Scammer Alert?!

I tagged my personal page as a hint, and I tagged someone who owns a Cannabinoid Testing Lab, and another person who is highly respected in the hash making industry.

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A hint? Come on, you can do better than that?
How many accounts do you have on Overgrow? Lol
Can you prove who you were before June 1st 2020?

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@Vagabond_Windy please shoot any other questions you have. Let’s shake hands like gentlemen and put this behind us.

Clearly I was defensive and I apologize for that, but I wouldn’t be defensive if I didn’t have an honest thing going. I appreciate you looking out for the community. But can we act like men conclude this?


No shit? I hate PayPal so much…they don’t listen to anything you say (I got banned to because someone here put “seeds” in the sale description) :man_facepalming:t3:

Had no idea Canada can’t use Venmo, cash app, Apple Pay.


Have a good day

it seems every time I answer a question you have another. Who was I before June 1st… nobody… I wasn’t around. That’s when I joined OG.

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anyways, I clear up the fact that is my seed page handle on IG (spaceboundgenetics2.0) as my first one was banned.

I only accept crypto because I can’t accept any of form of payment at the moment.

All my seed packs are original breeder packs. Those who bought them can and have vouched. I’ve documented the grows and breedings and you can see them publicly. they are NOT random, and they are NOT pollen chucks.

Others have vouched about my character and legitimacy.

I think that’s about it on this situation.

…I don’t really know what else to tell you. Sorry you feel so strongly about this.


Thank you for looking out for the community @Vagabond_Windy.

Please reach out to Danny via PM if there are additional questions. I think it’s been sufficiently established who is who. If there are continuing issues or concerns, please tag or PM the moderation team.

Closed this thread.