Return to growing after almost 20 years..

Some more pics from Plant 1 (which btw is one of the clone indicas from batch 1 and not a WC(Yeah I know i need to start labeling clones…lazy))

I did a little before and after test on the bath tube to show how much crap is on the plants even with a indoor /garage grow. Probably a lot of this is neem oil and the rotting corpses of my sworn enemy… Spider Mites. heheh . I never washed my plants before I came back from 20 years of not growing. I think it makes the product taste so much better… Plant 2 tonight!


Some more harvest pics

Some nice looking roots. Amazes me they creep all down and find the water within 7 days. Least mine do.

Wedding Cake Plant1

Some very purple leaves on both WC. Do to the colder temps growing in a garage in late fall.

Almost didnt fit into a full size tub

Buds are nice and thick!

When handling after harvest plants does anyone else feel like Nicholas Cage in the Rock?


Looks like you are going to have some fine smoke there!


Thank yah Bud. Def better and more in batch2 but i followed directions on the TPS feeding chart this time… hehe. Gonna have a weigh in on plant one in a few more days… Drying nicely @ 68f 50-58rh.


First Plant Trimmed down 108g / 3.88oz – 1.25oz of trim for edibles. – 5.14oz total

@gpaw this is what I was expecting yield wise on the first grow. Not disappointed this time for sure! The two remaining wedding cake plants seem to be heavier. We will see.


You cleared 5 oz on one plant…
:+1: :sunglasses:
…and 2 more following shortly… :laughing:

Excellent harvest!!

All for flower or are you planning on something like some bubble hash?

I wish you luck on your house hunting.
I’m planning on something similar around the same time frame. I really want a place with a little ‘out of the way’ acreage so I can plant outside as well.



I have never made hash but want too. Once I get the production line running and have some inv I intended on trying it!

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Think I am gonna need bigger mason jars…

2 down one to go!


Out of Trim Prison with a smile on my face…


I will have a follow up post shortly with a few test that were conducted during this grow. The test involved 4 plants vs 3 plants & 2 sets of LED lights vs 3 of the same brand. Some very good data concerning these two topics came up during the batch 2 grow. I will share shortly…


Being a system engineer, I am always collecting data to increase performance. Always trying to dial it in. There were two test that were conducted this grow.

The first test consisted of

  • two growers

    • With the same size tent 5x5
    • Growing the same strains/ clones from batch 1
    • Growing indoors
    • Using octopts w/ same soil sunshine mix#4
    • Same number of plants #3
    • Same Nutes / TPS1 – Feed the same per feeding directions.
    • Same type of LED lights set on 75% - Abriselux A2000 LED Grow Light Dimmable with 5x4ft Coverage and Upgraded Larger Board, Full Spectrum Grow Lamps for Indoor Hydroponic Growing Light with High PPFD (Actual Power 200Watt).
    • Both Grows flowered for 8.5 weeks
    • Both Grows were wash and then dried till snap
  • Difference Between Growers

    • One grower used two set of lights
    • One grower (me) used three set of lights

I am coaching a couple new growers a long and one of them is a buddy of mine. When I got my setup he pretty much had me create a verbatim shopping list of what I bought all the way down to the nutes, soil , etc. His grow was about 2 weeks ahead of my batch 2. I said lets compare our yields and figure out if the 3rd light really makes a difference… Well… it looks like it does…


4.5 OZ difference is a pretty big difference in my book. Well worth the purchase of a 3rd light. Running the lights at 75% and not all the way up in freedom rock level I experience no foxtailing and no purple stressed out stems.

The second test was conducted with data from my first batch. The second batch were clones from batch 1 - wedding cake and unknow 2000ish indica.

The difference this time was that I grew 4 plants batch 1. I only grew 3 in batch 2. Batch 2 was out of the ball park higher than batch 1.

If you look at the diagram below you will notice that in batch 2 WC1 is the winner in yield while the other two are around the same yield amount. Notice where WC1 sat in the tent? Yah it had much more room to grow. Makes me think “Wonder what two plants per tents would yield” This would cost more in infrastructure (lights, dehumidifier,ac,etc) but in the end would it pay itself off? I might run this test in the future and see.

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Thought some would be interested in this information. If any new growers come across this consider these things.

  1. Don’t go putting 6 plants in a small space. Do the opposite. Put one plant in a small space.
  2. Consider using octopots. You will not be disappointed.
  3. More light is more yield. This is about coverage not brightness though.


