Sacred cacti, anyone?

You guys made mescaline citrate as your active salt, it would definitely have an effect, but its about figuring out the right dose if you haven’t extracted or consumed from that particular cactus before. And then there are seasonal and stress related variations in alkaloid content too, thats why I’m more likely to do an extraction personally. I found that being trepidatious of new chemicals to ultimately be beneficial. Especially if they are hallucinogens


I’d love to try it again some time. I don’t tend to need / want a large dose of anything, I’m pretty sensitive. I imagine a concentrate would probably be too much for me.

I’d be intrigued to try it raw or as a tea. Cactus was very unique because it actually gave me visuals. I never got any visuals from shrooms.

I’m guessing it needs to be ingested?
can it be taken in through the mucous membranes like salvia or chewing tobacco?

It actually seemed like a very kind substance. I am also very hesitant to ingest new chemicals.


This is also a question of mine. Can you grow it and just eat it, or do you have to process to achieve the mescaline?


I believe you can make a sublingual tincture to administer it if extracted. But I don’t think you can get enough material “dipped”, as it were, to be able to get an effect.

Interesting that you describe it that way, alot of people saying has a kind, fatherly feel…

Remember they have natural maoi’s in them so you do need to be careful and not take it if your on ssri’s or another maoi so you don’t die.


You can just cook the green part until its tea like concoction and drink it, but your more likely to throw up. There are other chemicals in there that make you nauseous. But, that purging is considered to be an almost vital part of it if you talk to shamans or peyoteros. They say that its a part of the process and that your also purging bad emotions with it.


Ayahuasca I threw up rainbows as the world around me turned into purple and green kaleidoscopic mandalas…

It was fucking amazing.


Like, peeling the cactus and boiling it? That simple?


Yes, you don’t want the inner white part or the waxy skin. Just the green layer under the skin


I highly recommend, before doing A/B extraction, try the full spectrum, boiled down tea. Each cacti has it’s own distinct personality, in terms of the trip. I think it’s a good experience to try the tea from a pachanoi, peruvianus, and bridgesii separately and evaluate each. Mescaline is such an amazing and gentle psychedelic, the only chore is downing the liquid. Mescaline is a good healer. For me, that’s like first aid for the soul and psyche. It’s my favorite psychedelic. I lost most of my collection to an agricultural border checkpoint, but I am so glad I still have so many.


Yes!! Plop them in the ground and bam a new one emerges! Luctor et emergo! I love them. I usually only need about a couple inches of cacti to get a new one to root.


If I were making a dose for me, personally, I’d take 24-36 inches of cacti, and I’d cure it for a couple months in the sun and then the fridge. Curing is really important, imho. You can taste the difference. When you first harvest a cacti, lick the flesh. It’s not that bitter. After a long cure, it is bitter beyond belief. Those are, in large part, the alkaloids.

To prepare it, I cut it into chunks and then low boil it in a very large pot with a significant amount of water in it, maybe a gallon. As it cooks, I use an immersion blender to blend it into oblivion. Then, I will let it low boil/simmer for maybe 6 hours. After that, I strain it and squeeze all the juice out of the plant matter. Then, I’ll cook the used plant matter again in a new pot with fresh for an hour or so just to get everything. Then, I strain the plant matter again and toss it. Now I’ve got a large amount of liquid tea. It will be way too much to drink. I simmer it down to a manageable amount. It should be a dark, thick, vile liquid when it’s ready. I prefer it thinner rather than thick. I prefer 16 ounces of awful tea over one shot of bitter sludge.


You can just make a simple tea out of it, or, if you’re brave enough to risk the nausea, you can dry it and grind it up and put it in capsules. But, that will not be easy on the stomach.

It is the most kind and gentle of all the psychedelics. It has a very feminine, healing energy to me. I pushed it a bit too far with psychedelics and had a very bad experience. I have decided to take a near permanent hiatus, but mescaline is my one exception. She’s always there, waiting, when you need her.

It does need to be ingested. If it is extracted and pure, it can be snorted.

Yes, but don’t peel it too thinly. I use the entire cactus, always. Some people take the outer centimeter or so, maybe less. I’ve never once thrown up on any of my mescaline trips. There are still active alkaloids in the entire cacti.

I’ve got probably 50 mescalinic trichocereus in my collection, most in the ground, with maybe a dozen or so in pots. I’ve sent out a few cuttings of named genetic trichocereus to people here on OG, but didn’t follow up to see how they rooted.


I promised pictures of my cactus collection. Most of my collection was destroyed at a border checkpoint during the move to California. They inspected the uhaul and found my collection. You apparently can’t bring plants to CA. I don’t like thinking about it. It hurts a lot.

Anyway, I had about a few more in a different area, but, in the end, I was left with about half a dozen plants with named genetics that are very special. The rest are a bit more common. Keep in mind, most of my collection was destroyed with the pics.

