_smile: cool that you liked 'em.
(if you need more = hit me up, bro.)


the shark smelled blood, eh? haha.
brightside is great, bro, more sweet.


Frosty frost frost look at that beauty of a skunk


What do you guys think of the RKS repro done her a few years ago (2020 I think)


The lineage is verified Heime Cheba RKS, people report acrid smells (and others too), but the actual RKS terps remain (as always) elusive.
I’m holding a pack, and I’m going to experiment with making a fermented hops fertilizer.
I’ll be selecting hops with known high quantities of thiol precursors to see if it has any effect on the final terpene production