Meet Einstein… Just got done doing some burping/checking in on the H in the jars… one got away and hit the floor… Einstein grabbed the wedding cake bud and approves… He said needs a few more weeks… hehe… Im high as shit it just made me laugh his expression afterwards…


Your photos are so well set up. They belong in a magazine :star_struck:

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Can yah tell I like to cook ?? Presentation sets the mood :slight_smile:


Merry Christmas my friends… I am still here just very little monitor time as the season demands… Up on Deck for 2022 Blue Dreams. Grow buddy dropped them into octopots today. I will be firing back up in Feb when we top and clone them. We will be conducting the veg time of same strains vs yield this go around. My grow buddy and I came up with a good idea I will share later about why grow buddies are good people to have as friends. It saves time and money which we all dig right? Thanks again for all the comments on my journal and suggestions. Glad to be back after 20 years… Onward we march!


So the idea my grow buddy and myself came up with…

While chatting and making plans for the Blue Dreams grow, the conversation came up about acquiring tents for the purpose of cloning and pre-vegging of plants. We both want to stay legal in which our state says we can have no more than 4 plants. Having clones and or flowering plants was not specified in the new laws neither was how much yield from 4 plants you harvest.
The issues we discussed were:

  1. Are we breaking state law buy having 4 flowering plants and 4 clones that may or may not have roots at any time?
  2. Infrastructure cost of new tent, lights, electricity, space, etc, for a cloning pre-vegging environment.
  3. I grow in a garage. He grows in room in his house. It is easier for him to keep the environment under control and in acceptable cost range than I can in a garage in the middle of winter. Having another tent only complicates this for me during the cold times of the year. It will cost more money to keep the garage environments dialed in to where they need to be.

Our solutions:

  1. We will still have this issue of law interpretation. We seriously don’t think we will have a issue.
  2. We have decided to time our grows so that we are never in flowering at the same time. We both chop our tops, and this action will trigger clone production in which the flowering grower will give the clones to the other buddy and they start process of pre-veg and into vegging.
  3. Once the flowering grower has harvested the vegging grower should be moving into flowering and ready to chop the tops at which time the process starts all over again.

What do we gain:

  1. No extra infrastructure cost. Tents, lights, electricity etc. $$$ saved.
  2. No extra work. Any extra infrastructure added like tents will require more time and more work.
  3. Less space footprint taken up from growing.
  4. More in-line with state law.
  5. Constant supply of ready to go clones to keep the production line going. No waiting for seeds to sprout. No waiting for them to stretch into vegging. Lot of time saved.

We are going to try this out in 2022 and see how it work. If anyone else has a grow buddy and does the same thing let me know. I would like to know how it worked out for ya’ll.



Only downside is you could be swapping plant parasite infestations as well.
There’s another thing I’ve seen. I’m not saying this would happen… but sometimes one of the partners figures they can outsource the clone generation part, or parts of it. Cue the sick and dying clone stock. Those are just some examples from the commercial cannabis arena, so be careful! Keep your stick on the ice, so we like to say :wink:


Yah it has to be someone you can trust and neither of us are selling so the greed factor is like 1. We discussed the infestation part of this as well. Good points!

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What is going on my friends! LOT LOTS here! Sorry I have not been around much last month. Between finding a new home that is a pretty good distance from where i live now and a family member who got ill right after Christmas it took a lot of my time away from my hobby. Good thing I am not growing right now as I probably would not have a the time needed to take care of them…

But GOOD News the dark clouds have cleared and the Sun is high™ in the sky! Family member is healthy again and I found another house and won the bidding war on it ! Downsized like a champ but the best news of all ( outside of healthy family member) is it has already has a building out back of the house! Don’t need to build up a metal building!

Apparently this building was used by the previous owner to grow flowers in for a small side business with a office in the back… HAHA the irony here!

Grow buddy will be topping and cloning those Blue Dreams plants next week and by the middle of march I should be back in business again.

Going to do more research here on what others have done to their outside buildings and the best way to go about it… Open to ideas from folks who have suggestions for sure. Pretty stoked to say the least… It is the perfect little building and I can’t wait to get going again!

Onward we march!


Wow that is a nice grow shack! How many amps of juice do you have to play with?


Thanks JC! I don’t know yet because I was so excited when I found it that it didn’t matter. What ever it takes! :slight_smile: It has two AC unit windows units and I see base board heaters in the office so I assume at least 20amps hoping for 2x20amps. Probably gonna get a small heat pump and call it done.I will def have enough room to start playing with some genetics…