SCAM WARNING: Spanish Growshop > Tucultivo.Net

I’m not defending them but it used to be common practice to take seeds out of the original packaging to hide them during international shipping. I have lots of ACE and CBG seeds out of the packaging that got hidden in different areas of the box.


I got them at a local shop. They were sealed in Ace’s breeder pack. I bought them 3 years ago.

This is also done, besides using the breeder packs for these retail sales. We can only grow the product. I know a Peyote Purple when I see one. The same could be said of Panama x Deep Chunk. I will let you know in a couple of months.


Since 1st April it is not necessary to hide anything, because I’m from Germany and it is legalized. I’m allowed to order seeds within EU, to germinated them, to grow them and to smoke the weed. And for sure they know this. Generally I could use an attorney and prosecute :wink:

And they didn’t hide anything, considering the wrapping.

This is very interesting to read for me, because especially the Malawi is on my top-list. ACE claims it is a P4! No F1. P4 means just a landrace they rebreeded four times. The following generation P5 should have no quality loss compared to the P4, because it was never hybridized. Should this also be just any lie? Next run I will grow the Malawi, because I know this business bases on own experience. You can just do it. I will see…

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If you can get a sealed pack from Ace you will not be disappointed.
The research I did before growing Malawi pointed to it being crossed with Pakistani Chitral Kush. But still you can get phenos leaning one way or the other. And all 3 plants I grew produced fantastic smoke.


This is definitely the owner and all of his employees puling the scam, they are pretty scummy about it all - and to top it off, they are not even able to complete the original order

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I already have a pack in the fridge. Ordered from ACE-shop. I was fast enough. :wink: The Destroyer was just an occasion I wanted to use, because this would have been a gem, which is not available anymore.

But even if the Malawi is “spoiled” by the PCK, it would be just a cross of two landrace strains which is for sure better than all the genetics which were breeded for decades in growtents und broom closets out of hundreds of other hybrids.

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if you are seeking Malawi Gold, why would you grow ACE"s Malawi that is polluted with Pakistani Chitral Kush? They used Seeds of Africa stock, which is more on the narcotic side so you wouldn’t even be getting the effects associated with the legendary Malawi Gold, AND it’s polluted with indica genetics.

If I were you, I would rather try Afropips Malawi Gold, maybe TLT Malawi Gold could be interesting. Check out Landrace seed links - #99 by PineTarBastard for more info on landrace sources.


When you can tell me a reliable source for Afropips I will order seeds. Concerning The Landrace Team I’ve read bad things about them on the ICMAG. Have you ever grown their seeds? I was interested in the Corinto, but they want 200 $ and there is a thread about someone who grow it in ICMAC and after seeing his pics I don’t want to breed this, at least not for that price. He bought 10 seeds for 200,- bucks, nine seeds germinated and he got nine female plants. No males…

edit: I’ve found the thread again:

“All 9 plants look to be female so there goes my plan of helping preserve the strain. I think 10 seeds is not really enough, especially given the price.”


I have experience with ACE Malawi, Golden Tiger and Panama. They’re all polluted with indica, ACE is not honest about the genetic lineage and i had to find out first hand that the posts on icmag were correct about them being touched (even though dubi scrubbed a lot of the critical posts b.c of his sponsorship moneys). ACE has established a following and surely has spent some marketing money to ensure the reputation looks good enough for people to try the seeds. I regret not doing a deeper dive before wasting my time with ACE genetics, the info was there all along, you just haveto really dig for it.

In conclusion, ACE does have interesting genetics, much of it originated from vibes collective and cannabiogen. ACE does not have integrity to post be transparent about pure sativa lineage and for that reason I am reluctant to continue trying other lines originating from them unless I know it’s from somebody else and they DID NOT do any breeding work with it. Don’t get me wrong, I do want to try many of the lines offered, but as far as my pure sativa hunting goes - i do not wish to waste time with lines that have been polluted when i’m seeking pure. IF ACE corrected the listings, it would go a long way to start to re-build trust in his brand.


