SAN checking in @ OG

thanks bro - you making me blush



Where can i get your beans @SamwellBB …they are only available over in US??


I live in Europe
DM me


you are not going to regret this, saxo :wink:
sam’s work is straight fyah!! :muscle: :ok_hand: :unicorn: :fire: :1st_place_medal:


oh ja,i´m sure.
i always loved his great lookin Ladies


Ooo la la la

: )


ooh music …
please let me show you one of my alltime favorite covers from tool’s “42 and 2” :slight_smile:

these kids really have good taste, haha.
i adore that kid on the drums, he really shows true passion.

I’ve been wallowing in my own confused
And insecure delusions
For a piece to cross me over
Or a word to guide me in
I want to feel the changes coming down
I want to know what I’ve been hiding

In my shadow …

… fucking genius :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


more tunes

much love, enjoy your smokes everyone !! :slight_smile:


a new generation of the “berry nice plants 2.0” (“sm” bx2) is finishing soon.

i have them at about 6 weeks now and hope for a nice haul of seeds to be able
to look for a beautiful male to make the a bx3 of what esko called “santa maria”.

7-8 weeks, pure strawberry/raspberry goodness in a skunk-frame.
super-easy to grow and LOUD terps, some might recognize these
berries. (you can find those in most of the currently hyped stuff :wink: )

i’m gonna take some pictures as soon as i go water them again at the place.
they are a few doors down the street right under a roof, so they are suffering
from heat. dropping fan-leafs left and right, lol … but the buds look nice.


These kids are amazing


yeah, right? i was awed over them being so on point, ha.
quite the cool cover of a great song :sunglasses:


For sure @santero . I remember when that video came out a few years ago thinking it was great! I also noted that it took 4 kids to equal 1 Danny Carey!:grin:


I would certainly love to try those, hermano. Sounds like heaven!


Hey bro, I’m raising 3 Port Wine Cheese and one Purple Poison Cookies atm. I had trouble with the PPC and only one made it. I’m hoping I had a few left from a few years ago cause first time I grew it I had a pheno from heaven, and it tasted so good.

I grew his Frosted Vally last year and it was a stunning yielder and everybody liked it. I grew three outside and they were boss as hell.

I have some extras that @Misterbee sent me, so if you ever need them @saxo, give a shout. I have a feeling you won’t, though. :wink: :sunglasses:

@santero, the LT have such a heavenly tropical aroma with very strong terps and I’m starting to drool already. They should be real nice. I hope I can outlive the grasshoppers, and the last two days I’ve seen my first couple of moths. :unamused: I hope I can survive them this year but it takes a lot of work going over the plants every day picking them out of any buds. I gotta stay vigilant for the first frost, too. El Niño is back this year and we could easily get a first frost almost any time from here on.

SAN, how did your Oaxaca/LT and Goji /LT come out? Those two sure hold some promise. Good smoke and pretty fast flowering, too. peace :pray: :man_farmer: :v:


Sounds great, Bro. Gonna write You…
After our weekly Card game & Beers :beers:


BNP 2 :crazy_face: :drooling_face:

I fucked my first pack up of the f1s when I grew them a few years back. I still have a second one but I was too scared to fuck em up again and have none left so I waited till I was a less shit grower lol. I really should start these soon. Maybe next grow :thinking: Was probably some of the best “fruit smelling” weed I’ve ever smelled.


@GMan, GMan, GMan!!! How goes things in your world? Here’s hoping all is positive. I’m back “in the Game”, if only s-l-o-w-l-y, but back. Don’t be surprised if, from time to time, you receive something. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


heeeey, nice to see you around, mate !! :slight_smile:
hit me up, bro. i got some lemon thai and emperor haze stuff that you might
like to stash away or trade off, share on … the more people can grow them
= the better :slight_smile: good to see you are okay, btw, was wondering about you.

yeah, i have been carefuly selecting and testing before moving ahead with that.
the berry nice plants is a very dear little project of mine. i have been working on
that since i was shown the mother of “holy princess” :heart_eyes: i have not encountered
a more straight-in-yo-litso-strawberry candy anywhere else (not in this intensity!)
i am merely trying to match it, while hoping for a more sturdy structure, cuz the
momsh does flops and sags around quite a bit in later flo, lol …

oh geil ! … THAT’S the life right there !!!
*comfy afternoons * geniess dein bier, bru :sunglasses:

sadly, i did not have a chance to grow my own Oax/LT-version myself yet :expressionless:
but i heard from people that grew them, they had a more Lemon Thai-look while
giving off some that limey Oaxi-Lemons mixed into the candy/tangy-type of LT.
i am curious how things progress for you, bro. i am fairly sure there is gold to find
in all of the lemon thai.variants :slight_smile:

i grew some of sam’s “Purple Poison Cookies (Pheno#6) F2”-seeds and
one had also a limey expression, but again different. it was mixed to the
glue-kind of chemtype, this piney/choco-chem to that limey funky cookie.
brrro it was awesome smoke, super-strong. taste → down to the last drag :yum:


guys, about those berries …
everyone will be able to grow some nice berries, if they want to :slight_smile:

i made a few interesting crosses to the gg#4, runtz, gelato33/45 and kg beans
winegums”-breeder cut (= blues x wedding cake). i can’t wait to start throwing
those around , wooot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

as soon as them berries come in i’ll give a shout and overgrow can line up for a little
share → the BNP is a 7-8w classic strawberry/rhaspberry small skunk-type with strong
balanced effects and easy grow-experience (good soil + water & time = happy happy).


Blues x WC sounds nice and I think GG4 kills it in crosses. Good stuff!


a funny thing …
i saw that lucky dog seeds co. named one of his current lines
“chemnesia”, just like i did with my (amnesia x chem)-combo
a few years back.

… and now i bumped into another line called “chewie”, lol?
i also made something called chewie in 2016 → stardawg x sour diesel


it’s weird and i am sure just a conincidence, since Lucky Dog has no reason
to even notice such a little shrimp like me. (i bet he doesn’t even know that i am
around, LOL) … but … yeah, it’s still kinda weird, haha. (great minds think alike :joy: )

luckily no one will ever be too confused, since mine won’t get as much attention
as his (plus, i never released mine openly) … but it’s “mean” (lol), cuz i think the
names fit better to my varieties :laughing: