Rhai88 & Rena93's Cultivation Station

Both great comments. Thank you.
She always used to pray, and did come to an abrupt vertical stop. Roots definitely a possibility.

Yeah, but the color fade shouldn’t be this soon I wouldn’t think. And yes, the browning patches in there is the concern. I was kinda thinking P also.

What else ya got fella’s?


It was a gross post…was so surprised by the # of folks who said ‘yep’ or ‘liked’ it!
LOL! :flushed: :crazy_face: :rofl:


Sorry we’ve been super busy. So…

For starters what mix are you in? I’m by no means a soil expert. Your boy here is a man of the salts… but I will tell you when growing soil or growing period for that matter I absolutely hate cloth bags. I like my soil/coco to stay evenly saturated and as well slower dry backs. In my experience with cloth bags(especially in warmer climates) your substrate will dry out too much/too fast/uneven and can cause lock outs and all sort of unwanted issues. Much better to go with plastic pots and or fabric bags with liners. Not to mention your mix looks like it has perlite it. Cloth bags plus perlite = HEAVY dry backs. No bueno unless you’re in a super humid and damp climate.

My other suspicion would be lack of nutrients or and imbalanced PH. Again depending on what your medium is. Give me all your details and then I feel like I could better diagnose the situation.

The super lime green on the Impure kush it whats really getting my attention.


Hey brotha. I totally get it!
Let’s see…
Well, my mix is that of my own. A long time cooked/added too/recycled soil. It is regularly amended with organic inputs also. I cant speak for the balance of things(or microbiology), as I have not had it tested.
I do know one thing though…everytime I get paranoid about pH and water utill runoff and test it…she’s dead nuts for soil.
Now I have found many plants that will need alot more N, like the Impure Kush here. Or Frankenstein, lol. This was caught late and has already been corrected btw. It was much lighter green a few days ago. :grimacing:

As ar as the fabric pots go, yes I’m slowly steering away fo them. I like the fact that it’s almost impossible to overwater. I also like the ease of bottom-watering. But, I do live in a dry mountainous climate. So I find myself watering quite frequently. But I am usually on top of it.
Negans Bat has been a thirsty girl. And to be honest, she did suffer a recent dryback or two. (I’ve been working alot)
Maybe that’s why shes angry.

Hell idk…
Water it is!


The autos are in #3 plastic though!



Blueberry Diesel X Black Cherry may not be the biggest plant in my garden, but its winning the bud battle right now…


yes. this.
especially if you’re in a dry climate (like here). i have found also adding cypress mulch to the tops of the pots helps out as well in retaining moisture. (every drop counts)

anything that assists in drying out your soil is just asking for trouble.

solid advice/observations


Short and chunky ain’t bad. 95% of the BBD F2 x BC aka Rick Moranis have stayed short but have been nothing short of excellent plants. Especially outdoor. Your crushing it man. Looking damn good. Keep me posted on how this lady finishes for you.


WTF? lol…ok, lets hear it


That’s amazing!


That plant is amazing! @CanuckistanPete Nice job, bud! :star_struck:


The BBD is a great building block… @anonymous4289 struck gold on that one.


I was finally blessed with perfect timing an hot a pack of your
Irene og :x: blackcherry f2
Can not wait to run them.indoor


Very nice! Hit up the TEC discord if you do… Would love to follow along!


I will pop them all soon an see what we get for keepers
Thanks for your hard work :muscle::100:


Simple jack 3 out of 3 @HarborGrows


Back in business new babies coming soon :seedling::potted_plant: @Rhai88


Lmfao!!! I just read the past months worth… got caught up… and i gotta tell you all… that was some hilarious shit starting with the barbie talk… as i was reading… i knew … just knew in my soul… it would turn out about the way it did hahaha…

Thanks for not disappointing :+1: :rofl::joy::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::rofl::joy::sweat_smile::rofl::joy:


We have lift off!

Lost a couple to a very strange membrane that almost seem to rot a couple of the lings and their coty’s. Bit of a bummer but no worries I’ve started a few more of that specific cultivar.

Every cube was dunked in Athena proline in a light feed solution.

750ppm. 1:1 core:grow. (5 gallon batch)

  • 5g core
  • 5g grow
  • 5ml cleanse (1ml per gallon)
  • About 8ml balance to bring the PH to 5.9