SAN checking in @ OG

I try for a bit of tip burn then back off a bit ,biggest issue your right is when there budding they need fed enough to keep up .
Good luck with this round.


You play BL2?


YES :rofl:
we still make ā€œcaptain scarletā€-and ā€œmr.torgueā€-jokes and imitate
handsome jack, tiny tina or professor tannis or my wife dresses up
like mad moxxi in bed ect.

it took overhand at some point, but we canā€™t stop ā€¦ :joy:

itā€™s the same with auralnauts (check on you tube).
we just canā€™t stop joking about it ā€¦ almost daily, lol.

ā€œtreeworld, we GROW hard ā€¦ā€ (lol)
(the ewoks making up the beat is even kinda really cool, haha.)



ooh, nice ā€¦
i think i see some sour and larry in those leafs.
squatter ones will be cheesier when narrowleafed & ā€˜larry-erā€™ when
broader-leafed. the stretchy ones will be more diesel in general :slight_smile:


Thanks ! seen your genetics on Great Lakes - if I remember right they didnā€™t have the strain I was looking for. need to go back and get the names of. Always like to make donation to breeder or trade Thanks @santero from one seed ā€œaddictā€ to another


you are not a ā€œcustomerā€ and i am not a commercial breeder :wink:

please donā€™t be shy, bro ā€¦ i only sell a few of the lines so i can freely share
out the rest. just hit me with a private message and i take care of you too :slight_smile:


Nice, you still play? I played thousands of hours back in the day until my ps3 died and I had to start over. Made a new account but never fully finished any characters


Although it was not to my liking , EVERYONE ELSE LOVED YOUR GDP. I dont like the taste , like Skunk Tangerine , just cant do anything that , to ME , has a ā€œperfumeyā€ scent .

All raved over the flavor and everyone loved her high .

Ran 2 , one was green other purple . Both taste same , smoke same to me .

All who smoked it wanted more , guess at times my taste in bud is different than a lot of people .


happens to me a lot too, bro ā€¦ donā€™t worry.
we canā€™t like everything all the time, right?

at least your buddies found some enjoyment smoking them :wink:

i know that i had great fun sharing them over :slight_smile:
so, in case i can help you out again, then donā€™t hesitate to ask.


You can not advertise on OG without becoming a sponsor. Please reach out to the @moderators for guidance.


Morning @DougDawson

Itā€™s nice to see San get some recognition heā€™s been around a long time is the most generous person I know and has great stuff


But someone else can put up the link ?

: )


Good morning @Jetdro


makes me think ā€¦ doug is 100% right (!)
it would be kinda sad if this place gets ā€œmissusedā€ in any form.

please check for the rules and maybe then something can be arranged :wink:

if i ever posted anything that could be seen as self-advertisement
or commercial spam then please link it here and weā€™ll sort it out :slight_smile:
(but iā€™m pretty sure, people understand why iā€™m here and what i do.)


anyhoo, lol ā€¦

the berries i announced are hanging :slight_smile:

i have dusted four of my favorite BNP 2.0 ladies and they have some f2 in their bellies.
the crosses also went all quite well and i see nice brown healthy beans. all ready to travel
to anyone wanting to enjoy some ā€œberry nice plantsā€-genetics :strawberry: :cherries: :kiwi_fruit: :pie: :candy: :yum:
( please gimme a little while to get them out of the buds and give them a little rest/cure. )


Hey hermano, hope youā€™ve been well! I wanted to ask you about the Chocolate Trip (Katsu cut) x Lemon Thai; do you recall the flowering time on this one? Also curious about the effects, the Lemon Thai is great and potent stuff, but I was curious how you thought the effects compare to CT on itā€™s own. Thanks again and all the best.


Strawberry Rhazmatazz should give me a look at the BNP, no? That one sounds good to me. Iā€™d love to find something fruity that packs a solid punch.


Iā€™m sure san will have better info for you but I grew that one awhile ago. It got me and my friends pretty fucked up on some of the phenos. Phenos had a variety of different smells.Lemon, lime,wood, rubber, spicy and a gum like smell.

Didnā€™t really do em justice but hereā€™s some pics. I wanna say theyā€™re 10-12 weeks ish. I think I took mine at 10 but they could have gone a bit longer. Mine looked butchered and beat up by the end of flower for that grow. Nice tall spear buds though.


Wow great work and many thanks for sharing hermano! :fire::call_me_hand:

Sounds killer and that Lemon Thai really brings the potency to whatever it touches. I always thought the idea that OG had Lemon Thai was absurd, now that Iā€™ve grown more of it, it definitely carries a potency thatā€™s familiar from OGs. I donā€™t have much experience with Chocolate Trip and have been eyeing it, but Iā€™ve got SANs awesome work and was hoping it would have an interesting effect. Thanks again man


dear @moderators
i talked to ken from seedheaven about those links that are popping up on this board lately.

can this account please be banned / discontinued ?
posting such obvious spam would absolutely NOT be his style.

there seems to be someone impersonating seedheaven here. ken said itā€™s not him.
but someone is posting random links to the shop. itā€™s probably just a lame attempt to
make the shop look bad :roll_eyes:


Yes I was a bit worried as I was waiting for an order to be processed (which is good now). It was presumably the same guy who started an account on RIU at the same time. And the point of that other account appeared to be to post links to a bulk seed outlet in Spain.


i have an issue with someone here, can you please look into it.

first the seedheaven thing in my thread and now this dude, lol ā€¦
(this is not my week :smile:)

i am sorry for any inconvenience ā€¦
i know you have better things to do (!)