And here goes all my hope and also my money… Thank you for the info. It seems we have to go ourself out there. But I can tell you, I was in Cambodia 2007, 2008 and 2010. And 2007 there was still pure sativa weed available at Bon Kak Lake area in Phnom Penh. 2008 in Sihanoukville they already told me proudly, that they used Dutch seeds to grow the weed. It would be stronger… So even if you go out there, you have to go out very, very far. :wink:


I know this is OT. Just lingering in memories. It looked like this:


Thanks for the info. HaHa “stronger” —actually it’s the opposite IME but I can see the desire to get more THC dominant plants that finish faster. At the end of the day, the customers they’re selling to are infatuated with the western marketing and any association with that hype. So commercial driven interests/pressures often influence their decision making - surely they want to ensure more harvests per year and a greater return of $$ for their efforts.


I wasn’t allowed ro reply for many hours, because I’m a new user. I had to wait over night.

You’r absolutely right. The Cambodians are not stupid and understood fast that the Dutch hybrids are cash croppers and they really need the money. But the commercial interests destroyed so much, not only the landraces. The beach above was pristine when I was there 2008, but already at this time there was a small town in the background and no fishermen village anymore like in the 90th. Now there are ruins of unfinished skyscrapers the Chinese left, when Covid came. It’s said the Chinese came over night and started to build up Skyscrapers and flooded the town with Chinese package Tourists. And when Covid came, all was left, many buildings unfinished and they never turned back, because the Companies are bancrupt now. It must be eerie there today. And the Bon Kak Lake in Phnom Penh does not exsist anymore, because the Chinese builded up some more Skyscrapers there.
Everything dissapears so fast, one just want to catch it until it is too late. It’s the same with the landraces. I’m first time at the point where I say, I want to rebreed strains just to preserve them and not only to grow my own weed.


There’s still a stock of Destroyer and a few other CBG strains sold by a trustable spain source. List of available beans not so long ago:


Beware that there’s no more original CBG packaging, beans are sold in basically the same one than what you received from tucultivo. So who knows, maybe they’re legit? I would not bet on that, but worth popping them to see. I’ll try to do some graphology with the pack I got to compare the hand writing with yours :laughing:

Oh and welcome aboard!

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This would be very interesting. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your links. But I looked inside and my feeling is the same like for It is a lottery. Maybe this are really old Destroyer seeds from any private stash, but I doubt this. When the CBG strains really got so rare, why should anybody sell them on the net for normal prices? It is so easy to exchange the seeds and put any seeds inside. Without original wrapping it is a lottery. I will put one plant aside, when I grow other stuff. This is not much effort. I can tell you next year what I got. I bet it is any mediocre indica hybrid. Most likely auto fem.

I bookmarked your post. I’m very curious. As I said, I will put a plant aside next run, but I don’t grow during summer, its to difficult to regulate temperatures indoor for me. I can tell you next year.

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I’m very curious which phenotypes will pop up. Here on the board some people seem to be sure, that there is PCK in the ACE-Malawi. I take it very serious when people say, that there are indica genes visible in the Malawi, but who knows which indica genes? Why do you think it is especially the PCK? Does it definetely looks so? Couldn’t it be also a natural effect? Couldn’t it also be possible, that this landrace is influenced by other local plants which lean more to the indica side? Couldn’t it be, that the Malawi was already bred by locals who outcrossed a very long flowering version of the Malawi to shorten flowering? I can’t believe, that a pure landrace is that potent without any human influence. I mean the indica influence is not necessarily done by ACE.


I hear you on anyone selling CBG nowadays.

Just so you know though, the link I pointed to in the CBG thread is as legit as it can. Certainly not a lottery.

That person (rafa) has been around since a while in Spain and is still well known. He’s a friend of kaiki from CBG and has taken back the CBG fertilizer business and is selling the last seeds from the CBG stock through a spain seedbank that has been around for 10+ years. If you want the last legit CBG beans to buy, that’s the only last source left.

Otherwise, you’ll find that there’s a lot of people holding CBG work more or less privately. There’s even some breeders selling repros or crosses of some lines too.

Use the search function, you’ll find interesting things (including that there is PCK in ACE malawi) :wink: