Ris-ski Business - an ongoing grow log

I guess it would help to mention im in autopots so really there is no runoff


Dim lights.

Could be you’re waiting too long with flipping to flower.
Your plants are about the same height as their pots,
that’s a great time to flip to 12/12 and dim the lights
so they have a soft smooth transition.

A message brought to you by the LITFA team:

Free laziness saves lives.


They are in autopots, I don’t water them. I turned the light down a bit so we will see if that helps. Here is another photo


I edited my previous post, had a nebulous moment there, I could’ve just scrolled up and see that they’re in autopots.

Yeah, dim lights and flip to 12/12, I think root limitation, they’ll flower fine if you flip them now, add some top dressing like… first a layer of kitchenscraps maybe, then some fresh grass and then top off with tree leaves.

Ideally you would’ve flipped a week ago, but it’ll be fine, lose a few lower leaves, that’s how it goes, no big deal.


They got screwed when my step up converter took a dump and they got zero light for two days… Definitely not gonna fuck with them.

Two days is fine, I’ve had it happen too when I moved, they’ll be fine!


Word. and thank you very much for your help.

They are at 12/12 now and my lights dimmed to 50% just because they are coming from pure darkness


I flipped when the plants was the same height as the pot.
Never ran into trouble.

Now I run perpetual 12/12 from seed and it all balances itself out on its own.


Have you noticed a loss of yield or because of perpetual grow it evens out?

I’m harvesting more often, about every 6 to 8 weeks. I also sow before harvesting so it all runs pretty tightly, and also total plant life is shorter. I haven’t kept track of yield but it should be about the same, someone said they have more yield on a year basis.

My grow is very small, total soil I’m using is about 15 L maybe…?
And I never run out, whenever my jars are empty I have a harvest ready. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I use my medicine daily, before breakfast I eat two times 1/3 of a teaspoon of dry crumbled herb decarboxylated in two batches at 100 C / 212 F for 1 hr 11 mins, then I take out half and let the rest go on until 2 hrs 22 mins. Easy to remember and that combo creates a wider spectrum of cannabinoids, it’s a very balanced and functional effect, depends a bit on strain ofcourse but it kind of smooths out everything, the effect is very comfortable and never overbearing this way, regardless of cultivar.
Also the fibers still being present make it slow release, I’m good all day long with only ingesting in the morning. :+1:
Strangely enough I sleep better when taking it in the morning, but not when I eat it before going to bed.
I’m happy and I can’t remember the last time I was angry. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I come from being a suicidal alcoholic, this saved my life.

Balance really being the keyword for this method of utilizing this magical essential flower of life!

Thank you for letting me ramble a bit @Ris
Don’t wanna highjack your thread.
Anyone can DM me if you have any questions or wanna chat a bit.



I can relate to this so freaking much man…
I was seperated from my family, had no real purpose, so i thought I’d end it all, but before that lets live a little…
Then i become addicted to the herb and was wondering why some makes me calm and some strain makes me angry af…
Turns out, my asshole peddler was lacing it with all kind of chemicals…

Then i started reading and researching more about the herb and on one fine day stumbled accross overgrow, now I’m calm as a Hindu cow and living the time of my life with my wife and 3 kids :family_man_woman_girl::family_man_woman_boy_boy:

I’m definitely gonna give this a try next morning…

So true brother.

Same brother @Ris


Im going to have to try that out too,

I am almost 3 years sober now, I was a pretty bad Alcoholic, almost lost everything to beer and whiskey. Wife, job, home all of it.

I have struggled with depression and suicidal ideations since age 11, Been hospitalized due to it. I know that shit is no joke.

If yall want to ramble by all means get to rambling. This isnt just my grow log this is my growzone all types of entertainment can be had.


Glad you are all here and happy growing a beautiful plants that makes life better.


It doesn’t surprise me to hear the story of coming back from a crap life through the aid of marijuana. I have such a story. It’s always good to hear a good success story though. I’m glad for you guys. Truly, this makes me happy. Addiction has no sympathy for people. No matter how good or bad you are, it will take everything.


@MoBilly Well said brother

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Super happy to see people ditching Alcohol & replacing it with safer drugs. Plenty of good drug options out there for a safe/chill evening.

We’re in a digital world & Alcohol is ANALOG.


Pretty nifty take on it. I always drank to get away from myself, now i get high and enjoy my company.

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Well said, that is an awesome statement, put that on the legalization banner… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
You are well-loved here mr. @Ris


Here is a look at the clone zone