Rhai88 & Rena93's Cultivation Station

Those plants are samsquanch approved!


is that the BBD?


@CocoaCoir those are BamBam’s I got from @Rhai88
@CanuckistanPete :sunglasses:
@THCeed I’m gonna go ahead and say Yes. :rofl:


Those Littles look extra happy in your care! Love those chunky leaves! Can’t wait to see how they do outside!

Are all of them looking short and chunky so far?

Mom was definitely a tall and lanky plant with pretty wide node spacing compared to dad that was much shorter with tight and massive flower clusters.


@Rhai88 all the bambams are the same 3 are perfect the other two had some bacteria build up setback during a record breaker heat wave about a week ago. Will post the 3 awesome in pots next week.

Have a great weekend. :sunglasses:


The ladies are all looking pretty! Day 35 flower

Front left and right are the Blueberry Diesel F2 Randoms I let ride this round.

The rest are the Black Triangle F2 x Cherry W. bx

The aroma when I got close to the front door of my house was beautiful… Super strong. I imagine these two cultivars crossed should be a winner.

Click play! :wink: Trust me… (My favorite band) Many times have I seen them live! :boom:


Beautiful!!! :green_heart: :blush:


The BamBam triangle going to pots tomorrow. :sunglasses: Seeyah Thursday.


looking damn good my friend!

Hope you find something awesome!



4 BamBams in pots. Based on the Male was tall and the female was short I potted the taller faster growing ones together.

Females will be separated and placed outside for the Summer in 5 gallon pots.
Plant in the background is a Afghan landrace heirloom
Have a Great day. :sunglasses:


Just so you know the combo I had surprised me. The female was much faster growing and literally a foot + taller than the male. So you could potentially have some bigger females in that taller grouped pot. lol

Looking forward to this outdoor run you’ll have going!


Update on the BamBam x (Tombstone F2) Day 40 Flower

Very interesting to see what these females are showing. Neither the mom or dad of this cross I made had the nodal spacing that I’m seeing here (they were stacked one on top of another) which is actually a positive for me. I myself prefer wider node spacing. The characteristics I’m seeing here actually leans towards what I’ve seen come from the BamBam Females. Specifically the BamBam F1 female I had(which I absolutely loved). She was… lanky, tall, severely wide nodal spacing, and has massive leaves in a very sparse canopy. Though it does look more like a tombstone canopy that is more dense even after a big cleanup with what I’m seeing from Brock’s photo’s.

The smell is whats has my attention especially since neither of the parents carried a sweet citrus smell to them. The Tombstone F2 female I grew out smelled like you stuck your nose in a pepper shaker at the dinner table and the BamBam male smelled of a Christmas tree with a menthol singe.

Always exciting to see your work being grown out is someone else’s garden! :wink:


Notes taken. I gave 7 of the Tombstone seeds to a fellow gardener with the understanding pictures from the result would be great.

Your plants look way better than you feel, get well soon my friend. I found a coupon for a sinus jet sprayer that lets yah mix THC with salt water… says clean high. :rofl:


BamBam update.

These two get their own pots this weekend.

Have a absofrigginlutely great day. :sunglasses:

Kick the tires and light the fire.


Ohhh shit… plants look excellent my friend!

…and now I’m on the sales floor rocking out to Parkway Drive! :laughing:

"One life, one shot, give it all you got"!

Thanks for the update brother!


BamBam’s looking spot on my man.


Those are some fat ass fingers on them there leaves!


(Black Triangle F2 x Cherry West Bx) also known as… Black Cherry

Sneak peek! I just had to hop on and share one real quick. @stanknugzz77

Great smells are being had by me and my woman over here. Quite a bit of sweet/lemon/berry showing up in this grow similar to what I was smelling with the Blueberry Diesel plants. Wondering if the Cherry West is really coming through in these crosses. :thinking:


Lookin good bud. :+1:
We’ve been missing ya around here! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I like the structure and color, very nice.

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