Rotating LzBoy

It’s a long story but a very bad bike accident 20+ years ago has taken its tole on my body. I was literally a human puppet for 5 years.
I’ve found this hobby late in life and and have been struggling with the watering, its back breaking. So my mind is always looking for ways to improve things around me.
So I had an old lazy Susan just sitting in a box and was thinking.
So I searched FBM for a free 48" table, centered the lazy Susan… And bam!


Great job :+1::clap:

Necessity is the Mother.


Haha I love it! Those plants look nice and healthy too. Sorry to hear about your accident btw! I got hit by a truck once when I was walking in a crosswalk coming out of a store. Broke a few bones, PTSD for a while. I will say: weed helps! Lol


that is amazing! i was just thinking it sucks for scrogs though. then i thought you could affix the screen to the lazy susan and rotate that along with the girls.


Now just need to get some side lighting.
Not sure how I could hook some sort of motor up to is and slowly spin it :thinking:


That’s brilliant!

I fooled around with sheets of G10 plastic so I could slide them around like curling stones… Didn’t work as well as I hoped.
But that giant lazy susan works like a charm!
Any idea what the max weight capacity is?



No clue, it’s probably from the 50’s-60’s. My Mom used to use it at every big holiday.
Definitely built well.
Solid wood with steel bearings. They might rust 🤷
Only lost about 4". Hight in the tent, but bonus. My adjustable fans legs fit perfectly under it in a corner :+1:


This is very cool! @LzBoy Happy to see you got it all set up and it’s working like a charm! You sound very pleased in the video and well you should be! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3:🪶
I’ll be tucking this beauty of an idea away for things to do in the future! :sunglasses:


Great deal. I can only find them new ~$800

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A buddy on the old Cervantes sit did that. Had a sub base with material handling roller balls that supported the outer edge of the rotating table. His table was big enough to hold 6x 5 sips gallon buckets.

IIRCC he used something like the belt tensioner off a riding mower to drive the table. Replaced the pulley with a rubber wheel. Arduino controlled motor powered the drive wheel. Can’t recall how many rotations/day, but not many.

He tweaked things a bunch as he used it. Had to get the edge of the table perfectly perpendicular, smooth, and round. Needed some gription for the drive wheel, so he used some printer drive belt on the wheel and table edge. It was ugly, but worked pretty slick!


So awesome!

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I want a 48" rotating Lazy Susan :pouting_woman:t3:
I bought a New 4.5 X 4.5 tent. But, the tent was only a 4X4 with the 4.5 poles.
Now, I have to down size to 4X4 and my shelving that keeps the pots up off the floor won’t fit.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Get one and check out FB market for a free table.
Waterings never been easier.
And they look pretty happy :blush:

I’ve just gotta figure out how to defolitate better :wink: