Rhai88 & Rena93's Cultivation Station

We will see. It’s kinda of an unknown. I like the mystery behind this 90’s Kush. :alien:


Happy to see you’re still using the tray I made you. @AzSeaindooin420 :v::grin:


BamBams 1 confirmed male, the other looks to be female, to early to tell.
They double in size since moved outside, if the other is female will pinch off the top to bush out for clone mother over the summer. Have a great day. :sunglasses:


Those look beautiful :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Then its likely it is female, males always show about a week or two sooner than the ladies in general

Thank you @ColeLennon :slightly_smiling_face:
@AzSeaindooin420 Agreed, that is what I believe takes place with male and female plants showing their sex.
My @Bobgrows tray and matching grow cup holder. :sunglasses:


Hell ya! Now that’s a worthy smoke station! Haha


Final update from my buddy Brock on the BamBam x Tombstone F2
A.K.A. Negan’s Bat

Brock brought me samples from both females and honestly they’re both very impressive. Two different expressions ended up coming through. One that showed slighty purple and one green.

The green pheno ended up with a sweet tangerine smell as described by both Brock and my wife. The purple pheno ended up in my opinion with an earthy/peppery smell which the Tombstone mom of this cross had a ton of pepper smell to it.

Node spacing ended up looking much more like my BamBam’s on both of his females. Golf ball nugs with a couple of inches inbetween them which i do prefer for maintenance and lesser chance of mold.

He mentioned to me more than a couple of times that these plants grew with ease and were not finicky at all. Took everything that he threw at them with no issues.

Overall I’m pretty happy with what I’ve heard and I may have to come back to this down the road to see what other gems may be hidden.

If any one else pops these seeds please let me know I would be curious to see what everyone else is finding! I know I have sent out multiple packs to many of you OG’s!

Here are some nug shots I took real quick I will attempt to take some better ones as everyday here at my house has been stupid busy! lol


Great shots. Beautiful buds too!


Beautiful :100: :fire: buds. Looks like a piece of candy :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Great description and some nice looking buds . Thanks for posting that info.





ya, I’d smoke that … nice nugs!!!


@SHSC-1 I feel like a proud papa… The pairing seems nice so far. lol I sent you a pack of these with your winnings from the POTM. Along with the Frankie fems.

I appreciate that brother been trying to really get info out on the crosses I’m making and trying to document what I can with the local growmies.


awesome man… my po box is going to be on fire when i go there on friday I’m think hehehe.
appreciate you @Rhai88 !!!


Absolutely my friend! Not a problem!

:rofl: :smile: :+1: NEGANS BAT!!! Love it !!!


Take a fire extinguisher with ya .
Neighbourhood mail boxes went up in a blaze on Saturdays news.


First things first big thanks to @Heliosphear for sending me a sticker care package… I’ve already slapped a few in their forever homes! :metal:t4:

Secondly… if anyone is harboring a pack of the TombstoneF2 x BamBam a.k.a. Negans Bat I can highly reccomend giving some space to one or two of these in your garden. Not to sound biased or anything but I’m thoroughly impressed already with this sample brought to me by my buddy Brock.

The Mrs. and I just took our first few rips of this smoke and I can say it hits right behind the eyes quite instantly and puts the body to a mellow. Though I feel capable right now and got all of what I needed to done with out having to jump straight into my bed. :laughing: Now that we are watching our shows and on the couch I’m extremely content!

This is what I’d call a after work smoke that is great to chill and putz around the house with. It won’t dig you into a hole you can’t get out of. But I do feel extremely loose and relaxed.

Taste wise… definitely tasted a sweetness to the smoke. I wouldn’t have quite said tangerine myself but definitely a fruity/sweet taste to it. I’ll have to compare with the purple leaner tomorrow.

Definitely coming back to this one!


Great name for what sounds like some great smoke man.