Ris-ski Business - an ongoing grow log

Oh yeah, that’s the one that isn’t an auto…well unless your @chronix, lol right?


I believe you are correct.


I’ve seen websites that sell cbg isolate before. I almost bought some once but don’t know how it can be used. If I could sprinkle some on a bowl I would think about it. Unless it tasted nasty

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3 Female and 4 Male: all of them happy and healthy. The plant that is the largest and heaviest feeder turned out to be female.

I have also decided because of how much a specific two are growing i think i’m going to cull the others. Or maybe have two separate batches of seeds one where i made the selections and one that was predominantly an open pollination.

All the males plants are very healthy, vigorous, fat leaved and easily trainable.

Now without much more of my bs here are some pictures.

This is just a picture of what im doing tonight lol




@Ris Thank You Man!!! :partying_face: :champagne:
Mystery box for the win :1st_place_medal:
Hope everyone enjoyed their prize boxes :package:


Received my mystery box yesterday! Thank you Ris. :slightly_smiling_face:


Blown away by the thought involed and the awesomeness of my mystery box! I am digging all things King Palm lately, and with tons of stickers for my wall, amazing tray, AND a premium tapestry! :sunglasses: Big thanks to my man @Ris


Dam, I’m superjelly!
Congrats guys!


Beautiful plants. :sunglasses: :metal:


Not sure if you found anything, but I have some auto red CBDs, S1 that I made from sweet seeds, there isn’t any THC in it but they’re really beautiful plants and they taste wonderful. Happy to send you some seeds, have also made some AK x red crosses from this that probably have high CBD plus THC, who knows? Those are awesome plants. All autos. Happy to send you those too. Just PM me your details.


Pic dump


OFYCQE5R gets you the discount $204 out the door


Got bad news, It appears I have spider mites. Currently looking at only one of 4 with some cobwebs. I had everything automated for a few days and wasn’t able to get to the plants. I am about 7 weeks into flower on a seed increase. They are definitely not ripe yet.

My question is if i’m not planning on smoking the bud can i spray them down with Aza-Max and hope they recover or scrap the whole lot, fire bomb the entire tent and room its in then start over?

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You’re into it this far, don’t plan on smoking the buds, I’d spray the hell out of it!!! As far as the other plants, I’d get some predator mites and try to keep the Aza-Max to the most infected plant.
It truly sucks, it’s what killed my indoor crop many years ago, brought in infected clones, didn’t know, and had to be on the road for 5 days, came back to devastation.

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I’ve been there @Ris . Sucks big time. I hate to hear that.

I never have and grow indoors… Do they only come in on an infected plant?
Or are they something that can come in via screened window?
I really never wanna see these fuckers.
Thx in advance :seedling:
Ps… Sorry for your loss :cry:


Well, I dont know how they got in, I assume the buckets i bring water in from outside had them on it. thats the only thing i can think of.

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Hey you try MTA? @JohnnyPotseed shared the recipe it works like now!

Stopped them dead cold. Lost one plant close to harvest other 5 plants nothing after application. Even as a soil drench works well.


Hmm, looks like i have an amazon cart to fill.

As for a drench, I found this in the thread,

From JP " It’s not a drench, cuz. It can be sprayed on everything though. To kill mites, thrips, aphids, and other soft bodied pests, we spray the entire plant top to bottom, the top of soil, the outsides of pots, the walls, floors, ceilings, etc.
NOT for use as a ‘soil drench’ to get at pests in the roots. Have no idea how effective, or not, that would be. Probably more wasteful than not."

Im gonna have to try this

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Yes it’s not a drench but can be used to kill the little buggers in the soil as well. As for killing at the roots that isn’t what I meant. Maybe I misunderstood soil drench but meant for top surface inch or so that all. Works great on leaves though. If you look farther in the thread I believe there is a video of the MTA killing a thrip! Yay get em hope it helps.