Repro :: Silas' Lost Skunk - Exodus Cheese x UGORG Blues

Somewhere in a not too distant future I’m gonna tell a critical art’s theorist I’m smoking with “A wise man on OG once told me something about soup!” :point_up:

No seriously, this one got me into a happy mind bender while stoned, gonna save you the ramble but that felt like some real wisdom right there!


Lolz, I’dlove to hear the stoner rant!
And to bring it full circle, the idea of recreating a line was first presented to me from @santero
I was reading the description for his Cheetos, and it’s there that he says it:

(Exodus Cheese x Sour Diesel)

The Cheese is a classic Skunkpheno since the mid-90’s … She is known, loved and
well documented, a proven mother. Her 8-9 week flowertime gets reliably inherited to
her kids and the very strong fragrance also makes it’s way into the offspring.

Mating her to the Sour Diesel (2010 IBL) adds some weight to her buds and lets her
stretch a bit more in some phenos. The strong fuely-stink of the Sour Diesel, combi-
nes very well with the very strong fragrance of the Cheese. There was no plant with-
out a favorable smell/taste in the testgrows. If the Cheese or the Diesel are of interest,
then this is a way of getting the best of both worlds combined in one seed.

This cross is an Hommage to Heath Robinson’s version of this same genetic formula.
i grew the big yielding “Chiesel”-clone that is around and appreciated it very much …
so, i went for a seedline that shows all the facettes of this combination in a (structurally)
stable F1. The Skunk still dominates the line, of course, but the SD adds noticable and
enjoyable traits to the known Cheese-characteristics.

Cheetos-plants take around 9we to be ripe, some phenos are faster.
The rule of thumb is: longer = Sour Diesel-type, faster = Cheese-type.

10 Seeds / Pack
made by SAN

… it just hadn’t occurred to me to re-make an already existing cross. It’s at once seemingly obvious and yet totally ingenious

And now we land safely back into Cheese-landia :smiley:


That is really cool. The Cannabis community should and could be inspired by that.


and esko inspired me :wink: when he made his version of blues/livers aka. “blue cheese”
by hitting his “uk cheese”-clone with (dj’s) blueberry stretch indica male-selection :yum:
the seedline is ridden with “livers” phenos.

that was also a “copycat” :grin: and a really good one too (!!)


Woohoo sexy :slight_smile:


This is the Gush Mints x Lost Skunk from the batch
Very GM dominant.


Nice colors! Was that GM dominance what you expected?


Really really nice!! I will be waiting for these to be back on seedheaven :smiley:


Hey there @funkyfunk
I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve grown the Gush Mints many times now, and think it’s a stellar plant… all around. The reason for the cross was to see how they both played together. I won’t know for sure until harvest and smoke… which is a gift I’m waiting to unwrap :partying_face:


she´s a looker for sure


Hard to guess in advance, and indeed only the smoke will have the final word. They’d make good ornementals if not good/potent enough :smiley: Keep us updated on that. Wonder if you’ll end up working it further.


Just found your post Nice genetics -Gush Mint x Lost Skunk


Last week I started a number of seeds, lost skunk F2 and one i got for free coco kush x lemon? (Smac) along with some other breeders stuff.

I’ve had 100% strike rate with seed heaven seeds 15/15 up and growing :slightly_smiling_face:


Left) 10x lost skunk and 5x coco kush


i found a screenshot of the old silas F1-auction :wink:
he sold a few packs via the seed depot back then.

here’s what he wrote on the TSD-board about his creation:

I have wanted to see a cross of these two ever since UGORG released the blues seeds because they are two of my favorite smokes.My main aim is a 50/50 F1 with the best of both combined in one strain.I’m also fascinated to see what else may pop up in the mix because these two are kind of distant cousins from what I know.They are both outstanding examples of long lost super stinky skunk from back in the day.My theory is that if I do a run of F2’s from these beans all kinds of old school skunks could turn up.That’s what I’m hoping anyway.I suppose it’s just as possible that the ridiculous strong taste and smell of these plants are recessive genes and I will end up with a load of bland modern day skunk#1 type phenos but I hope not.


and this is a pic from silas of the “exodus cheese” mother.
everyone that knows her will immediately recognize her :slight_smile:

cheese x blues-livers (cheese-mother)


yeah that’s exodus alright. wider than she is tall :joy:
Some absolute GOLD for info there! Thanks for finding all that!


Really nice, San.
Archival genealogy!


That last pic is absolutely gorgeous. It is such a strong looking and vigorous plant. I´d like the smell of that I am sure.


A few more pics that Silas posted back in 2014 of his exo cheese cut…



I have a cheese cut here that came from a seed, it’s not the original for sure… I took it twice already and this double serration is also in the fans around here… but the taste is totally woody, like pine… nothing cheesy… I harvested it two days ago… I’ll look for a photo to post… I know the seed came from some bank in Canada… but there’s nothing cheesy about it heheheheh


Hey there @creatorknbsland dm me if you want some Lost Skunk beans. They’ll point you in the right direction :wink: