Ris-ski Business - an ongoing grow log

Thanks for the assistance my friend. looking forward to getting rid of these shits


I was able to source everything with one item not getting here for another day or two. Regardless, I think i’m going to call it quits on this run, even if i get to spraying them its going to be too far gone. Looks like its time to get some new protocols in place. To start with, i’m going to zero everything out and sanitize the entire room. and everything.

Im going to get one of the foggers, that way i can be sure i got every crack and crevice. I also think its time i move my computer out of the room, that way im not constantly coming in and out.

Its been a huge pain in the ass for the last 3 weeks fighting these mites. Im going to have to be more diligent. and stricter protocols… Damn… :roll_eyes:

I still have 4 himalayan blue diesel autos going though

Now on to the future, I am going to be popping 3 seeds of 10 strains for the next round and im looking to keep 12 in two tents 4 in the 4x4 and 8 in the 4x8. I will be running mostly for flower but if something stands out ill take a few mothers, Up to 4 of the total 12. Ill be updating this post with the strains shortly.


Shity deal. Sorry to hear this. :frowning:
Bomb that room bro!

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I have two on the way, im not taking chances this run

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I looked back a ways on this thread. I’ve been able to deal with them using Rove Beetles. Arbico Organics I think. Not cheap, but effective.


I might try that in my greenhouse


While the bubble milk has been taken down by the mites, turns out some seeds are still ripe and ready. I test germed one and have only collected 10 more so far, but id anticipate at least 100 seeds minimum.

Seeing as i started with 10, ill consider this a win.
Now on to collecting!


They’ll eat any soft bodied critters. If they clean up one plant, they go look for more on another plant. My understanding is they will continue to reproduce if the have food. If got them for thrips.worked great. I’ve got an old hot tub on a deck that would be a killer greenhouse spot. With the missus blessing.


Really sucks to hear about the mites. At least you got some seeds out of it though.


I’ve heard great things about the ozone makers. I talked with a lot of people who use them to sanitize mushroom cultures and grow rooms. @Pigeonman is running a fogger now not sure if it’s the same thing. Sucks about your run man :disappointed_relieved:. About 5 wks ago I lost a plant a few weeks from harvest. It’s heart breaking.

Should have finished reading lol. Awesome score in the seeds though man :+1:. You’ll end up with more than you started with that is a win in my book.


So to update you all on the strains I’m going to be running, they are as follows:

3 of each for a total of 30 and keeping 10-15. Hoping to get at least one of each

  1. BOG Sour Strawberry
  2. G13 Hashplant
  3. Grape Cookies
  4. Zombie Death Fuck
  5. Swazi Ruz
  6. Cap Junky S1
  7. (Animal Mints x Faceoff) x Grape Stomper OG
  8. Gorilla Glue #4 (From Russia)
  9. C99
  10. Maui Wowie

I’ve got tails poppin’ on some BOG SS right now too. Courtesy of @TopShelfTrees1 , (my personal cheerleader in all things), who said @Mithridate reproduced them. Thank you in advance. Pretty sure top’s not “bag seeding” me.


Been looking at beneficial insects lately myself for IPM in the clone room @crownpoodle haha No bagseed here! I hoard those usually :wink: you got the gems.

Very nice choices @Ris sorry about the mites. Little pricks! Looking forward to the redemption run.


You got something like a clone room, those Rove Beatles would keep things clean. I forgot who got me using them.


Exactly what I was thinking, I hate spraying my cuts etc. so I’ve just been using diatomaceous earth , some h2o2 etc. but I’d prefer the hands off approach tbh.

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I have it and have used it. It will kill them. But the eggs might come back. The stuff will wash off. I was told after a few weeks it’s gone. The critters spray works pretty good.

I think a mixture of a little bit of Dawn dish soap, and some hydrogen peroxide will kick them. Anything with rosemary in it. Neem is a bit kinder.

Have you tried doctor zymes? I had some thrips and it knocked them out. I’ve heard good things about it.

Im going to have to check them out. It would be perfect for my green house.

Never used it, heard good things though

That i can do, I have three big rosemary bushes out front of my house.

Cant say that i have. I used Crop Control and i did not have a good control of my crop…

Ok so I have been gathering the seeds and alot of them are ripe and ready after all. I think ill get somewhere in the vicinity of 500 viable seeds? maybe less maybe more. but i'm surprised how many i have already got so i think i'll still count this run as a win. I wanted to do a seed increase and I did.

The irony lol