Return to growing after almost 20 years..

My friends!

How are you? Over here in Gravityville life is good but very busy. I have been extremely busy and thus there are less entries in my journal.

Today we are at 4 weeks flowering. (7 pic pano) Take a look at this goodness.

(2) Tropicana cookies (on left)
(2)Durban Poison. (on Right)

March 11th 2023 - Opposite side of the tent.

Even though I have been busy I have a few test hidden in this grow…

  1. Never grew 4 plants in 5x5 always just 3. So the test is do you get more yield or less. I have 3 4x5 LEDS ;lights that I bought when i jumped back in so light penetration is not a problemo.

  2. I let the big Tropicana cookie in the back get real tall and near the lights. In the old days this would fry the stalk… Will it do it with LEDS? Yeah so far it is just the leaves at the top but the stalk is good to go and the buds under are getting bigger.

Even though the ladies look like I have never given them a hair cut that would be a untrue observation as I have done nothing but trim the hell out of them and the leaves keep coming!

The Durban poison is really starting to show its frosting/trichs on the leaves. This strains is said to be good if you like hash. We will see

That is all I got my friends… No problemos right now… Octos and TPS1 for the win!



Big Change from last year. Just popped another dehumidifier in the lung room… Hope this isn’t a pre-text to the summer… I’m not into > 55%… I will win the game! Lots to chat about soon my Friends.



My Friends! How are you? Very busy over here at GR Farms. We are 5 days away from harvest of the current grow.

2 - Tropicana cookies LEFT
2- Durban Poison. RIGHT

The Tropicana cookies are starting to show their tan trichs and the Durban poison has some that are dark in color. That tall TC is looking really good.

I visited a new grow shop here locally and I try to support them as much as possible. While talking to the owner that i wanted to test out some mite spray of some sort. Just to plan ahead in case they showed up. He suggested ogranishield. Basically citrus acid that decomposes into water droplets in a couple of hours. So I am like sure lets try this. A couple of days later I mixed up a gallon of water with this stuff and said well I am going pretreat the plants just in case they are there. Started spray… and low and behold the infamous webs started to appear on a couple of buds. So I took some samples to look under the scope and saw a few of them so I sprayed the shit out of these plants. Followed up 2 days later and sprayed the shit out them again. Did not see any webs this time and I took samples. Did not find a single mite on several samples. I followed up 3 days later with another spray, coating the plants again. I haven’t seen them since. Pretty impressed with this product. Not expensive $38.00. So far I would say this works very well and backs up the claims made on the website.

I have been fighting low temp high humidity so far this spring. The old window was not cutting it and showing it’s age so I replaced it with the backup which is a little smaller than the old one. I noticed these spikes in my humidity and couldnt figure out why. I think I know after deep thinking. The humidifier has a self pump that I now have going directly outside and not into a 20 gallon cooler anymore. Emptying the cooler was major pain in the ass. What I can guess is that the pump does not constantly run. The reservoir fills up and when full then cuts on but the unit cuts off until the reservoir is empty and then cuts back on. That is what the spikes in humidity are is my guess. Without having the temp sticks and behing able to record data to look back on I doubt I would have guessed what was causing this. Looks like it can take up to 40 mins to empty the reservoir and thus the unit is not technically on during this time. I have second dehumidifier that I am thinking about turning on dunno yet.

That is all I have my friends. More coming when we chopppppppppp.



Looking good brother. Glad that new spray worked out, think I’ll try some citric acid based stuff for my tomato plant aphid problem :+1:


Thanks Gonzo. I am doing the same for mine as well. I was really impressed with the product. I know where I got them from. I used recycle dirt that sat outside to dry. Dumb ass move on my part.



My Friends… I am sitting here planning my fall grow. Was thinking about popping another one of my legacy seeds from 90’s jar again and see what we get. Now that I have access to testing machine @ the growshop it would be kinda cool to take a reading on one… Whatchyall think.?

Update coming today for the resent grow, might even chop a plant.



Yes My friends it is that time again! A time to reap… I spread out the chops so I didn’t have to trim them all at one time. Well trim the big leaves and get the buds off the stalks.

Couple of days ago…

Yesterday… Two plants The BIG Tropicana Cookie and a Durban Poison. Still on stems but off stalks.

Today off stems… Tomorrow Trimmer test.

More updates to follow with weigh-in’s and detail summary of the grow.



looking fantastic!! great work :slight_smile:


Oh yeah I been following. So many threads. :rofl:

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That looks really good brother. TPS1 for the win. :100:

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My Friends!

How are you? I am a little late with the post because I have been a busy bee… So where did we leave off…

I …

  • Trimmed up in the Trimmer.
  • Put Buds in Jars
  • Froze our trimmings
  • Weighed and recorded everything
  • Had it Tested!

So lets dive the numbers.

Well as you can see the Tropicana cookie #1 rocked some serious weight. She was the big one and tried to grow through the lights. The top of my tent is 80cm to give you a idea how the big the lady was. Hitting the LEDS caused some leaves to die… but geez the buds on top of the canopy were thick.

TP1 and DP1 were bigger plants. Numbers show this in yield.

1.8 pounds on 4 plants that is pretty good if you ask me but wait…, lets go back and look at something…

This is our Purple Kush and two black berries Kush grow and only three plants.

We are talking two ounce difference… is that worth the space and nutes? To be determined…

So yeah the test…

Durban Poison 1

Tropicana cookie 1

So how does do they taste and smoke?

Trop Cookie: Very low thc but a lot of CBG. This strain doesn’t do it for me but if someone was to use it for medicine it would probably be great for them.

Durban Poison: WOW, what can i say other than this is the best I have grown in 2 years. So impressed with it that I had taken clones of it and plan to grow out until the end of the year. This is 100% sativa and if your looking for cross something 100% sativa into your own creation this is the plant for you! Only 8 weeks to flower too!

Made some Bubble hash off the TP trimmings. Pretty good. I have two more gallon bags of the DP to make hash from. I think it will be a higher yield than the TPC. It is supposed too.

OctoPots & TPS1 for the Win again!

That is all I have my friends! Do I have another grow ready to go? You bet!



Yup still here… Just busy my friends…

Update to follow… High af atm… Man I love hash…



Glad to see ya!
:green_heart: :seedling:

1 Like

Where did you find blackberry Kush seeds? I been looking for a reputable source for years. Got some repos but it’s not the same at all.


Look up Purple Caper Seeds
Blackberry Fire- blackberry kush x fire lady
Hands down best meds I’ve ever used over and over again. Shit works. :100:

2 Likes Good stuff!

I am still here, just a lot of family issues with people being old and sick.

Only had outside one plant (green crack) out of 3 (2) Durban poison survive.

The DB super cropped and started flowering late June and when the humidity kicked in , in augs bud rot set in. Had to throw away about 1.5pounds. :frowning:

Wife told me that the 1.5 pounds of trim in the freezer had to go so I started to make some hash. Got ALOT more to process.

Peace my friends.


The Look on your face when someone on twitter tells you that you don’t have to decarb cannabis in order to feel the effects of it.

2022-11-02 13_01_13-Window



twitter is like myspace now.


Happy Halloween my friends!