Sebring's Perpetual No-till Living Organics

I’ll be the first to send what ever you need where ever you need old friend once you get the new pay portal up. Thank you and I’m much appreciative


Will you be reaching out to others on the list to arrange shipping?

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Shipping cost payment, yes. :slight_smile:
I’m sending the second half of the packages tonight!



I’ve been thinking a little about it and I initially thought of the giving hands in some fashion but I like the slogan lots of weed users use, “Sharing is Caring”. CAn’t help you on the graphics right now. peace

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First image is the best of the three, just my opinion


I agree. It’s simple and attractive.
I really like @GMan’s suggestion of “sharing is caring”. Going to see how it looks as part of the logo.


In order of preference 1, 3, 2.

You have to be careful with reds in advertising or logos as unconsciously it represents danger. If most of your clients are adrenaline junkies, that might work in your favour.

Lines at angles represent movement, vertical lines represent authority and power, strong in the centre and less at the sides, horizontal lines relax the autonomic nervous system. That’s why looking at the sea is relaxing watching lots of horizontal lines or waves coming towards you.


Pic of a patient with a mmj plant as a IV pole with mmj seeds coming out of the tube going into his arm with the caring is sharing logo,and a green cross some where in the art work?

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Awesome! Is that SOP for a seed run? Is there neglect guidance anywhere or would the LITFA docs suffice?

Logos: 1st or 2nd. Not nuts about the red cross. Also wonder if you’ve looked at sans-serif (at least) for the bottom font. It seems a little busy. I have no training in this.

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Pretty much like them in the order you posted them with the top being most appealing and bottom being least.

Now, if you change the red cross in the bottom one to green it would move up at minimum 1 slot…


When I’m testing a strain, prior to doing a seed run of it, I neglect and abuse it the way a new grower would. If it survives and produces decent flower, then I do a seed run where the plants get babied and nurtured! I try very hard to not disperse weak genetics. :slight_smile:


This one for me. Or number two above, but with a green heart instead of red. Love your work mate. Overgrow!


Interesting. Would think you would need about 20 or more to get good results. Not gonna do this with a fem pack of 3 seeds :slight_smile:

If there are any packs of the A11 left I’d sure like to hoard some away in my stash.


I like them in the order they appear with the first being the best

@Shadey if you’re not in advertising you should be

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Yes, it’s best to run a bunch of seeds at once. I expect a small amount of plants that just won’t make it, but if more than a couple die, or just aren’t cutting it, during the neglect phase then I know the line needs worked more, or abandoned, depending on how attached I am to the strain. With a 3 pack I’d be doing a small seed run and using those progeny seeds as the basis of the testing.

@pedro_bann yes, I’ll get them shipped to you today.

I like some of the various slogans, but I haven’t found one that’s short and really fits.
Plant more seeds - is winning
Sharing is caring - is good, but almost ignored as a phrase

I’ll post up some of the suggestions about color changes, etc., tonight.


What about : quality assured
: medicinal quality guaranteed
: harvested with care
: hand crafted with compassion
: Mom & Dr approved
: healing with herb no addictions

Hopefully one of those will work for you @Sebring


I paint pictures, and used to be a psychotherapist, it’s the psychology of shapes and color. Understanding what triggers a person to react and buy your pic or product is important.

Knowing your demographic you are trying to target and creating a logo/advertising aimed at that demographic is easier if you understand the psychology of what you use to do it with.

I have designed and created some logos for people’s businesses. I would change reds for dark blue’s as that relaxes the autonomic nervous system and removes any danger signals.

We are all different so these things affect us all to different degrees but the basics are the same for most.

Yellow is a low stimulant color connected to intellectual things, like learning and thinking.
If you read something through a yellow tint your brain absorbs that information easier.

Greens are nuturing compassion colors.

Blues are healing and communication.

Browns and Black’s are more liked by depressed people, they are low stimulant colors.

Grey’s are a neutral color.