Rise and shine, it's seed sorting time

Hey there OGers. Some time back I was pointed at a Canadian guy on Instagram for a 3d printed seed sorter. It is something I have wanted for some time now but have not built as they are pretty large and I just don’t have the space to store it. Then I saw what this guy was printing and it’s a mini version of the seed sorter I was going to build. I reached out to the guy and by the end of the day, one was in the mail for me. I was at the lake at the time and when I got home this little beauty was waiting for me.

Being small I was not sure how this thing would do so I put it to the test. The sorter has a baffle in both the chute where you dump the material and on the opposite side where you hook up the shop vac. The first run through took a while as I dialed things in. Then I did a second round with it and here is how that looked.

I took a top cola off my seeded plants.

Cleaned it up a bit.

Crumbled the buds up into this pile.

I ran it through the machine and this is the first pass.

Ran that material through a second time and got this.

I sifted through the chaff and the cleaned seeds pulling out a few good ones that were in the waste area and any immature seeds from the cleaned pile. Here is what I ended up with.


The total time to clean that cola down to the pile of seeds you see was 40 min from chop to done. This was a huge savings of time and brain numbing sorting. Not having to stare at that pile of material and hand sort out all the garbage really made the experience much less of a pain.

So now, with approval from OG, I want to pass this info on and let folks know where they can get one. This was $110 Cad and can be ordered directly from the man if you are here in Canada. If you are outside Canada, these can be purchased through Etsy for $85 USD. So they are not very expensive at all and so worth it IMO. So if you are interested in one, here is the link to the Etsy page.


For those of you that are in Canada and would like to contact him directly, please send me a PM and I will provide his email address to contact him. Happy sorting everyone. :v:


that is one neat tool. I would love to have one in the arsenal eventually.
Thank you for sharing.


Also, for those trying to save space, I picked up this shop vac on Amazon. It’s very small and powerful. It worked great with this sorter.


My pleasure. I think it will be a big help to many now that I have tested it and seen how well it worked. :v:


Ok folks, just ran another test on this sorter. So I have 6 LSD plants and have so far only taken the top cola from each of them and have the rest of the plants to shuck. So here is one plant.

Plants are super dry so I ran my hand along each stem to remove the buds and then crumbled them up with my hands into this processable material.

Ran the material through the sorter a couple times and got this for seeds.

This was the chaff.

So this process for that whole plant minus it’s main cola was…

Now when I zoom in on the finished seeds I do see there are some green ones that will have to be picked out but I would much rather pull out the few green ones from that pile than have to sort through that whole initial pile.


Great review!
Very effective!

Do you think the equipment will require any cleaning to continue operating so well?

What do you do with the seperated flower / material ? Chaff I think you called i


Thanks for the info and the link. I grabbed one. It looks to be WAAYYY better than what I’ve been doing.


I have not notice any issues with cleaning to this point but the front piece of plastic slides off so if it does need cleaning, it will be super simple.

As for the left over plant material, I have just been tossing it but there is no reason you could not run it through a washer to make hash with.


Nice, I won’t go back to doing it the way I always have. Processing basically a whole plant in half an hour is just a huge time saver. The left over sorting to remove a few greener seeds should not take much time at all.


Youre a king. Order placed.



Meanwhile in the store provided by the Etsy link:

:rofl: :+1:


Lol, I am surprised I have not heard from any Canadians.


Very cool. I might just be interested when the time is right.

That time will be: “fuck I don’t want to shuck all these seeds.”

But that won’t happen for awhile.


This looks pretty awesome. I like how small it is, as my large one takes up so much room. On the list of things to get. Thanks @DougDawson


I was skeptical due to its size but am pleasantly surprised how well it works. Going throuth almost a full plant in 30 min really surprised me. If you are looking to pick one up just PM me and I will give you the guys email so you can order directly from him. He also customizes them if you like but dont know the cost of that. I cant see it being much with the cost of the sorter being only $110 CAD.


Thats shipped to? Whats the size of it 10 x 16??


I would have to measure it. Just looking back through my messages and I misspoke. It was $110 and shipping was $30.




Thats Canadian. USA is $85 USD.


i might be able to includ this in my upcoming budget