SAN checking in @ OG

of course :slight_smile: the “WOx” made by friends in australia.
White Fire X (Oaxacan / Mullum) is the lineage and i
used a “sativa”-pheno to make the seeds i send over.


“WOx v1” was made with WiFi Pheno #3
“WOx v2” was made with WiFi Pheno #2

i used the v2 in this specific cross, which is more satty-leainng.
other have also recieved lines form the v1-cross = could end up
with more wifi expression, but still quite satty in general, due to
the c5bx-father (-> emperor haze “IX” = c5 haze x jack herer).


Great stuff right there that la mera mota and down under thunder sound heavenly heard so much good about the c5 and Oaxacan always with the killer selections @santero


it never stops :pensive:

five of my own lines (red, blue, yellow, purple and white) and one single little
cap junky x chem91 from @GCBudz, plus 3 of the “g-thang” (that’s how i call
it for short, lol.) that @moka kindly send over :slight_smile:

(the other half is also full of seedlings, but i am not telling about those, hehe …)


yummy yummy! :smiley:

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Meridian Haze

The trichomes are clear to cloudy, but I’ll be chopping this weekend as temps are quickly dropping. I hit a couple of branches with Destroyer pollen, it’ll be four weeks on Saturday. Hope the seeds will be viable.


Oh man that’s exciting! Can’t wait to see the Meridian and the Chocolate TK :heart_eyes:


indeed, my brother :slight_smile: i’m curious about the “chocolate deluxe”-tk bx too.
let’s see if the chocolate comes through, maybe it’s “just another OG” :rofl:

the “meridian” is on my list to work further into a “c5 haze bx3”-type.

my friend @prisma has also some on board and we will stick our heads together to
make it become a reality for anyone (for FREE!!). i want this to happen rather sooner,
than later … because we already saw what can happen if we let this slide (there was
some greedy people holding their hands open and telling cute stories for a mere repro
of the bx2 only months after my first shares :roll_eyes:)


now that already looks really nice, the stocky structure is coming from the emperor haze.
the c5 stretches a bit more and gets taller (altho, i dunno what size yours was before flip.)
what kind of smell does she give off, bro? crossing her to destroyer = a “sativa” monster is
appearing on the horizon and darkening the sun, haha :star_struck:


Hell yeah to C5 BX3! :fire:

I lost my NorthStar (C5SensiStar/A5NL5) #4 cut a couple weeks back :cry: I have some Dragonfruit Thai’s to select through to make room in the veg tent again and then I might just have to start that pack of Meridian Haze you sent me last year. Least give you/us some more to compare to :wink:


ah, damn … that’s always sad to read when keepers get lost :frowning:

although i understand that it will never bring back “the one” that was lost
(i bet, we all have experienced something similar at some point!), there
could still be a form of substitute in the (a5hz x c5hz bx) i send over (?)

that one would be a not-so-bad chance to re-explore
in that direction. i hope you find your lady back, bro :mask:


Thanks! Yeah that’s definitely an option and one I’ll get into before too long! I still have a few NorthStar beans left I could look through too. I think I like the C5 a bit better tho lol I should hopefully be getting that Kasper Hauser soon too :wink:


Looking great over here, nice green and healthy :ok_hand:


Yay! Some SAN-lines in the dirt! Great selection with the OGs, chocolates and hazez right there!

Wondering how that Choco kush was on it’s own? What’s the father in the TK BX, Cocoa Kush or another one?


it was my chocolate kush (v1)
= triangle kush x chocolate diesel F4 male
this went back to the tk :wink: = bx1.

i even made an bx2 but only very few seeds.
and then i lost her :cry: since then i am looking
to get her back but that is not easy.


luckily @Dirt_Wizard helped me to get some of @dinopartychucks tk s1 over.
so, i will skip through those and have some fun with his… it’s “not the worst” :smile:

dirt and dr.dino !
fenk jou very mutch, sirs.


Damn, csi was the only one I was aware of who has tks1. Said it was notoriously hard to self that cut. I’ve had my eye on a pack for awhile but it’s very pricey. Also says some of the phenos are better than the cut which would be crazy.

I still never ran my choc kush yet.


love Toshiro Mifune - he would be a great tester ha ha ha :fire:


Dino reversed it, and so did Matt (RIP) of Goat and Monkey, there are a few of those packs floating around still. I think Dino has S1’d quite a few things including the Chem D or 91 and his Black Light Bubba

Edit: right, I just looked at my packs of Black Light Bubba S1 and the lineage is Black Light Fantasy x Bubba Kush reversal so add Bubba S1 to the list


Yeah Goat and Monkey is where I’d look for TK reversal work outside of CSI. I’d love to look at a pack of his Chem 91 x TK. They look so damn similar :drooling_face:


At least Reeferman is now giving some credit for using meridian haze in his work…

He also speaks briefly about the meridian in the first few minutes of this video:


That’s nice he’s giving credit but that lineage breakdown there is a bit weird for what it actually is :face_with_monocle:

And he says it takes 11-12 weeks SOG method in the 2nd paragraph of the Strain Details section, but in Cultivation Tips he says 12-18 weeks :thinking:


Indeed is a confusing breakdown…And who knows why he’s calling it an f4 release :laughing: