Rhai88 & Rena93's Cultivation Station

I’m still around my friend… just been a little more on the low key side trying to line up all my ducks again.

I’m gonna do a soft giveaway soon! :wink:

Yeah I can’t wait to see what shows up in the cross between these and the Blueberry Diesel F2’s. I’m hoping that the trich production that came from the Black Cherry plants comes through and the smells and structures I found from the BBDs come out to play in this hybrid. Time will tell though since I’m going to be shut down for a bit after this run. Going to go hard the next month or so on my garage to complete it and have a much bigger grow space!


Literally just fucking stunning brother! Absolutely beautiful work! I can’t emphasize it enough. I really hope that you drop more pictures for me to drool over haha. Positive vibes…



oh there’s more… I took around a 100 photos I just have to sort through them all and see whats worth keeping and what’s not. I just grabbed my favorites real fast I do have 8 more on discord. Are you on discord? I can share them with you.


How many weeks are you at with those? Looking really nice .


8 weeks. Chopped today. I like to pull testers at 8 weeks to give a good baseline on the smoke. Especially since I made F2s. Can give it another whirl and push it further next time. Even at the 8 week mark I had some good amber showing up here and there.


@Rhai88 drool worthy flowers man… those would look awesome even if you used a shitty camera LOLZ :smiley:


@SHSC-1 I appreciate the words brother! Means alot! But I just grew the shit… selections and genes were on point.

I’m not going to lie either… the last few weeks since work and everything I got going on at home has been so hectic they weren’t given maximum love. I do have F2s though so another round will be had!


Happy Tuesday everyone!

I thought I would see if anyone would be interested in trying out the cross I made between…

Blueberry Diesel F2 x Black Cherry
(Blueberry Pie x Chem Fuego) x (Black Triangle F2 x Cherry West bc)

These crosses are the works of @anonymous4289 and @stanknugzz77

Both of the cultivars have turned into real winners in my book.

Click here to see the BBD’s

Click here to see the Black Cherry

These plants are currently hanging up to dry and will be ready to leave my hands in a couple of weeks!

I’m looking for people who would be willing to grow them out in the near future. It does not have to be right away but at least within this year if possible. I know we all have our schedules full with beans we want to pop! :laughing:

If you’re interested please sign up on the wiki. I am going to open this up to 10 different people and am going to try to keep this to U.S. and Canada for now. If there is any more interest I may send out additional packs but for now I will keep it to 10.

To the WIKI!

  1. @donuchee
  2. @iceman
  3. @patsnumone
  4. @AzSeaindooin420
  5. @Kronnkk
  6. @blowdout2269
  7. @tresbundles
  8. @THCeed
  9. @Kabuddha
  10. @Thats_bank



WOW!!! Sounds like a killer cross…had to do a double take. :grin:



I’m hoping it is… hence wanting a few people who are willing to test it out for me. This way I can get a good idea of what we might find so I can explore some more! :wink:


I can definitely do within this year.
Thank you! :+1:


Sounds like 2 great strains I’ll enjoy watching these grows out. Will you have one thread to share grow updates?


Very cool, @Rhai88 ! :sunglasses: I’ll grow these mofos!

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I’ll throw one in the greenhouse this year, either full outdoor if I can finish in time or the ole veg indoor and out there to flower if it took longer to get built


I might be able to grow these in Aug or Sep. I’m not 100% sure so I’ll just wait and see. I’ll definitely be watching though.

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Thank you @Rhai88 for this awesome giveaway. :pray:t3:
Though I’m not in the US or Canada, @Budderton said he could collect beans on my behalf and ship them to me when he’s collected enough.
Also though I’ve been enjoying Blueberry recently, I already have a couple of beans that I’ve planned to start for my next run and don’t think I could start your anytime soon. Probably after my next run that should be within this year hopefully.
I’ve added my name to the wiki but feel free to remove in case I don’t meet the giveaway conditions…:herb::v:t4::blush:


Sounds good my friend! Look forward to it!

Possibly. I haven’t decided yet if I want to open up a full tester thread when posts can honestly be made right here.

Hell yes I appreciate you giving me some space in your grow my friend!

I’d be honored to have a bean or two going in your garden! Love to see what they do in your greenhouse!

Keep me updated man I have no problem sending you out a pack at a later date if you’re interested in testing these out!

I don’t have a problem with that at all my friend as long as they can get grown out at some point within the year!

These seed won’t be ready for at least 3 weeks still but I will keep everyone informed and start collecting info from you all a little down the road! Thanks for all the interest I was surprised to see 9 already! Stoked!

1 spot left if anyone has any interest.


Not sure when I could do them. Love the look of these.

Am I on the list?

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yeah you’re on the WIKI my friend.

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