I’ve been taking a lot of cuttings to give to people and propagate to get my collection back to where it should be, that’s why absolutely everything is chopped up. The cacti in the bottom picture, to the far left is my favorite. It’s a seed grown bridgesii that is very strong. I also have a “Los Gentiles” cutting that is deeply special to me that I was able to save. I also love my bridgesii x ss02. Also, a lot of what I was able to save was less than healthy. I’m trying to nurse some things back that we’re given to me. :frowning:


Sooooo many questions @Eudaemon .

Firstly, nice looking cacti !

Second, what do you do with the pokey spines? Just cut them off prior to cure/boil?

Your version, you literally chop it up like a cucumber, boil it, strain and reduce? No peeling necessary?

Curing - like throw it out on the patio (the cut off portion of the cacti) and just let it baste in the sun outside for a couple months?

Is there a low temp at which the curing process could be inhibited? Same question, high temp.

How do you dose this? Trial and error? I mean, I’m game, but lol…:rocket::rocket::rocket:

Holy cow, they look amazing. I’ve always loved cactus and succulent. Sorry boarder patrol got them :frowning: Had zero clue of their psychedelic properties!

Thanks again!! :call_me_hand::v:


I’ve never tripped, but I am intrigued for sure.

Thanks for asking many questions.


I love me some mescaline! We used to cut out the woody centers then cut the outer portion into pieces we could swallow. Eat them while the sun’s coming up on Lake Travis. Sometimes naked! I would give anything for that high again. It’s all love.




If it’s a bridgesii (Bolivian torch) or peruvianus (Peruvian torch), I cut the spines off with nail clippers or wire cutters. With a pachanoi (San Pedro), I leave the spikes on. They become soft after the long boil and get blended up with an immersion blender, anyway.

Exactly! Though, as it’s boiling, I use an immersion blender frequently to blend it up. I will then boil it for a several hours, strain, and boil it over again for an hour or so and strain again. I might repeat this process depending on how the pulp looks after it’s strained. Some people will boil and strain up to four times. But, with an immersion blender, I find two to be plenty.

That’s exactly right. Though, I feel it’s important to caveat that with the fact that curing is a bit of hot topic from time to time, the methods, how long, how much does it work, etc. I have had incredible success curing in terms of increased potency. It’s night and day for me.

I do a two month cure. I do about 3 weeks baking in the sun, 2 weeks indoors in the dark at room temp, and 3 weeks in the fridge. This covers all the bases. Some people cure in the sun, some indoors in the dark at room temp, and some in the fridge. Everyone swears by their method, so I do all three. Something in that process works. I wish I could explain it more scientifically.

This is where things get really, really fun. I mean really fun. Trichocereus can range from .25% mescaline content to 5% for some exotic bridgesiis. That’s dry weight, of course. And then curing makes that further variable. So, let’s say you wanted a good, strong, threshold dose of 500mg of mescaline. It’s always good to assume a baseline of 1%, since it’s not a pure extraction. So, I’d err on the side of generous and use half a kilogram of fresh cacti matter, 500 grams, which is about 50 grams dried, given that cacti are about 90% water.

So, we have a 500 gram cacti that we’re going to boil and consume on the assumption that it’s 1% active alkaloids. Hopefully, this will give you about 500mg of mescaline, which is quite a good dose. What happens if your cure was really good and the cacti is 2%. That means you’re getting 1 gram of mescaline. What if it’s 3%? That’s 1500mg. So you can go from threshold to very heroic from variability alone.

So, there is no way at all to dose it other than intuition. But, mescaline is a relatively gentle and kind psychedelic, so you needn’t worry. She won’t hurt you. I think it’s just best to assume 1% when working and hang onto your chair during the come up :rocket:

I’d love to walk you through the process. I like to start in the evening and tend to the boiling overnight, waking up every couple hours, and then I trip the next day. Mescaline is the only psychedelic I’d feel comfortable using after my bad mushroom trip. She is a healer 100%. She tears away the callouses that pain cause. One warning, though. After a mescaline trip, I find myself insanely, overwhelming vulnerable for the next couple days. To the point where I wouldn’t be able to function in an environment that wasn’t healthy and happy.


Wow @Eudaemon thank you for the very thoughtful response :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::call_me_hand::v: I’m really, really excited to try this.

I love cacti, this is going to be the next collection!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart:


You know exactly how to explain a mescaline trip. It is very gentle. I did several trips around 1973-74. Then For some reason no one had it anymore. I did a few LSD trips around ‘76. The last one being really terrible. I swore off hallucinogenics. But the have always intrigued me. I might try her again at some point.


In the early 90s I was visiting friends in NYC who gave me a pill they described as mescaline. My pupils were blown wide open but I didn’t feel any effects. Not sure what happened there…

I consumed plenty of mushrooms and LSD back in the day but haven’t taken a significant trip for a few years. I’ve been going through a ton of life changes (moved a bunch, new relationships, switched jobs a couple times - which is a rarity for me) and haven’t felt “grounded” in a good headspace until recently. I’m thinking once my group of friends can safely gather again this summer, we’ll have to make an evening of it.

When I moved into my place last year a friend gave me a 12" tall San Pedro in a pot as a housewarming gift. It’s ornamental for now, but maybe in the future once she gets bigger…