Rotten Pineapple grow zone

@BudWhisperer , here’s the RP thread. Didn’t want to chat it in the take/leave area, :wink: – Good info in here, and multiple crosses to come, too…

…and yes, they reek like a fookin’ bastid :wink:


Thanks for this. That’s my ONLY grow limitation. That i can’t grow stinky plants. :cry: my wife doesn’t care if they stink, but our neighbors live really close.


ooof, that’s a cross to bear indeed. Hopefully, that situation improves someday :+1:


Couple rpf4 shots! :love_you_gesture:t2::purple_heart: Gorgeous, strong stemmed little beauties. Nothing showing yet


OK So they have dried enough to jar.
My impression is Excellent.

She is easy to grow, flowers quick and bulks up.
Her high is Excellent, Strong High with
A relaxing body buzz.
But you can function during work hehe
Over do it though and that’s another story.

Now imo where she stands out, Taste
I prefer over ripe pinapple but that’s Mr
She’s sweet, tastes so damn good
Just like super ripe pinapple.
She’s smooth to, can expand on you if your
Not careful.

So the taste is true to her name, If you’re looking for
Excellent smoke with ease of growing
And a sweet delicious Pineapple flavor
This is it.
Can’t wait to pop the f5s.

Much thanks To Cartwright and his generosity.


Oh boy oh boy oh boy. Now I’m really eager to dig into these!

Pz :v:t2:


Good morning. I wanted to reply last night, but I was fading fast. Thank you for the amazing reviews. Love the detailed tally of what you found. Thanks for running her, and doing it so well.

Cannot wait to see your f5’s, I am going to soak some today;)


Good morning :sunny: @Cartwright and the rest of crew checking it at the grow zone! :+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


No problem my friend, I fixing to go to my nursery
And pick up some more happy frog, maybe some
Ph down if they have it.

But first I’m getting high, it’s a nice drive in the country, always liked to get high and drive the scenic views.

Yall can get high with me.

Ok so dry pulling on my pinapple, just lovely
I am not in legal land so when I get something
New it’s prolly old news to Folks out west
So forgive my excitement.

Dry pull has that pinapple after taste that stay
On you tongue, nice.
Toke 1:
Tastes like I’m licking a bowel of ripe pinapple
Immediately feel it, if I stopped now I be fine
But fuck that let’s get wasted.

Toke 2:
I’m already getting Asian eyes, feel this stupid
Grin on my face .

Toke 3
It’s already a resin factory, hit that one good
And expanded my ass , careful toker.

Toke 4 is really not necessary but it’s Friday
I’m off and it’s lovely out today.

Let see, my arthritis in my hands has eased off
Fairly decent.
VERY uplifting, like the feeling you get when you walk outside as winter ends and it’s 70f

Toke 5, aww what the hell lol

So if you dont hot box the toke, take it easy
She’s actually very smooth, again the taste
Of pinapple is amazing.

So behind the initial take off soar I feel the body
Creeping up hehe, nice.
But I better stop , things to do.

Again, im in love with this plant for many reasons
I love good plants, she got all the qualities
Anyone could ask for.
Yeah it’s creeping hard now.

I like flavors and unique things and having pinapple
On my shelf is just great.
Around here your hard pressed to find that
Unless it’s reject herb from out west
And always the same loud loud loud…

I hope yall enjoy your RP as much as I am
Time to feed the geese and get moving
Happy weekends yall


Ok so im still high as fuck , trip was great.
It’s so nice out, puffy clouds I think I’m going to
Sit outside and shelf a few things till later
And enjoy the day.
Tokers candy store Vist


Oh man, it’s a fricken party over there. Enjoy that for all of us. :ok_hand::blue_heart:

Just your every day nor’easter over here. Like every day :crazy_face:


Gonna toss some around soon, I think…
let’s keep it light hearted around here :wink:

@Sbeanonnamellow @Fortman420 @Drsunshinestrains you cats are already en route👌


Thank you @Cartwright very appreciated

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Unfortunately, I did not get around to a seedaway yesterday. Let’s make up for that :eyes:

I’ve got 6 packs for this early Saturday morning.

Open to anyone who has not yet received any rotten pineapple seeds.

These f5’s are untested. And if you have f4 in your stash, get to popping :v::pineapple:



Jumping on a pack of these, thanks again for doing this!


Perfect, one down 5 to go.

@Sailorboy keep an eye out, will send on Monday.


Good morning @Cartwright :full_moon_with_face: One of the few times I have witnessed a Dibs sitting around here for this long :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:, I guess all are still asleep :sleeping:. Even thought :thought_balloon: I would love some more, I will refrain from the dibs to give all a chance! 🫤 :facepunch::+1::wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


I’ll take a pack if available. Dibs

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Dibbly Doooooo Neighbor!


We will just make believe Ned Flanders says “dibbly” on the regular.


You are a gentleman and a scholar :innocent: you are a boon to og all day long​:wave:

@Conitl @Gho13 good to see you cats, dm your addys so I can pack you up🙏

3 packs left.